Hi Dave,
Here is my code for centering notes in a bar. It's based on work by David
Nalesnik and Thomas Morley, to whom many thanks.
Works for 2.19.80. Not for 2.18.
% Thanks to David Nalesnik and Thomas Morley.
#(define (sort-by-X-coord sys grob-lst)
"Arranges a list of grobs in
Hi All,
It's clear to me he just wants the note in the middle. I use this a lot for
18C music, and contemporary music. I have a nice generalised function to do
this, but I will have to wait a bit to post as my machine is undergoing a
complete rebuild. Stand by!
On 12/29/2017 8:37 AM, Dave Higgins wrote:
Is there a way to center a whole notehead in the bar?
<< { c'1 } \new Dynamics { \override Hairpin #'minimum-length = #8
s8\> s s s s\p\< s s s\! } >>
I know I could use silence and fractional note lengths, but that seems
Also, why doesn't
On 29/12/17 22:32, nokel81 wrote:
> Yes, I tried using the raw tag, I guess it didn't work.
> \omit Score.BarLine
> \repeat volta 3 {}
> \alternative {
> {}
> {
> \undo \omit Score.BarLine
> \bar "|"
> f2
> \bar "|"
> }
Yes, I tried using the raw tag, I guess it didn't work.
\omit Score.BarLine
\repeat volta 3 {}
\alternative {
\undo \omit Score.BarLine
\bar "|"
\bar "|"
f4( ees c) ees ees(
On Fri, Dec 29, 2017 at 12:16 PM, nokel81 wrote:
> I currently have the following:
I see nothing here. Could you include a short code example?
lilypond-user mailing list
Shane Brandes writes:
> Thanks all, and Kieran that pattern will definitely work for future
> projects. Unfortunately that leaves me with unwinding, separating the
> music from the score definitions, 200 some such files for a current
> one to get it to work. I had anticipated that the whole book
Thanks all, and Kieran that pattern will definitely work for future
projects. Unfortunately that leaves me with unwinding, separating the
music from the score definitions, 200 some such files for a current
one to get it to work. I had anticipated that the whole bookpart thing
simply encapsulated t
On 12/29/17, 12:35 PM, "Shane Brandes" wrote:
wow. o.k. That does mean there is no simple way of maintaining vast
projects via tidy compartmentalization.
%--- file a.ly
\version "2.17.97"
aTitle = "a"
righteOne = \relative g' {
\clef "treble"
righteTwo =
On Fri, Dec 29, 2017 at 8:37 AM, Dave Higgins wrote:
> Is there a way to center a whole notehead in the bar?
> << { c'1 } \new Dynamics { \override Hairpin #'minimum-length = #8 s8\> s
> s s s\p\< s s s\! } >>
> I know I could use silence and fractional note lengths, but that seems
> sloppy.
Shane Brandes writes:
> o.k. back to the include with book part problem. Here is my almost
> minimal code example, which consists of files a.ly, b.ly and test.ly.
> The two files compile alone correctly but when stuck in the bookpart
> they go to pieces.
Sigh. Your original complaint was:
On 12/29/17 20:26, Carl Sorensen wrote:
> Variables can only be defined at the top level. See the Notation Reference
> 3.1.4
That's not entirely true. You can define variables in \paper, \layout, and
\midi blocks too.
Also, you could use the (ly:parser-define! k v) function inside a bookpart,
p.s. While it's arguably less "simple", there's also Jan-Peter's amazing
lilytemplate system… =)
> On Dec 29, 2017, at 2:39 PM, Kieren MacMillan
> wrote:
> Hi Shane,
>> wow. o.k. That does mean there is no simple way of
>> maintaining vast projects via tidy compartmentalization.
> No…
Hi Shane,
> wow. o.k. That does mean there is no simple way of
> maintaining vast projects via tidy compartmentalization.
No… I do it all the time:
For example, "Robin Hood: The Legendary Musical Comedy
wow. o.k. That does mean there is no simple way of maintaining vast
projects via tidy compartmentalization.
Thanks for the clarification.
