lilyglyphs issue?

2020-09-08 Thread Fernando Gil
I'm sorry if this question does not belong here: I'm sorry if this question does not belong here. I'm trying to use lilyglyphs with TeX but no matter if it's a large code or a small one like this one below, it prints a square as you can see in the attachment. I've tried changing the text font bu

Re: Dynamics context

2020-09-08 Thread Knute Snortum
Here is an example of using custom dynamic spanners in the Dynamic Context: %%% \version "2.20.0" rh = \relative c' { c4 c c c| d4^\mf d d d| } lh = \relative c { \clef bass f4_\mp f f f | g4 g g g | } dyn = \relative { s4\ff s s s\pp | \override TextSpanner.bound-details.left.tex

Re: Force \compressFullBarRests

2020-09-08 Thread Martín Rincón Botero
sorry, it seems Keith was the author of the above script. Am Di., 8. Sept. 2020 um 21:41 Uhr schrieb Martín Rincón Botero <>: > actually, this works for me only in the example given here > > Perha

Re: Force \compressFullBarRests

2020-09-08 Thread Martín Rincón Botero
actually, this works for me only in the example given here Perhaps someone (maybe Kieren) might explain to me how this script is properly used? Am Di., 8. Sept. 2020 um 21:29 Uhr schrieb Martín Rincón Botero < martinrinconbot.

Re: Force \compressFullBarRests

2020-09-08 Thread Martín Rincón Botero
Ah, I found this old script by Kieren that seems to do the trick :-). #(define (append-merge x l r) "Add x to the head of list l, merging skips, and if r is true also merging full measure rests." (if (and (pair? l) (ly:music? x) (ly:music? (car l)) (or (and (musi

Coping with digests, was Re: adding chordmode chord modifiers

2020-09-08 Thread David Wright
On Tue 08 Sep 2020 at 17:07:08 (+0100), antlists wrote: > On 08/09/2020 03:21, Randy Josleyn wrote: > > > > (By the way, I switched to a daily digest for lilypond-user emails > > and I'm not sure about how replies work from them. I've made > > mistakes with how replies to a list work before, so I

Re: Dynamics context

2020-09-08 Thread Martín Rincón Botero
Hey Ben, good question. I write contemporary classical music. In my score, for example, I have an independent tempo variable as a workaround for the current Lilypond lack of "tempo spanners" like rit., accel., etc. I merge this together in the score, and in the parts. Though not ideal, this is a m

Re: Dynamics context

2020-09-08 Thread Paul Scott
> On Sep 8, 2020, at 11:50 AM, Ben wrote: > > On 9/8/2020 2:05 PM, Martín Rincón Botero wrote: (snip) >> >> >> -- >> > Martín, > > I'm curious: what would you say the pros/cons are for using a dynamics > context vs. a separa

Force \compressFullBarRests

2020-09-08 Thread Martín Rincón Botero
Hello again, my workflow with Lilypond involves using Frescobaldi and its useful point & click. It also involves adding many "empty" measures (explicit measures containing a full bar rest with no "multiplication", so: R1 R1 R1, etc.) so that during composition I can just click on a rest wherever I

Re: Dynamics context

2020-09-08 Thread Ben
On 9/8/2020 2:05 PM, Martín Rincón Botero wrote: Hi Wol, yes, what you mention is indeed a good case for using dynamics in their own variable. The problem comes when using a Dynamics context from an independent dynamics variable for music that by its own nature is not really compatible with t

Re: Dynamics context

2020-09-08 Thread Paul Scott
> On Sep 8, 2020, at 9:03 AM, antlists wrote: > > On 07/09/2020 17:01, Martín Rincón Botero wrote: >> I wanted to ask if using the Dynamics context is the simplest way available >> in Lilypond for achieving this kind of vertically aligned dynamics. The huge >> drawback of the Dynamics contex

Re: Dynamics context

2020-09-08 Thread Martín Rincón Botero
Hi Wol, yes, what you mention is indeed a good case for using dynamics in their own variable. The problem comes when using a Dynamics context from an independent dynamics variable for music that by its own nature is not really compatible with that approach, or for which the resulting code looks/fe

Re: Dynamics context

2020-09-08 Thread Martín Rincón Botero
Dear Xavier, thank you very much again. This works as expected! I also find this solution more powerful than the one suggested in the Snippet Repository This last command however, preceded with \once, is the one I normally use when manually positioning a dyn

Re: adding chordmode chord modifiers

2020-09-08 Thread antlists
On 08/09/2020 03:21, Randy Josleyn wrote: (By the way, I switched to a daily digest for lilypond-user emails and I'm not sure about how replies work from them. I've made mistakes with how replies to a list work before, so I apologize if I've done it again.) I don't know how it works, but I k

Re: Dynamics context

2020-09-08 Thread antlists
On 07/09/2020 17:01, Martín Rincón Botero wrote: I wanted to ask if using the Dynamics context is the simplest way available in Lilypond for achieving this kind of vertically aligned dynamics. The huge drawback of the Dynamics context is that it disrupts the syntax, since dynamics can’t be used

Fwd: peculiar behaviour with clefs when using acciaccatura on first note in a piece.

2020-09-08 Thread Ralph Palmer
-- Forwarded message - From: Ralph Palmer Date: Tue, Sep 8, 2020 at 8:51 AM Subject: Re: peculiar behaviour with clefs when using acciaccatura on first note in a piece. To: Maurits Lamers On Tue, Sep 8, 2020 at 8:30 AM Maurits Lamers wrote: > Hey all, > > I noticed some unexpe

peculiar behaviour with clefs when using acciaccatura on first note in a piece.

2020-09-08 Thread Maurits Lamers
Hey all, I noticed some unexpected behavior when using an acciaciatura on the first note of a piece: \version "2.20.0" \score { << \new Staff { \clef treble \new Voice { \acciaccatura { g8 } g1} } \new Staff { \clef bass \new Voice {

Re: Dynamics context

2020-09-08 Thread Martín Rincón Botero
Thank you very much, Xavier. I’ll try that! On Tue 8. Sep 2020 at 11:58 Xavier Scheuer wrote: > On Tue, 8 Sep 2020 at 11:18, Martín Rincón Botero < >> wrote: > > > > For I which I get the attached result. Weirdly, with this minimal > example I'm also getting a bunch

Re: Dynamics context

2020-09-08 Thread Xavier Scheuer
On Tue, 8 Sep 2020 at 11:18, Martín Rincón Botero <> wrote: > > For I which I get the attached result. Weirdly, with this minimal example I'm also getting a bunch of "script direction not yet known". I don't think that was happening before. Anyways, the visual result is

Re: Dynamics context

2020-09-08 Thread Martín Rincón Botero
Hi Kieren, thank you for your answer. Here a MWE: \version "2.20.0" scoreAViolinI = \relative c'' { r2 r4 d,16-.\p\< dis'-. e-. g-. fis,4:32->\ff\>^"sul pont." r\! r2 } \score { << \new Voice \with { \remove "Dynamic_engraver" } \scoreAViolinI \new Dynamics \scoreAViolinI >> \layout