Re: Notes or chords sustained with a pedal

2019-12-21 Thread Aaron Hill
On 2019-12-21 9:15 am, Kieren MacMillan wrote: Here is my attempt at hacking the BarLine stencil to add overlapping ties: This is so cool. Is there an easy way to make the function determine the "current" set of LVs (i.e., the LV configuration from the most recent LV-ed chord) and automagically

Re: Notes or chords sustained with a pedal

2019-12-21 Thread David R
On Friday, December 20, 2019, Robert Blackstone wrote: > Dear all, > I’m presently transcribing some piano-scores in which schords, sustained with a pedal are notated in a way had not seen before (see screenshot). > I would like to copy it but I have no idea how to do it. > I would be grateful for

Re: A suggestion - add rf to built-in dynamics

2019-12-21 Thread Andrew Bernard
Hi Peter, Well I have a library file with over 150 custom dynamics, for use with engraving new complexity school scores. It's a big file, with all sorts of rare dynamics. I see no need to push non-standard or rare dynamics on everybody. Just make an include file for your score and add 'rf'. One co

Re: convert-ly problems

2019-12-21 Thread Knute Snortum
-->C:\"Program Files (x86)"\LilyPond\usr\bin\python.exe<-- This looks like the quotes are in the wrong place. --- Knute Snortum (via Gmail) On Sat, Dec 21, 2019 at 4:32 AM Peter Gentry wrote: > > I spoke too soon. > > > > C:\WINDOWS\system32>convert-ly > > > > C:\WINDOWS\system32>C:\"Program Fi

Re: LSR contribution

2019-12-21 Thread Thomas Morley
Am Sa., 21. Dez. 2019 um 00:35 Uhr schrieb Michael Käppler : > > Hi Harm et al., > attached is my updated version. > I decided to split up the validity checks from the actual engraver, > because otherwise in case of invalid parameters the engraver would > only be instantiated to do nothing and neve

Re: Naming multiple midi files

2019-12-21 Thread Carl Sorensen
On 12/21/19, 10:06 AM, "kupirijo" wrote: I see. But then I need to copy the notes twice, one for the book with layout and for the book with the midi. No, you just need to put the notes in a variable. myMusic = { ... } \score { \myMusic \layout{} } \score { \myMusic \mi

Re: A suggestion - add rf to built-in dynamics

2019-12-21 Thread Malte Meyn
Am 21.12.19 um 13:42 schrieb Peter Toye: May I suggest adding 'rf' to the built-in dynamics? Beethoven and Brahms used it quite a lot, even if it is synonymous with 'rfz' (pedants might disagree). As did some other, lesser, composers (one of whose music I am currently engraving). A far as

RE: Notes or chords sustained with a pedal

2019-12-21 Thread Mark Stephen Mrotek
Robert, Might it be the sostentuto pedal? Mark From: lilypond-user [] On Behalf Of Robert Blackstone Sent: Saturday, December 21, 2019 3:33 AM To: Robin Bannister Cc: Li

Re: Notes or chords sustained with a pedal

2019-12-21 Thread Kieren MacMillan
Hi Aaron, First of all, thanks for all your fabulous Scheme-y hacks! They not only help in the moment, but provide great bread crumbs for those of us who eventually want to know how to fish (to mix my metaphors). > Here is my attempt at hacking the BarLine stencil to add overlapping ties: This

Re: Naming multiple midi files

2019-12-21 Thread kupirijo
I see. But then I need to copy the notes twice, one for the book with layout and for the book with the midi. kupirijo Στις 21/12/19 6:55 pm, ο Robin Bannister έγραψε: kupirijo wrote: Thanks. I am aware of this method but this is not exactly what I want. I need to output one .pdf file, not man

Re: Naming multiple midi files

2019-12-21 Thread Robin Bannister
kupirijo wrote: Thanks. I am aware of this method but this is not exactly what I want. I need to output one .pdf file, not many. The \book blocks I suggested will not produce .pdf files. They do not contain \layout sections. To output the .pdf file you need a single additional \book block with

