> \override LyricText #'font-name = #"LilyJAZZText"
D'Oh! I was using that for testing, but you of course want
Times New Roman, not LilyJAZZText.
lilypond-user mailing list
On Sat, Nov 16, 2013 at 01:12:18PM +0800, ayutheos wrote:
> How do I apply different text formatting for different stanzas of
> lyrics globally?
Does this do what you want?
\paper {
myStaffSize = #20
melody = \relative c' { c d e }
lyricI = \lyricmode { a lyric }
lyricII = \lyricmo
How do I apply different text formatting for different stanzas of
lyrics globally?
What I have in my .ly file:
\paper {
myStaffSize = #20
#(define fonts
(make-pango-font-tree "Times New Roman"
"Lucida Sans Unicode"
I'm fixing a bug involving the ragged-bottom setting (issue 3281). By default,
ragged-last-bottom=##t so the last page can have blank space at the bottom. Currently,
"ragged-bottom" is implemented to *always* under-fill the page, *never*
compressing to fit one more system.
As a default, that
2013/11/15 Wilbert Berendsen :
> Op Thu, 14 Nov 2013 09:52:06 +0100
> Urs Liska schreef:
>> Hi all,
>> this has just appeared:
>> http://www.finalemusic.com/blog/quick-peeks-at-finale-2014-consolidate-rests/
>> and I think what they describe as inferior behaviour in Finale 2012
>> is (near