Re: possible bug?

2021-12-25 Thread Jean Abou Samra
For what it's worth, strict-note-spacing et al. are known to have some quirks. The corresponding issues are Regards, Jean

Re[2]: possible bug?

2021-12-25 Thread E Appeldoorn
Yay that looks exactly like Brittens score. I'll be on the look out for such an implementation. And indeed, something that is not yet possible isn't a bug. Always good to know it wasn't me. ;-) Thanks vriendelijke groet, Erik Appeldoorn -- Origineel bericht -- Van: "Lukas-Fabian Moser"

Re: possible bug?

2021-12-25 Thread Lukas-Fabian Moser
Hi Erik, Just showing one other bar that looks suddenly awfull with strict spacing << \new Staff \relative c'' { es4-- r8   \tuplet 5/4 {f32([ ges as ges f)]}   es8^.[ \acciaccatura {a} bes^!] es,4-- | } >> Thanks, that really is not desirable. The \newSpacingSection command also introducing

Re[2]: possible bug?

2021-12-25 Thread E Appeldoorn
Thanks Lukas (and others) but after applying \override Score.SpacingSpanner.strict-grace-spacing = ##t the score still gets squashed and mangled. It is a larger and complex score (Thanks to B Britten) and sometimes a solution in one bar creates an error in an other. I still lean towards it bein

Re: possible bug?

2021-12-25 Thread Lukas-Fabian Moser
And one addition: I did try the options you then gave me. (context \score \override SpacingSpanner.strict-note-spacing = ##t and also \override Score.SpacingSpanner.strict-grace-spacing = ##t) The relationship between those two settings is not at all obvious from the documentation: https:/

Re[2]: possible bug?

2021-12-25 Thread E Appeldoorn
While the strict note spacing does solve the problems lilypond throws up during this bar it does create a load more along the way in other bars. Just showing one other bar that looks suddenly awfull with strict spacing << \new Staff \relative c'' { es4-- r8 \tuplet 5/4 {f32([ ges as ges f)]

Re: possible bug?

2021-12-25 Thread Hans Aikema
> On 25 Dec 2021, at 18:59, E Appeldoorn wrote: > > HI all and merry christmas > > A couple of weeks ago I had a question about a spacing problem I have in a > score. After many trials that did not solve anything I'm coming to the > conclusion that there might be a bug with the \appoggiatura

Re: possible bug?

2021-12-25 Thread Lukas-Fabian Moser
What would be the correct way to engrave this? Space the 4 16ths evenly, put the two 8ths above their corresponding 16ths and squeezing the appoggiatura notes in? What if there's not enough place left for them - should the 16ths then be spaced further apart (evenly) until it fits? Even if th

Re: possible bug?

2021-12-25 Thread Lukas-Fabian Moser
Hi Erik, Am 25.12.21 um 18:59 schrieb E Appeldoorn: I have created a complete bare minimum of a trial, one bar, two voices. While that's much closer to a minimal example than your previous examples, it's still far from being a bare minimum. That would be something like: \version "2.22" <<

possible bug?

2021-12-25 Thread E Appeldoorn
HI all and merry christmas A couple of weeks ago I had a question about a spacing problem I have in a score. After many trials that did not solve anything I'm coming to the conclusion that there might be a bug with the \appoggiatura and the \acciaccatura. I did try the options you then gave me