Re: Sample files

2018-11-21 Thread Federico Bruni
Il giorno mer 21 nov 2018 alle 23:18, mansouraoun ha scritto: Thanks for your quick replies! The references you sent will help me a lot. What I would love to see is a finished complex score code with score blocks, just to observe how it was done so I can fit all the separate lessons that

Re: Harp glissandi

2018-11-21 Thread Rachel Knight
I like this solution a lot as it is simple. The glissando now look right except that it starts below the note instead of touching it. How would I fix the vertical aspect after rotating it? The angle is right in the first screenshot, but the placement is only correct in the original (screenshot 2

Re: Sample files

2018-11-21 Thread Urs Liska
Am 21.11.18 um 23:18 schrieb mansouraoun: Thanks for your quick replies! The references you sent will help me a lot. What I would love to see is a finished complex score code with score blocks, just to observe how it was done so I can fit all the separate lessons that I learned into place, lik

Re: Sample files

2018-11-21 Thread mansouraoun
Thanks for your quick replies! The references you sent will help me a lot. What I would love to see is a finished complex score code with score blocks, just to observe how it was done so I can fit all the separate lessons that I learned into place, like those:

Re: Sample files

2018-11-21 Thread Karlin High
On 11/21/2018 1:39 PM, mansouraoun wrote: I just would like to see how the structure of a finished file would look like Also see the "Templates" section in the Learning Manual. There are multi-staff templates for several differen

Re: Sample files

2018-11-21 Thread Lukas-Fabian Moser
Hi Mansour, Am 21.11.18 um 20:39 schrieb mansouraoun: Hello Lilypond community, I'm an absolute beginner, I watched the full playlist on youtube and read a fair amount of the manual yet it is all fragmented in my head now. I just would like to see how the structure of a finished file would look

Re: Sample files

2018-11-21 Thread Karlin High
On 11/21/2018 1:39 PM, mansouraoun wrote: I just would like to see how the structure of a finished file would look like, specifically a multi-staves score. I've searched on the website but I found the graphic results of such files, not the actual code. You found the graphic results in the manua

Sample files

2018-11-21 Thread mansouraoun
Hello Lilypond community, I'm an absolute beginner, I watched the full playlist on youtube and read a fair amount of the manual yet it is all fragmented in my head now. I just would like to see how the structure of a finished file would look like, specifically a multi-staves score. I've searched

Re: Spacing issue after Mark and TextScript

2018-11-21 Thread Pedro Pessoa
Hey David. Not sure if I got how you want it to be, but - with the \nobreak uncommented) - if you add tree more m's to the TextScript, it produces something which looks right. Don't know why. Pessoa mailing_Spacing_issue_after_Mark_and_TextScript.png

Spacing issue after Mark and TextScript

2018-11-21 Thread David Sumbler
%%% \version "2.19.81" #(set-global-staff-size 12) indent = #0 { \textLengthOn \time 5/4 r2 r4. \override Score.RehearsalMark.self-alignment-X = #-1 \override Score.RehearsalMark.font-size = #5 \mark \markup {"After the thirty-third encore, the Emperor arose."} \hide