Re: Png image files are always 859x1111

2009-09-23 Thread Wilbert Berendsen
Op dinsdag 22 september 2009, schreef Stephen Corey: > After generating my png images, I typically open them with Gimp and > convert the white background to alpha (Colors | Color to Alpha) before > loading them into Powerpoint. This allows you to use a color or texture > background to your music,

Re: Incompatibility lilypond-book / tikz

2009-09-23 Thread Francisco Vila
2009/9/23 Neil Puttock : > I posted a patch here, but I'm not sure whether it's OK: > > > As for the first of the three changes in the patch, I've applied it manually over the installed LP-b script and have been able to use it

Re: Texte et Lilypond

2009-09-23 Thread Valentin Villenave
2009/9/23 Pierre-Yves Gousenbourger : > Je cherche un moyen de créer un document texte dans lequel j'insère des objets > Lilypond (des petites partitions/portées par-ci par-là). > J'ai trouvé sur la doc une partie qui parle de lilypond-book. Mais ça > commence à > devenir incompréhensible quand ça

Texte et Lilypond

2009-09-23 Thread Pierre-Yves Gousenbourger
Bonsoir. Je cherche un moyen de créer un document texte dans lequel j'insère des objets Lilypond (des petites partitions/portées par-ci par-là). J'ai trouvé sur la doc une partie qui parle de lilypond-book. Mais ça commence à devenir incompréhensible quand ça parle de lignes de commandes. Sach

Re: \RemoveEmptyStaffContext and cross-staff beams

2009-09-23 Thread Neil Puttock
2009/9/23 Mats Bengtsson : > I haven't tracked down exactly what has changed, but I had to reduce the > setting of the auto-knee-gap property of Beam from the default value 5.5 to > \override Score.Beam #'auto-knee-gap = #4.75 > to get the kneed beam that was obtained in earlier versions. > Regres

Re: Incompatibility lilypond-book / tikz

2009-09-23 Thread Neil Puttock
2009/9/23 Francisco Vila : > mmm... Any ideas? Thank you! I posted a patch here, but I'm not sure whether it's OK: Regards, Neil ___ lilypond-user mailing list lilypond-user@gnu.

Figured Bass: Order of Digits

2009-09-23 Thread Franz-Rudolf Kuhnen
Hi, I'm working on Couperin's 14. Concert from "Les Gouts reunis". I have a problem to determine the correct order of the digits in the figured bass. The attatched picture shows the problem. %% Begin example% \markup { \large "Bug in the horizontal order of the digits" }

Re: Incompatibility lilypond-book / tikz

2009-09-23 Thread Francisco Vila
2009/9/23 Francisco Vila : > Hello. > Just writing in a LaTeX document > >  \usepackage{tikz} > > to make pgf drawings, makes lilypond-book to fail with the message ... >  File "/usr/local/bin/lilypond-book", line 1775, in get_latex_textwidth >    columns = int ( (1)) > ValueError: invalid

Incompatibility lilypond-book / tikz

2009-09-23 Thread Francisco Vila
Hello. Just writing in a LaTeX document \usepackage{tikz} to make pgf drawings, makes lilypond-book to fail with the message textwidth=345.0pt columnsep=10.0pt (./tmpZHQYhJ.aux) ) No pages of output. Transcript written on tmpZHQYhJ.log. Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/local/bin

Re: \RemoveEmptyStaffContext and cross-staff beams

2009-09-23 Thread Mats Bengtsson
I can see the problem you report with version 2.12, but with the latest 2.13 version (compiled from todays GIT), it's even worse, since the beam stays flat also if you don't have \RemoveEmptyStaffContext. I haven't tracked down exactly what has changed, but I had to reduce the setting of the aut