I arrange songs for diatonic button accordion. The easy ones have a
simple bass accompaniment which can be played with two or four bass
buttons. To write this accompaniment easily with Lilypond, I thought
about (mis)using the figured bass notation for it. The figures of the
figured bass not
Hi, users.
I found a trouble about lyric extender,
version 2.13.23 through 2.13.26
Only extender on a system, too narrow space in two lyrics
as following code:
\version "2.13.26"
\include "english.ly"
vocal = \relative {
c4 d e f
c4 d e f
c4 d e f~ \break
f4 r r2
text = \
> - \repeat unfold 64 { \skip 4 }
Thank you, Francisco. Typing \repeat unfold 4 { \skip 4 } is just fine
and it looks like it will work for my actual song as well.
Thanks to Phil holmes I now know why it does not matter what value I
write behind \skip in lyricmode. It alignes every time. However
2010/6/26 Sven Siegmund :
> \alternative { { b d } { b a } }
Here, if you write
\alternative { { b d \break } { b a } }
you'll see that the 'differ' part tries to be aligned with the other
lyrics. Just it doesn't in your example because it has not room enough
to fit.
> Currently, becaus