I've been setting up emacs and xpdf for use with lilypond 17.25 on
Ubuntu 13.04, using emacs 24.3, and the Debian install files for xpdf
3.03 and libpoppler19. Most things seem to be working - I have syntax
highlighting, I can run Lilypond with C-c C-l, and C-c C-s opens the PDF
output in xpdf.
2013/8/29 Robert Schmaus :
> Hi Ponderers,
> I'm usually working with the LilyJazz macros, provided by Thorsten Hämmerle.
> Up till now, I've used them with Lilypond v2.16 and no problems at all.
> Recently, I wanted to try it in connection with Lilypond v2.17 (latest
> build, 25ish). I updated
Hi Ponderers,
I'm usually working with the LilyJazz macros, provided by Thorsten
Hämmerle. Up till now, I've used them with Lilypond v2.16 and no
problems at all.
Recently, I wanted to try it in connection with Lilypond v2.17 (latest
build, 25ish). I updated the ly file containing the music