Re: New LilyPondTool version available for testing

2008-12-16 Thread Martial
Good, Waouh the reverse point-and-click that highlights the note at the cursor in JPedal ! I fixed the menu issue and I think also the shortcuts. but : no open PDF with external viewer : because the " &" after the suffix C:\Program Files\jEdit> "C:\Program Files\Adobe\Reader 9.0\Reader\AcroR

Re: Segmentation fault on file with bookparts

2008-12-16 Thread Arjan Bos
On 15 dec 2008, at 20:11, Tim Reeves wrote: Also ran successfully here on Win XP SP2, Lilypond 2.11.65, with many warnings. (different from above warnings!) Here on Mac OSX 10.5.5 with lilypond 2.11.65 I also get a whole host of warnings and errors. Most of them are due to font issues:

Re: accidental spacing issue

2008-12-16 Thread Jonathan Kulp
Neil Puttock wrote: 2008/12/17 Jonathan Kulp : I still want the a-sharp to appear in the 2nd measure, but don't want the space occupied by the c-sharp. Using this "no-reset" workaround, the a-sharp disappears, too. Is there a way to apply this style using \override instead of "set"? if so th

Re: accidental spacing issue

2008-12-16 Thread Neil Puttock
2008/12/17 Jonathan Kulp : > I still want the a-sharp to appear in the 2nd measure, but don't want the > space occupied by the c-sharp. Using this "no-reset" workaround, the > a-sharp disappears, too. Is there a way to apply this style using \override > instead of "set"? if so then I could prob

Re: accidental spacing issue

2008-12-16 Thread Kieren MacMillan
Hi Jonathan, This was promising but didn't solve the problem because it also made the accidentals in the other voice disappear. Here's the context: Maybe the modified snippet (included below) will solve your problem? HTH, Kieren. %% \version "2.11.65" \new Staff \relative c'' {

Re: Notation Reference typo

2008-12-16 Thread Neil Puttock
2008/12/16 Andrew Tucker : > In the 2.11 NR, section 3.5.1 "Creating Midi Files", under "Instrument Names" > there's an example: > > \set Staff.midiInstrument = "glockenspiel" > > which I believe needs to be changed to: (add a '#') > > \set Staff.midiInstrument = #"glockenspiel" Thanks for the r

Re: accidental spacing issue

2008-12-16 Thread Jonathan Kulp
Neil Puttock wrote: Hi Jon, 2008/12/16 Jonathan Kulp : Is there a way to make the invisible sharp symbol take up no space so that the whole chord moves to the left where it ought to be? There's a workaround for this mentioned in the bug tracker for issue #612. Regards, Neil This was prom

Re: New LilyPondTool version available for testing

2008-12-16 Thread Bertalan Fodor
this : - in the plugin menu / the menu LilyPondTool no work - in the LilyPondtool Bar LilyPond no work - no initial shorcuts : triplets view with external viewer PDF trill etc.. I fixed the menu issue and I think also the shortcuts. You can download LilyPondTool.jar from the sa

Re: accidental spacing issue

2008-12-16 Thread Neil Puttock
Hi Jon, 2008/12/16 Jonathan Kulp : > Is there a way to make the invisible sharp symbol take up no space so that > the whole chord moves to the left where it ought to be? There's a workaround for this mentioned in the bug tracker for issue #612. Regards, Neil __

Re: New LilyPondTool version available for testing

2008-12-16 Thread Martial
Hello, Great ! nice work Thank ! If you encounter any problems, please let me know. this : - in the plugin menu / the menu LilyPondTool no work - in the LilyPondtool Bar LilyPond no work - no initial shorcuts : triplets view with external viewer PDF trill

accidental spacing issue

2008-12-16 Thread Jonathan Kulp
I'm having trouble making the spacing of accidentals right under the following circumstance, where there's a note with an accidental tied across a barline and a note in a voice below it also has an accidental. The tied note c-sharp doesn't have an accidental because it's tied, but the invisibl

The Drummer's "Gigsaw": the first two notebooks.

