\version "2.22.1"
\clef bass
\time 5/4 r8 r16. g32 f32 a32 d32 a32 r8 r2 r4
r1 r4
r2 f32 d32 g32 a,32 a32 r16. r4 r4
r1 r4
% The whole bar rests below are too wide.
\clef bass
\time 5/4 r8 r16. g32 f32 a32 d32 a32 r8 r2 r4
r2 f32 d32 g32 a,32 a32 r16. r4 r4
> Le 10/08/2021 13:30, Valentin Petzel a écrit :
> Hello!
> Sometimes Lilypond can run a bit wider than engraved scores would do. The
> official way to mitigate this (as given by the Documentation) is setting
> Score.SpacingSpanner.base-shortest-duration. Sometimes this does not give the
Sometimes Lilypond can run a bit wider than engraved scores would do. The
official way to mitigate this (as given by the Documentation) is setting
Score.SpacingSpanner.base-shortest-duration. Sometimes this does not give the
result we want, so we need to use different spacing parameters