Re: Naming multiple midi files

2019-12-21 Thread kupirijo
Thanks. I am aware of this method but this is not exactly what I want. I need to output one .pdf file, not many. Is this possible? Best, kupirijo Στις 21/12/19 1:11 pm, ο Robin Bannister έγραψε: kupirijo wrote: I would like to specify the name (or extensions) of the .midi files exported by

Re: Notes or chords sustained with a pedal

2019-12-21 Thread Robin Bannister
Robert Blackstone wrote: > I’m presently transcribing some piano-scores in which schords, > sustained with a pedal are notated in a way had not seen before > (see screenshot). Referring to that original screenshot, surely there is no pedal here. The pedal would blur what the right hand is doin

Re: Notes or chords sustained with a pedal

2019-12-21 Thread Aaron Hill
On 2019-12-21 3:32 am, Robert Blackstone wrote: Hi Robin, I tried some of the procedures I found on , the thread you advised me to look at but they did

Re: A suggestion - add rf to built-in dynamics

2019-12-21 Thread Peter Toye
Saturday, December 21, 2019, 1:04:09 PM, Kieren MacMillan wrote: > Hi Peter, >> May I suggest adding 'rf' to the built-in dynamics? Beethoven and Brahms >> used it quite a lot, even if it is synonymous with 'rfz' (pedants might >> disagree). > Is f the same as fz? f=forte, fz=forzando or sfor

Re: A suggestion - add rf to built-in dynamics

2019-12-21 Thread Kieren MacMillan
Hi Peter, > May I suggest adding 'rf' to the built-in dynamics? Beethoven and Brahms used > it quite a lot, even if it is synonymous with 'rfz' (pedants might disagree). Is f the same as fz? > A far as I can see, it just needs adding > rfz = #(make-dynamic-script "rfz") > to dynamic-scripts-ini

A suggestion - add rf to built-in dynamics

2019-12-21 Thread Peter Toye
May I suggest adding 'rf' to the built-in dynamics? Beethoven and Brahms used it quite a lot, even if it is synonymous with 'rfz' (pedants might disagree). As did some other, lesser, composers (one of whose music I am currently engraving). A far as I can see, it just needs adding rfz = #(make

RE: convert-ly problems

2019-12-21 Thread Peter Gentry
I spoke too soon. C:\WINDOWS\system32>convert-ly C:\WINDOWS\system32>C:\"Program Files (x86)"\LilyPond\usr\bin\python.exe C:\"Program Files (x86)"\LilyPond\usr\bin\ C:\Program Files (x86)\LilyPond\usr\bin\python.exe: can't open file 'C:"Program': [Errno 22] Invalid argument

Re: [Spam] Notes or chords sustained with a pedal

2019-12-21 Thread Rutger Hofman
Hi Robert, I use trickery: 1) with a shortened first note duration to stop the first tie 2) with hidden notes to get ties to start/stop at a time I want \version "2.21.0" % By Nick Payne. Hide notes etc but also avoid (invisible) collisions. transOn = { \override NoteColumn.ignore-collision

convert-ly problems

2019-12-21 Thread Peter Gentry
Thanks Knute However the problem for windows (as usual) is more difficult. In addition to the PATH I needed the following to set up the association. First get check the associated name of the python file type. In an admin command prompt run the following * assoc {Python} result "no

Notes or chords sustained with a pedal

2019-12-21 Thread Robert Blackstone
Hi Robin, I tried some of the procedures I found on , the thread you advised me to look at but they did not help me very much. So I tried to develop

Re: Naming multiple midi files

2019-12-21 Thread Robin Bannister
kupirijo wrote: I would like to specify the name (or extensions) of the .midi files exported by the \midi{} command. I have multiple \scores{} in one .ly file producing one .pdf file and multiple .midi files. I do something like that by setting up a \book block for each midi output file. E