Hey Gang,
Is there a way to make all broken slurs look like they were a single slur that
was broken at its apex? So the first half would terminate at horizontal, and
the second half would begin at horizontal. That way they would really look like
continuous entities, instead of ki
Le 25/04/2021 à 20:32, Jean Abou Samra a écrit :
The length of the measure is not taken into account
at all. Here's a fixed version:
Work great, many thanks !
Le 25/04/2021 à 17:58, fremoin a écrit :
Le 29/03/2021 à 12:31, Thomas Morley a écrit :
Here a fixed version:
This version works nicely with \time 4/4 but gives an odd result with
other \time :
\version "2.23.2"
\layout {
\override Score.BarNumber.br
Le 29/03/2021 à 12:31, Thomas Morley a écrit :
Here a fixed version:
This version works nicely with \time 4/4 but gives an odd result with
other \time :
\version "2.23.2"
\layout {
\override Score.BarNumber.break-visibility = ##(#t #t #t)
Helge Kruse writes:
> Hello,
> corresponding to
> http://lilypond.org/doc/v2.19/Documentation/notation/inside-the-staff#Ausgewahlte-Schnipsel-21
> I want to change the position of the fingering. This doesn't work in my
> case. Wrong's wrong here?
> \version "2.19.80"
> \relative c' {
corresponding to
I want to change the position of the fingering. This doesn't work in my
case. Wrong's wrong here?
\version "2.19.80"
\relative c' {
\key es\major
\clef bass
\set fingeri