stemBoth problem

2009-02-02 Thread 胡海鹏 - Hu Haipeng
Hello, Vallentin ever helped me to get a stemBoth function when I wrote the full score of my song for attending the CCTV piano competition: stemBoth = #(define-music-function (parser location m) (ly:music?) #{ << \voiceOne $m \new Voice { \voiceTwo $m } >> \oneVoice #}) Now I'm orchestrating D

Re: Persian musical koron and sori

2009-02-02 Thread Graham Breed
Behnam Rassi wrote: What I'm not clear about is that you don't need just a font containing two glyphs for Sori and Koron right? You need a font containing all necessary glyphs for music writing, including Sori and Koron. So I have to add them to an existing font. Did I understand it correctly?

Re: Persian musical koron and sori

2009-02-02 Thread Kees van den Doel
Really all that's lacking is the koron and sori. A small o is fine for the tahrir, we have that already. Kees - Original Message - From: Behnam Rassi Date: Monday, February 2, 2009 4:48 pm Subject: Re: Persian musical koron and sori To: Kees van den Doel Cc: Hans Aberg , Graham Breed ,

Re: Persian musical koron and sori

2009-02-02 Thread Kees van den Doel
If you want to support more Persian notation the most important (and universal) is probably the symbol for tahrir, which is a small o above (if stems up) or below (if stems down) and in the middle of two equal notes. Something like o o<- tahrir O O O || | || |

Re: Installing Lilly pad

2009-02-02 Thread M Watts
William Yeater wrote: we then typed in: sh We got the no such command. Just type sh lil and press the TAB key -- the shell will complete the correct file name for you. ___ lilypond-user mailing list lilypond-user@gnu.

Re: Good luck, Valentin

2009-02-02 Thread Valentin Villenave
2009/2/1 John Mandereau : > IIRC it should have started at 15.00 CET, so the premiere is most probably > finished. I hope this was a great success and the two other will go well > too. Greetings everybody, the past couple of weeks has been exhausting and has almost been preventing me from follo

Re: Persian musical koron and sori

2009-02-02 Thread Kees van den Doel
> On 2 Feb 2009, at 20:58, Kees van den Doel wrote: > > > I have several shelves of Persian music books and I have never > seen  > > that "variation". > > The sori is always a rotated = with an > on it, and the koron > akways  > > has the '>' body. > > That is good to know - I think what you

Re: Lilypond is generating errors for perfect syntax!

2009-02-02 Thread -Eluze
kentaku_sama wrote: > > > lower = \relative c, { > > C:/Users/W J/Desktop/cc error: syntax error, unexpected > \score > > \score { > if this is a coherent part of the log then obviously your lines have been shuffled: the line starting with +lower = …+ does not

Re: Persian musical koron and sori

2009-02-02 Thread Hans Aberg
On 2 Feb 2009, at 20:58, Kees van den Doel wrote: I have several shelves of Persian music books and I have never seen that "variation". The sori is always a rotated = with an > on it, and the koron akways has the '>' body. That is good to know - I think what you say is best, being most di

Re: Persian musical koron and sori

2009-02-02 Thread Kees van den Doel
> > standard fonts I'd have thought if we're only talking two new > glyphs. > Though there are some variations, I think they semantically the > same.  > The variation used by Farhat is for koron like an inverted flat > b, but  > with the loop have the form >, and for the sori, a sharp # but

Re: Installing Lilly pad

2009-02-02 Thread Anthony W. Youngman
In message <>, William Yeater writes We have an EEE pc with xantros linux on. I've got an Acer Aspire ... with Linpus (Fedora 7 derivative) We figured out how to go into advanced mode.we were able to get a command shell by typing ctrl-alt-T/ The Aspire has a way

Re: Customizing Rest

2009-02-02 Thread 今井雄治
Thanks for your great idea. So, I can continue my work. ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Good luck, Valentin

2009-02-02 Thread Arthur Reutenauer
> The name is "Affaire étrangère"; how would you translate it, Valentin? :-) "Foreign affair" surely sounds odd :-) Arthur ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Installing Lilly pad

2009-02-02 Thread William Yeater
We have an EEE pc with xantros linux on. We figured out how to go into advanced mode.we were able to get a command shell by typing ctrl-alt-T/ we then typed in: sh We got the no such command. Help? / ___ lilypond-u

Re: Persian musical koron and sori

2009-02-02 Thread Behnam
Thanks Kees. Is this for tuning a key or marking a specific note? or both? Behnam On 1-Feb-09, at 6:07 PM, Kees van den Doel wrote: Here's an example from a Persian music book. Kees - Original Message - From: Hans Aberg Date: Sunday, February 1, 2009 2:14 pm Subject: Re: Persian musica