2008-12-16 Thread Philippe Hezaine
Hi all, It has been several months that i was not amongst yours. Here are the first two notebooks from a project of drums patterns and more... published under a Free Art License. (formerly the Drummer's Free Art) I'm very proud to announce th

Re: confused newbie, choirstaff with single line of lyrics desired

2008-12-16 Thread Carl D. Sorensen
On 12/16/08 10:28 AM, "Danalute" wrote: > > > > like this? > >> \score { >> \new ChoirStaff << >> \music >> \new Staff << \S \\ \A >> > > \new Lyrics \lyricsto "1" \lyricmode { Caput a pri defero ... > } > > % "1" associates by position with

Re: confused newbie, choirstaff with single line of lyrics desired

2008-12-16 Thread Francisco Vila
2008/12/16 Danalute : > > > like this? > >> \score { >> \new ChoirStaff << >> \music >> \new Staff << \S \\ \A >> > > \new Lyrics \lyricsto "1" \lyricmode { Caput a pri defero ... You can define the lyrics variable beforehand, but for en example with only

Re: Titles

2008-12-16 Thread Ralph Palmer
Thanks, Kieren. I'm not sure I understand, and I don't have LilyPond on this computer, so I'm going to have to evaluate later. Ralph On Tue, Dec 16, 2008 at 10:38 AM, Kieren MacMillan <> wrote: > Hi Ralph, > > I don't always have a meter or composer, but I think I

Re: Titles

2008-12-16 Thread Ralph Palmer
Thanks, Nick. I'm not sure this will work for me. I'll check it out when I'm at the computer I have LilyPond on. I may be able to use it with some modification. Ralph On Tue, Dec 16, 2008 at 10:53 AM, Nick Payne wrote: > See Just

Re: breakbefore help

2008-12-16 Thread Paul Scott
james wrote: Am 04.12.2008 um 18:24 schrieb -Eluze: james bailey-2 wrote: I wanted to have a title page before the music begins. I assumed I'd does this about what you're looking for? Sadly, no. My title page consisted of just markups organised on the page. I just decided to scrap th

Re: confused newbie, choirstaff with single line of lyrics desired

2008-12-16 Thread Danalute
like this? > \score { > \new ChoirStaff << > \music > \new Staff << \S \\ \A >> \new Lyrics \lyricsto "1" \lyricmode { Caput a pri defero ... } % "1" associates by position with \S ? >\new Staff { \clef bass << \T \\ \B >> } >

Re: New LilyPondTool version available for testing

2008-12-16 Thread Grammostola Rosea
I think it would be good if lilypond releases and such tools as lilypondtool will also be anounced on the LAA (linux audio announce) mailinglist... Good for the tools and good for the linux audio community... Thanks for your work! \r ___ lilypond-

Re: New LilyPondTool version available for testing

2008-12-16 Thread Valentin Villenave
2008/12/16 Valentin Villenave : > The LilyPond menu doesn't work though. Hope i didn't break anything. The localization generally is OK, except in the Score Wizard (I had updated it like in May 05, but I can't see any of the translations I had added -- or perhaps you lost my patch :-) Here's the

RE: New LilyPondTool version available for testing

2008-12-16 Thread Nick Payne
Sorry, that should read " documentation for 2.11.37" as being the doc version that opens. Nick > -Original Message- > From: > [] On > Behalf Of Nick Payne > Sent: Wed

Re: New LilyPondTool version available for testing

2008-12-16 Thread Valentin Villenave
2008/12/16 Valentin Villenave : > The correct link is: > Even after deleting the jars-cache and replaced antlr-runtime-*.jar with yours, it still complains about a missing antl.jar dependency... Cheers, Valentin _

Re: New LilyPondTool version available for testing

2008-12-16 Thread Valentin Villenave
2008/12/16 Bertalan Fodor (LilyPondTool) : > but that's not a new dependency... > > hm. try antlr.jar from the same location. That was helpful. Wow, really neat! I like the new icons :-) The LilyPond menu doesn't work though. Hope i didn't break anything. I haven't tested the new features yet (

