Re: printed bars thickness inconsistencies

2011-07-17 Thread Shane Brandes
On Ubuntu, for many versions now, the default pdf viower prints bar lines at a double width. The application Okular, which I added, works perfectly well. Sop it might be the PDF reader itself and not lilypond. Shane On Sun, Jul 17, 2011 at 6:26 PM, James Lowe wrote: > hello, > _

Re: Note names in output?

2011-07-17 Thread Roland Goretzki
Hello list, hello James, You wrote: > > Hi there, > > > > I've looked and not been able to find the answer to this > > question in the manual. Can lilypond embed the names of > > notes in it's output like the example shown at this link? > > > >

RE: printed bars thickness inconsistencies

2011-07-17 Thread James Lowe
hello, From: [] on behalf of Jean-Alexis Montignies [] Sent: 17 July 2011 13:51 To: lilypond-user Subject: printed bars thickness

Renaissance lute and tab

2011-07-17 Thread Mario Moles
Hi! I'm sorry! My intelligence is limited! I don't understand whether to do to have fis=0 in the tab with make-pitch for renaissance lute! Thank's \version "2.15.5" mynotes = { e4 a d' g' b' e'' } << \new Staff { \clef treble \mynotes } \new TabStaff { \set TabStaff.stringTunings = #`( ,(ly:make

Re: Modifying Chordnames ­ bug or feature?

2011-07-17 Thread Carl Sorensen
On 7/17/11 7:22 AM, "harm6" wrote: > > > > Carl Sorensen-3 wrote: >> >> >> The syntax of the chord root namer has changed between 2.12 and 2.14. The >> chord root namer now needs both a pitch and a boolean value that says >> whether minor chord names should be lowercase. >> [...] >> HTH,

Re: printed bars thickness inconsistencies

2011-07-17 Thread Janek Warchoł
2011/7/17 Jean-Alexis Montignies : > Hi All! > > I have since I use lilypond some problems when printing. Bars (standard ones) > are of different thickness. > > It happens on my printer (Xerox 5400) but no on some others so I first > thought it was a printer problem. > > What makes me think it co

Re: Kneed Beams in Multiple Voices

2011-07-17 Thread Janek Warchoł
2011/7/17 Derek Klinge : > List, >  I am trying to typeset a Bach Fugue. It would be much prettier if I could > have kneed beams in a polyphonic texture. I cannot figure out how to have > kneed beam in \voiceTwo If you insert \voice when staff changes, you will get a kneed beam. I don't know if t

Kneed Beams in Multiple Voices

2011-07-17 Thread Derek Klinge
List, I am trying to typeset a Bach Fugue. It would be much prettier if I could have kneed beams in a polyphonic texture. I cannot figure out how to have kneed beam in \voiceTwo \relative c'' { \new PianoStaff << \new Staff = "up" { << { g4 ges f fes } \\ {bes,8 c16 des ees8 \change Staff = "d

Re: 'hideNotes' from midi or align lyrics differently

2011-07-17 Thread Jay Anderson
On Sun, Jul 17, 2011 at 3:24 AM, Wilbert Berendsen wrote: > Put it in the \with { } block: > ... > Or use the lyricsto construction: \new Lyrics \lyricsto "bass" { bla bla bla } True, but that doesn't quite work for what I'm trying to do. I have a function which generates a score given a hymn num

printed bars thickness inconsistencies

2011-07-17 Thread Jean-Alexis Montignies
Hi All! I have since I use lilypond some problems when printing. Bars (standard ones) are of different thickness. It happens on my printer (Xerox 5400) but no on some others so I first thought it was a printer problem. What makes me think it could be a problem with generated pdf is: - it only

Re: External jpg

2011-07-17 Thread Phil Holmes
You can certainly do this by converting it to eps ( and then and then using \epsfile ( -- Phil Holmes - Original Message - From: Mario Moles To:

Re: Modifying Chordnames ­ bug or feature?

2011-07-17 Thread harm6
Carl Sorensen-3 wrote: > > > The syntax of the chord root namer has changed between 2.12 and 2.14. The > chord root namer now needs both a pitch and a boolean value that says > whether minor chord names should be lowercase. > [...] > HTH, > Carl > Hi Carl, that clears it up! But I didn't

Re: 'hideNotes' from midi or align lyrics differently

2011-07-17 Thread Wilbert Berendsen
Op Sat, 16 Jul 2011 09:43:35 -0700 Jay Anderson schreef: > - Is there a way to use \set associatedVoice "bass" at the beginning? Put it in the \with { } block: \new Lyrics \with { associatedVoice = "bass" } \lyricmode { bla bla bla } Or use the lyricsto construction: \new Lyrics \lyricsto "

External jpg

2011-07-17 Thread Mario Moles
Hi lilyponders! I would want to insert a external file jpg! is it possible? How does he do? Thank's -- oiram/bin/selom MkarlM-HomePage ___ lilypond-user mailing list

RE: Note names in output?

2011-07-17 Thread James Lowe
Hello, From: [] on behalf of Jon A.Christopher [] Sent: 17 July 2011 06:33 To: Subject: Note names in

Re: Horizontally shifting notes (erratic behaviour)

2011-07-17 Thread Phil Holmes
- Original Message - From: "Hilary Snaden" To: Sent: Saturday, July 16, 2011 11:57 PM Subject: Horizontally shifting notes (erratic behaviour) It looks as though I spoke too soon. After applying various of \override Voice.NoteColumn #'force-hshift \override NoteColumn #'force-hshift