Oh I see, troubleshooting in big projects like what you describe can be so
Hopefully you figure out specifically what in your poly-mark-engraver.ily
is conflicting with overriding the SpacingSpanner. Perhaps if you manage to
isolate the problem and make a short example showing the bizarre
Am So., 19. Mai 2019 um 20:32 Uhr schrieb Urs Liska :
> The staves that continue to be printed appear to only happen when the
> last note in that staff is an actual printed note. If it's a rest or a
> space then the extra staves are not printed. Further experimentation
> and it looks like the extr
Am Mo., 20. Mai 2019 um 15:50 Uhr schrieb MING TSANG :
> Hi, Brian & Simon:
> It seems that the \grace or \\acciaccatura is the code generate the error. I
> use window 10.
> 1). with \grace programming error spears
> 2). change \grace to \acciaccatura compiles clean without programming error
Hi Stefano,
I have now re-read the Horizontal Spacing section, and I am a bit wiser
than I was.
When I tried it, the fix you suggested worked perfectly for the snippet
in my email. But I had great difficulty when I applied it to my actual
score: I kept getting numerous warnings:
Hello Gauco,
What do you mean by 'graduated harmony’?
> Le 20 mai 2019 à 02:30, Gauco Wander Beall a écrit :
> Hi there :
> There's some way to represent "graduated harmony" on LilyPond ?
> Am using "figurated bass" to set chord inversions:
> %% Code###
> \version "2.18.2"
> \langua
On Sun, 19 May 2019 at 22:46, Simon Albrecht wrote:
> On 18.05.19 18:58, Gianmaria Lari wrote:
> > In the past I used some snippet I found on LSR giving the possibility
> > to write multiple rehearsal marks, but I was wondering if there is a
> > simpler way. Isn't this something happen frequently
Hi David,
Ttake a look a this snippet:
\version "2.19.82"
\paper { line-width = 65\mm }
\new Staff \time 2/4
\override Score.SpacingSpanner.strict-grace-spacing = ##t
\tuplet 7/4 { g'16 a' b' c'' d'' e'' f'' } g''8 r
\new Staff
\tuplet 3
Hi, Brian & Simon:
It seems that the \grace or \\acciaccatura is the code generate the error. I
use window 10.1). with \grace programming error spears2). change \grace to
\acciaccatura compiles clean without programming error3). BUT input next bar
(measure) the programming error appears.4). R
I sent the message quoted below to the list last week. I received no
replies, the principal reason for which is, I suspect, that there is
currently no solution to the problem.
I have encountered this sort of difficulty before. Lilypond arranges
notes so that those that occur later in time on any