Re: Combining lyric verses onto one line

2018-11-11 Thread Thomas Morley
Am Mo., 12. Nov. 2018 um 05:36 Uhr schrieb Rohan Srinivasan : > > Friendly bump. Hi, this was asnwered already: Didn't you get the replies? Cheers, Harm __

Re: Combining lyric verses onto one line

2018-11-11 Thread Rohan Srinivasan
Friendly bump. On Sun, Nov 4, 2018 at 2:12 PM Rohan Srinivasan wrote: > Hi list, > > I have the following code for a short song I'm engraving: > > \version "2.19.82" > > \header { > title = "QUITE ENGLISH" > composer = \markup { { \smallCaps "A.S. Ramsay" } (fl. 1885) } > poet = \markup {

Re: Edition Engraver in 2.19

2018-11-11 Thread Karlin High
On Sun, Nov 11, 2018 at 2:55 PM Reggie wrote: > Can anyone tell me how one can properly learn just what the edition > engraver > is and what it does? So far, the best information I've seen for getting started with the Edition Engraver is this post by Stéfano Troncaro.

Re: Avoiding the message about too many colliding rests

2018-11-11 Thread Urs Liska
Am 11. November 2018 22:14:31 MEZ schrieb Noeck : >Am 11.11.18 um 12:13 schrieb Thomas Morley: >> A very quick glance offered only one snippet where stemUp/Down is >reasonable: Stem and Slur in different directions. > > >I think \stemUp/Down has its place as a fine tuning not a replacement >for

Re: Does LilyPond on MacOS 10.14 (Mojave)?

2018-11-11 Thread Hans Åberg
> On 11 Nov 2018, at 18:16, Gail Rein wrote: > > I am thinking it is time to move from MacOS High Sierra to Mojave. System > information for LilyPond 2.18.2-1 says it is not a 64-bit application, which > I understand can be a problem for Mojave. They have changed it, so that 32-bit is now su

Re: Avoiding the message about too many colliding rests

2018-11-11 Thread Noeck
Am 11.11.18 um 12:13 schrieb Thomas Morley: > A very quick glance offered only one snippet where stemUp/Down is reasonable: > Stem and Slur in different directions. I think \stemUp/Down has its place as a fine tuning not a replacement for voices. Here is a snippet where I actually think it is a

Edition Engraver in 2.19

2018-11-11 Thread Reggie
Good day list Can anyone tell me how one can properly learn just what the edition engraver is and what it does? I have seen several people on this list really express how much it helps them but how did they learn? Is there any documentation or do users actually learn the EE by looking at this? htt

Re: Does LilyPond on MacOS 10.14 (Mojave)?

2018-11-11 Thread Jean-Julien Fleck
Hello Gail, Le dim. 11 nov. 2018 à 18:41, Gail Rein a écrit : > I am thinking it is time to move from MacOS High Sierra to Mojave. System > information for LilyPond 2.18.2-1 says it is not a 64-bit application, > which I understand can be a problem for Mojave. > > If you have experience using Lil

Does LilyPond on MacOS 10.14 (Mojave)?

2018-11-11 Thread Gail Rein
I am thinking it is time to move from MacOS High Sierra to Mojave. System information for LilyPond 2.18.2-1 says it is not a 64-bit application, which I understand can be a problem for Mojave. If you have experience using LilyPond 2.18.2-1 (current stable version for MacOS) on MacOS 10.14 Mojav

Re: log output contains error messages in non-default language [SOLVED]

2018-11-11 Thread Kieren MacMillan
Hi all, > the Cyrillic dotted-i is not in Russian; Ukrainian is the most prominent > language that uses it.[*] A-ha! Nice catch. > It does seem likely that the program is picking up on user preferences. If > your primary language is set to uk-UA, that would probably do it. That wasn’t it… *B

Re: log output contains error messages in non-default language

2018-11-11 Thread Christopher R. Maden
On 11/11/18 11:44 AM, Kieren MacMillan wrote: That being said, I’m only 95% sure this is Ukrainian and not Russian: there are no "give-away" glyphs or combinations (i.e., those used often in Russian, but very rarely in Ukrainian), but it’s a small sample size. Yes, there are — the Cyrillic dott

Re: log output contains error messages in non-default language

2018-11-11 Thread Kieren MacMillan
Hi David, > Very stupid question: how come you recognize Ukrainian? My wife’s background is Ukrainian; our children are being brought up with Ukrainian as their first language; I am somewhat conversational myself (I understand essentially everything they say or write, but am only ~25% "fluent"

Re: log output contains error messages in non-default language

2018-11-11 Thread David Kastrup
Kieren MacMillan writes: > [Lilypond 2.19.80, Frescobaldi 2.20.0, Mac OS X 10.12.6] > > Hi all, > > Is anyone else getting non-default language in their log output? My > system default is English, and all of my files use \language "english" > — yet many of the errors in my log output are in Ukrai


2018-11-11 Thread Richard Shann
Does anyone recognize the symbol  robust-bar-number-with-warning-function ??? It's intended to be a Scheme procedure, and I wonder if anybody recognizes it as something that has existed or is about to exist in LilyPond or in the snippet repository ... I can't seem to track it down anywhere :( Ri

log output contains error messages in non-default language

2018-11-11 Thread Kieren MacMillan
[Lilypond 2.19.80, Frescobaldi 2.20.0, Mac OS X 10.12.6] Hi all, Is anyone else getting non-default language in their log output? My system default is English, and all of my files use \language "english" — yet many of the errors in my log output are in Ukrainian: e.g. "попередження: тактов

Re: Avoiding the message about too many colliding rests

2018-11-11 Thread Thomas Morley
Am So., 11. Nov. 2018 um 11:57 Uhr schrieb David Kastrup : > > Thomas Morley writes: > > > Use \voiceTwo instead of \stemDown, then LilyPond will place the rest > > correctly and the warning disappears. > > Sometimes I think we should undocument \stemUp/\stemDown. This is one > of the more freque

Re: Avoiding the message about too many colliding rests

2018-11-11 Thread David Kastrup
Thomas Morley writes: > Use \voiceTwo instead of \stemDown, then LilyPond will place the rest > correctly and the warning disappears. Sometimes I think we should undocument \stemUp/\stemDown. This is one of the more frequent questions on the list, and it's not like they make a lot of sense as e

Re: Avoiding the message about too many colliding rests

2018-11-11 Thread Thomas Morley
Am So., 11. Nov. 2018 um 01:39 Uhr schrieb Joseph Srednicki : > > Hello: > > The following measure causes Lilypond to issue a warning about too many > colliding rests. > > Is there a way that I can code this measure to avoid the warning? > > I checked the online mail archive. I found a message sta