Re: Removing dynamics from PartCombined staff

2021-09-18 Thread Carl Sorensen
From: lilypond-user on behalf of Peter Toye Reply-To: Peter Toye Date: Saturday, September 18, 2021 at 9:03 AM To: Kieren MacMillan Cc: David Kastrup , Lilypond-User Mailing List Subject: Re: Removing dynamics from PartCombined staff Hello Kieren, One solution (possibly the easiest to

Re: Gissando

2021-09-18 Thread Carlos R Martinez
Hi Peter, We’re you able to solve it. I believe I used the glissando map but only from one note to the other. This is how I was told I can do it and it worked \relative c'' { \slashedGrace { a8 } \once \set glissandoMap = #'((1 . 1)) 2\(-\tweak #'style #'trill \glissando 8 16 \) }|%m14

Re: Gissando

2021-09-18 Thread Peter Toye
Hi Carlos I've had a similar problem, and I think the documentation  for glissandoMap is a bit misleading as it seems to imply hat you need a gliss line for each note.  I've suggested a documentation patch to clarify. Best regards, Peter ---

Re: Removing dynamics from PartCombined staff

2021-09-18 Thread Kieren MacMillan
Hi Peter, > One solution (possibly the easiest to implement) would be to have a > PartCombine version which combines only notes, and nothing else. I have a dream… a dream that one day, I learn enough Scheme and can dedicate enough time to rewrite the part-combine mechanism to solve some / many

Re: Removing dynamics from PartCombined staff

2021-09-18 Thread Peter Toye
Hello Kieren, One solution (possibly the easiest to implement) would be to have a PartCombine version which combines only notes, and nothing else.   I think I'm just going to write a separate piano part.  Or leave it out completely and rely on the pianist's ability to read four staves. Quite a

Re: position of slur conflicts with fingeringq

2021-09-18 Thread Knute Snortum
On Fri, Sep 17, 2021 at 5:09 PM Carlos Martinez wrote: > > Hi, > > What is the way to move the fingering or the phrasing slur so they don’t > conflict. Can I move the fingering just a tad up…. ? You could try... %%% \relative c'{ \override Fingering.outside-staff-priority = 2000 g'8 b g\( b

Re: Concert pitch question (confused ex-tuba player)

2021-09-18 Thread JxStarks
I frequently speak in generalities, trying to show a pattern rather than an exact example. Thank you for your clarification. I apologize for any confusion I caused. Jerry On Sat, Sep 18, 2021, 1:47 AM Lukas-Fabian Moser wrote: > Hi Jerry, > > Am 18.09.21 um 00:22 schrieb JxStarks: > > Hi Kennet