Re: Adjust rest position in drum parts?

2014-09-20 Thread Pierre Perol-Schneider
Hi Charlie, 2014-09-21 1:28 GMT+02:00 Charles Marshall : How can I position rests vertically within a DrumVoice *in a simple way*? > Try : \version "2.18.2" \new DrumStaff { \tweak staff-position #11 r4 } HTH, Pierre ___ lilypond-user mailing lis

Adjust rest position in drum parts?

2014-09-20 Thread Charles Marshall
How can I position rests vertically within a DrumVoice /in a simple way/? There are conflicts with rests in other DrumVoices. The use of \rest as within a Voice doesn't work for me; it gives /error: unrecognized string, not in text script or \lyricmode cymr4 sn8 a8\rest /Charlie PS. I

Re: HELP: Editor for Blind People

2014-09-20 Thread Antonio Gervasoni
Thank you so much Hwaen! That is precisely the information I needed. Now I can see why Emacs is indeed the best solution. Thank you for taking the time to write that description. I'm already reading the manual. Now I have to figure out how to set up Lilypond for Emacs on a Mac. Is there anyone on

Re: 2.19.14: lost ability to add note name in fret board ?

2014-09-20 Thread Colin Campbell
On 14-09-20 07:00 AM, Thomas Morley wrote: I wouldn't call it a regression, because adding and printing strings in dots was not documented, not really supported (as far as scaling is concerned) and not covered by a regtest, as far as I can tell. Therefore I did not pay attention to keep this fun

Re: property?

2014-09-20 Thread David Nalesnik
Hi Kieren, On Fri, Sep 19, 2014 at 9:10 PM, Kieren MacMillan <> wrote: > Hi David et al., > > What’s the current status on “measure-attached spanners”? > > I haven't been able to look at this, u

Re: Problem with \showStaffSwitch

2014-09-20 Thread Jacques Menu
Hello Tao and Joram, I have to apologize for not supplying a complete, working example. Thanks a lot for the explanation and solution, and a nice w-e! JM Am 19 sept. 2014 um 23:09 schrieb TaoCG : > Noeck wrote >> Am 19.09.2014 um 21:45 schrieb TaoCG: >>> Now I have to guess your problem and my

Re: Ly file (Re: Same distance staff in a book.)

2014-09-20 Thread Peter Terpstra
Pierre Perol-Schneider wrote: > Seperating scores into bookParts will solve your problem. > > system-system-spacing #'basic-distance is indeed the right function. > > See enclosed file Thank you so much, bookParts for the scores really was the solution. Have a wonderful day! Peter _

Re: 2.19.14: lost ability to add note name in fret board ?

2014-09-20 Thread Thomas Morley
2014-09-20 5:44 GMT+02:00 MarcM : > > > in 2.19.13, i was able to use this notation to show the note "g" in the dot > of a fretboard. > (place-fret 4 0 "g" ) > > 2.19.14 added the ability to add color but it seems i lost the ability to > add notes name. > (place-fret 4 4 "e" blue) >

Re: Ly file (Re: Same distance staff in a book.)

2014-09-20 Thread Pierre Perol-Schneider
Hi Peter, Seperating scores into bookParts will solve your problem. system-system-spacing #'basic-distance is indeed the right function. See enclosed file HTH, Pierre \version "2.18.2" \header { title = \markup \fontsize #7.0 { \override #'(font-name . "Respective") { "Trois Sonatines" }}

Re: HELP: Editor for Blind People

2014-09-20 Thread Hwaen Ch'uqi
Greetings Antonio, Please forgive me for beating what is apparently a dead horse, but as I said before, emacs/emacspeak provides ALL the functionality which you need for LilyPond. And since your friend is using a mac, these programs should be easily available for him - though I do not have experie

Re: Same distance staff in a book.

2014-09-20 Thread Peter Terpstra
TaoCG wrote: > I believe the ragged-bottom property is what you're looking for. Know too little about it but found a solution that looks better. system-system-spacing = #'((basic-distance . 14) (padding . 0)) ragged-bottom = ##t ragged-last-bottom = ##t Also added \bookpart What does padd

Re: \override #'(font-series . medium) doesn't work anymore?

2014-09-20 Thread Alexander Kobel
On 09/19/2014 08:02 PM, Abraham Lee wrote: Have you tried accessing it via 'font-name? That should work since it bypasses LilyPond's font selection code and funnels it through to Pango directly. I like this approach (without a better mechanism in place) because you can add: \override '(font-na

Re: Printed manuals, why not?

2014-09-20 Thread Urs Liska
Am 19.09.2014 22:54, schrieb Federico Bruni: My opinion is that a printed documentation doesn't make much sense. I think so too. Once I had one printed out - and practically never used it. What would be interesting, especially for commercial/funding purposes, is a book which can offer someth

Re: HELP: Editor for Blind People

2014-09-20 Thread Jacques Menu
Hello Antonio, BBEdit and TextWrangler have great power at handling workflows, maybe you could ask them what they can do for the problem you’re facing: JM Am 20 sept. 2014 um 07:47 schrieb Antonio Gervasoni : >> What I would als