Re: Repeated durations: pitches vs rests

2021-02-21 Thread Andrew Bernard
Ties rests make no musical sense, even in relation to programmatically generated music. Why cant you just have a rest of the appropriate duration? You can have dotted rests you know, and durations can be scaled as can note durations. a

Re: Repeated durations: pitches vs rests

2021-02-21 Thread David Bellows
Hello Andrew, > It's just the syntax. A 16 without a note will produce a note, not a rest, even after a rest. > People don't normally put ties on rests - does not quite make sense, as a ties means hold the note and don't articulate, whereas silence cant be articulated anýway. So if a duration wi

Re: Repeated durations: pitches vs rests

2021-02-21 Thread Andrew Bernard
Its not a bug. It's just the syntax. A 16 without a note will produce a note, not a rest, even after a rest. There would be a dozen different possibilities for syntax, but that's how it is. Is it that hard to make the computer program emit an r for a rest? People don't normally put ties on res

Repeated durations: pitches vs rests

2021-02-21 Thread David Bellows
The following: {c4 16} produces a quarter note C followed by a 16th note C The following: {c4 16 r4 16} Produces a quarter C, 16th C, quarter rest, 16th C I had hoped that the last 16th would be a rest. This came about while trying out this code: {c4~ 16 r4~ 16} which produces the tie with

Re: Black borders with table using \markuplist and please center

2021-02-21 Thread Adam Good
Hi Pierre, Thank you very much for this solution. My numbers were just thrown in for an example and in reality I have varying strings on text so line length would need to be played with. Adam On Sun, Feb 21, 2021 at 3:46 PM Pierre Perol-Schneider <> wrote: > Oops

Re: Black borders with table using \markuplist and please center

2021-02-21 Thread Pierre Perol-Schneider
Oops, forget the 'baseline-skip... Again: \version "2.22.0" cell = \markup \override #'(line-join-style . miter) \override #'(line-cap-style . square) \path #.3 #'((moveto -1.5 -1.5)(lineto -1.5 3)(lineto 3 3)(lineto 3 -1.5)) \markup \fill-line { \column \override #'(padding . -.3)

Re: Black borders with table using \markuplist and please center

2021-02-21 Thread Pierre Perol-Schneider
Hi Adam, Here's my attempt: \version "2.22.0" cell = \markup \override #'(line-join-style . miter) \override #'(line-cap-style . square) \path #.3 #'((moveto -1.5 -1.5)(lineto -1.5 3)(lineto 3 3)(lineto 3 -1.5)) \markup \fill-line { \column \override #'(baseline-skip . -.3) \overrid

Re: Black borders with table using \markuplist and please center

2021-02-21 Thread Adam Good
Harm thank you very much! I feel centered. If anyone could come up with a solution for borders it would be a nice option. best, Adam On Sun, Feb 21, 2021 at 11:57 AM Thomas Morley wrote: > Am So., 21. Feb. 2021 um 17:24 Uhr schrieb Adam Good < >>: > > > > Hi Everyone, >

Re: Black borders with table using \markuplist and please center

2021-02-21 Thread Thomas Morley
Am So., 21. Feb. 2021 um 17:24 Uhr schrieb Adam Good : > > Hi Everyone, > I can make this pretty little table, see below but could someone please help > me add borders / gridlines around the cells? And, I'd like to be able to > center the table to the middle of the page. > > Thank you in advance!

Re: Accidental placement with simultaneous music

2021-02-21 Thread Brian Barker
At 09:11 21/02/2021 -0600, John Schlomann wrote: I'm probably missing a simple fix for this. In the following example the natural sign on the f4 in the first voice is placed to the left of the a4 in the second voice. I can't seem to find a way to fix this. Or is this considered acceptable? El

Black borders with table using \markuplist and please center

2021-02-21 Thread Adam Good
Hi Everyone, I can make this pretty little table, see below but could someone please help me add borders / gridlines around the cells? And, I'd like to be able to center the table to the middle of the page. Thank you in advance! Adam %%% \markuplist { \override #'(padding . 4) \table #'(0 0 0

Re: Accidental placement with simultaneous music

2021-02-21 Thread Kevin Barry
Hi John, It looks acceptable to me. I can't imagine where else the natural sign would go. If you have a preference (or a source that does it differently) please let us know: I'm sure there's a way to make it do what you want. Kevin On Sun, 21 Feb 2021 at 15:12, John Schlomann wrote: > > I’m pro

Accidental placement with simultaneous music

2021-02-21 Thread John Schlomann
I'm probably missing a simple fix for this. In the following example the natural sign on the f4 in the first voice is placed to the left of the a4 in the second voice. I can't seem to find a way to fix this. Or is this considered acceptable? The other accidentals in the measure are correct. \

Frescobaldi and python-poppler-qt5 build failure

2021-02-21 Thread Andrew Bernard
Issue #43 stops python-poppler-qt5 being built, and prevents me from using Frescobaldi on Arch Linux. According to the github page this project is actively maintained, but is there anybody currently looking at issues? It would be great to h