On Fri, Dec 29, 2017 at 2:26 PM, Carl Sorensen wrote:
> On 12/29/17, 12:17 PM, "Timothy Lanfear" wrote:
> A bookpart cannot contain statemen
On 12/29/17, 12:17 PM, "Timothy Lanfear" wrote:
A bookpart cannot contain statements like
music = { c'1 }
Yes, this is true. Variables can only be defined at the top level. See the
Notation Reference 3.1.4
A bookpart cannot contain statements like
music = { c'1 }
After the include processing, your file test.ly begins with something like:
\bookpart {
music = { c'1 }
\score { \music }
whereas, you should have
music = { c'1 }
\bookpart {
\score { \music }
On 29/12/17 18:35, Shane Brande
o.k. back to the include with book part problem. Here is my almost
minimal code example, which consists of files a.ly, b.ly and test.ly.
The two files compile alone correctly but when stuck in the bookpart
they go to pieces. I even tried it running lilypond-book as a tex file
which interestingly yi
I currently have the following:
However, I would like to be able to change the text within the volta since I
am not actually using it as a repeat but more of an option depending on the
Sent from: http://lilypond.1069038.n5.nabble.com/User-f3.html
>> ??? Are you really trying to reactivate Neue Deutsche
>> Orgeltabulatur, three hundred years after it was abandonded?
> There can be multiple reasons why one would do that: [...]
All of these are valid points. However, it seems to me that he wants
to actually *add* features to this tablatu
Never mind that code does not function. Still trying to reduce the
full files into minimal examples that both preserve the problem and
compile correctly independently and then crash when included.
On Fri, Dec 29, 2017 at 11:05 AM, Shane Brandes wrote:
> O.k. after reducing things here is t
Mason Hock:
> Urs Liska:
>> Actually I do not see why any of this should be incompatible. Both
>> page-layout and partial-compilation *use* the EE. Maybe it is a naming
>> conflict somehow.
> Here's a reduced example of what I have. Can you spot what I'm doing wrong?
> \version "2.19.80
Am 29.12.2017 um 05:30 schrieb Eby Mani:
How to set fixed vertical spacing within staff-group ?.
please always give a minimal working (and compilable) code example that
shows what you are doing currently.
I have tried the following in \layout { \context } section. Vertical spaci
Dear Karl, Werner and All,
Thanks Karl these are two points.
Also stretching the score is really a poit in concert (not mentionned
that another aproach of the matter is recommended from pedagogists). I
had a try with OO-calc and OO-writer, the score reduces to half of
traditional score, and more
O.k. after reducing things here is the problem that causes the snafu.
The independent files to be included all happen to have the same
structure where the score is defined and the voices called to a
variable. as in the following.
altoVoice = \relative c' {
\score {
\new Staff \with {
Is there a way to center a whole notehead in the bar?
<< { c'1 } \new Dynamics { \override Hairpin #'minimum-length = #8 s8\>
s s s s\p\< s s s\! } >>
I know I could use silence and fractional note lengths, but that seems
Also, why doesn't R1*1 work like R1*2 (by putting the 2 in po
Dear All,
After plenty of tweaking (as I have found it's always the case) I've come up
with quite a satisfying code (based on David Kastrup's one) for guitar palm
mutes. Please check out the tiny example.
There are still two things I can't figure out, though, and I would be grateful
if anyone c
On 29 December 2017 at 12:28, Gianmaria Lari
> On 29 December 2017 at 11:26, Timothy Lanfear wrote:
>> On 29/12/17 07:03, Gianmaria Lari wrote:
>>> Sorry to bother but I'm unable to get out from this problem.
>>> This code generate two scores:
>>> \version "2.19.80"
> ??? Are you really trying to reactivate Neue Deutsche Orgeltabulatur,
> three hundred years after it was abandonded?
There can be multiple reasons why one would do that:
. the somewhat academic point in being able to do that
. when transcribing things I've found that that is easie
On 29 December 2017 at 11:26, Timothy Lanfear wrote:
> On 29/12/17 07:03, Gianmaria Lari wrote:
>> Sorry to bother but I'm unable to get out from this problem.
>> This code generate two scores:
>> \version "2.19.80"
>> \score {
>> \transpose c d {c' d' e'}
>> \layout{}
On 29/12/17 07:03, Gianmaria Lari wrote:
Sorry to bother but I'm unable to get out from this problem.
This code generate two scores:
\version "2.19.80"
\score {
\transpose c d {c' d' e'}
\score {
\transpose c e {c' d' e'}
I t
Shane Brandes writes:
> O.k. having gone in circles trying to figure out the whole bookpart
> apparatus I discovered that the documentations statement that using
> include is the same as copying and pasting the include into a document
> is false if the include consists of a complete lilypond file
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