Re: Fitting as many lines as possible on a page

2009-02-02 Thread Reinhold Kainhofer
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 On Montag, 2. Februar 2009 07:12:59 Joe Neeman wrote: > > > Right, but it only uses the 10% buffer to decide how much to stretch > > > the systems. The actual layout of the systems, once they've been > > > stretched, is done in space-systems, which use

Re: Customizing Rest

2009-02-02 Thread Reinhold Kainhofer
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 On Montag, 2. Februar 2009 10:09:55 今井雄治 wrote: > Hi users. > > I want to customize rest by its duration, as following > r4 --> black circle > r8 --> black circle with under line Attached is a scheme example how to do this (it checks the durat

Re: scheme - notes as variables

2009-02-02 Thread Rob Canning
Andrew Wilson wrote: 2009/1/31 Rob Canning : #!/usr/bin/perl sub InsertNotes { my ($num, $form, @notes) = @_; my ($output, @temp); while (@notes) { (@temp[0..$num-1], @notes) = @notes; $output .= sprintf $form, (@temp); } return $output; } my @list = qw"a b c d a b c d a f

Re: Persian musical koron and sori

2009-02-02 Thread Hans Aberg
On 2 Feb 2009, at 12:34, Graham Breed wrote: Do you what types of fonts that LilyPond can use? - Behnam Rassi he says he only knows how to make music fonts. There are two ways Lilypond loads its fonts: music fonts and Pango fonts. The music fonts start out as Metafont and get converted to

Re: Persian musical koron and sori

2009-02-02 Thread Graham Breed
Hans Aberg wrote: Graham, Do you what types of fonts that LilyPond can use? - Behnam Rassi he says he only knows how to make music fonts. There are two ways Lilypond loads its fonts: music fonts and Pango fonts. The music fonts start out as Metafont and get converted to OTF along with some

Re: Persian accidentals

2009-02-02 Thread Hans Aberg
On 2 Feb 2009, at 08:55, Graham Breed wrote: I think that koron and sori may not be in Unicode, which LilyPond uses for fonts. So some special implementation might be needed. There'll be a code point in the font file. You can get it using FontForge (which I had to use for Sagittal because

Re: Lilypondtool 2.12-r2 and UTF-8

2009-02-02 Thread Bertalan Fodor (LilyPondTool)
Strange, it shouldn't happen, I thought I had removed that code. wrote: I updated to this version of LPT a few days ago. It fixes the problem with jPedal and jEdit locking up if jPedal is not showing the first page of the PDF when rebuilding the ly file, but although

Customizing Rest

2009-02-02 Thread 今井雄治
Hi users. I want to customize rest by its duration, as following r4 --> black circle r8 --> black circle with under line I tried following code. RestIV = { \once \override Rest #'stencil = #ly:text-interface::print \once \override Rest #'text = \markup { \halign

Re: phrasing slur continued through a repeat?

2009-02-02 Thread James E. Bailey
Am 02.02.2009 um 09:56 schrieb Simon Bailey: hi, On Feb 2, 2009, at 9:52 AM, James E. Bailey wrote: given how well it works, defining a variable like PhrasingAdjustment = {s1*32 \grace s8 } and then just including that in all parts doesn't seem to be too much of a hassle. And wouldn't re

Re: phrasing slur continued through a repeat?

2009-02-02 Thread Mark Polesky
This reminds me, I still haven't heard anything from my feature request on -devel on this topic. Anyone? - Mark _

Re: phrasing slur continued through a repeat?

2009-02-02 Thread Simon Bailey
hi, On Feb 2, 2009, at 9:52 AM, James E. Bailey wrote: given how well it works, defining a variable like PhrasingAdjustment = {s1*32 \grace s8 } and then just including that in all parts doesn't seem to be too much of a hassle. And wouldn't really wreak havoc. wreak havoc may have been an

Re: phrasing slur continued through a repeat?

2009-02-02 Thread James E. Bailey
Am 02.02.2009 um 09:46 schrieb Simon Bailey: hi, On Feb 2, 2009, at 12:25 AM, Robin Bannister wrote: Well, \repeatTie doesn't take you very far into the ensuing phrase. And it doesn't swoop properly. A fairly easy way in this case is to add a hidden grace note: { \hideNotes \grace b16\( \u

Re: phrasing slur continued through a repeat?

2009-02-02 Thread Simon Bailey
hi, On Feb 2, 2009, at 12:25 AM, Robin Bannister wrote: Well, \repeatTie doesn't take you very far into the ensuing phrase. And it doesn't swoop properly. A fairly easy way in this case is to add a hidden grace note: { \hideNotes \grace b16\( \unHideNotes c8 g8 c8 \) | } And you can use the