Re: confused newbie, choirstaff with single line of lyrics desired

2008-12-16 Thread Francisco Vila
2008/12/16 Danalute : > \score { > \new ChoirStaff << > \music > \new Staff << \S \\ \A >> >\new Staff { \clef bass << \T \\ \B >> } > >> > } > > Q, how do I get the one line of lyrics into the above polyphonous staff? Why not \score {

RE: New LilyPondTool version available for testing

2008-12-16 Thread Nick Payne
When I tried to run jEdit after following the instructions below, I got the plugin error dialog: "C:\users\nick\.jedit\jars\LilyPondTool.jar: requires JAR file C:\users\nick\.jedit\jars\antlr-runtime-3.0.1.jar. This jar file is part of this plugin, but it cannot be found." There seem to be two

Re: New LilyPondTool version available for testing

2008-12-16 Thread Bertalan Fodor (LilyPondTool)
but that's not a new dependency... hm. try antlr.jar from the same location. Valentin Villenave wrote: 2008/12/16 Valentin Villenave : The correct link is: Even after deleting the jars-cache and replaced

Re: New LilyPondTool version available for testing

2008-12-16 Thread Valentin Villenave
2008/12/16 Bertalan Fodor (LilyPondTool) : > Yeah, I forgot to include it: > > The correct link is: Cheers, Valentin

Re: Titles

2008-12-16 Thread Hajo Dezelski
Hallo you answered my question although I didnt post it. It is the more elegant solution for my incipits. Thanks and all the Best Hajo --- ... indessen wandelt harmlos droben das Gestirn ___ lilypond-user mailing list http://

Re: New LilyPondTool version available for testing

2008-12-16 Thread Valentin Villenave
2008/12/16 Bertalan Fodor (LilyPondTool) : > for more advanced LilyPondTool users I released a new version. Great! > If you encounter any problems, please let me know. (It is highly possible > there will be some installation problems, so create backup of > LilyPondTool.jar if you have urgent work

Re: New LilyPondTool version available for testing

2008-12-16 Thread Bertalan Fodor (LilyPondTool)
Yeah, I forgot to include it: Valentin Villenave wrote: 2008/12/16 Bertalan Fodor (LilyPondTool) : for more advanced LilyPondTool users I released a new version. Great! If you encounter any problems, please le

Re: New LilyPondTool version available for testing

2008-12-16 Thread Bertalan Fodor (LilyPondTool)
Also, there is a new mode xml file to download (and to be put into jedit\modes): Bertalan Fodor (LilyPondTool) wrote: Hi, for more advanced LilyPondTool users I released a new version. Installation instructions: - Install Pro

RE: Titles

2008-12-16 Thread Nick Payne
See Just add composer and notes after each separate header block: \version "2.11.65" \paper { ragged-bottom = ##t ragged-last-bottom = ##t } \header {

Re: Discrepancy in documentation,

2008-12-16 Thread Carl D. Sorensen
On 12/16/08 8:14 AM, "David Stocker" wrote: > Carl, > > My confusion comes from not having a firm grasp on how LilyPond handles > chords. I'm only now exploring that functionality and I need to read the > manuals. Please do read the notation reference on chords. Before I rewrote it, I didn'

Re: Titles

2008-12-16 Thread Kieren MacMillan
Hi Ralph, I don't always have a meter or composer, but I think I know how to deal with that. With some help from Valentin, I've come close, using his suggestion: \paper{ scoreTitleMarkup = \markup { \column { \fill-line { \fromproperty #'header:meter \fromproperty #'header

Re: Harmonics w/ Regular Notes

2008-12-16 Thread Dave Bellows
Thanks everyone for your help and suggestions. I think I've got enough of handle now on the harmonic situation to make the two scores I'm working on come out OK. As for how best to notate artificial vs. natural harmonics I think I'm going with using the harmonic note head for natural harmonics an

Re: Discrepancy in documentation,

2008-12-16 Thread David Stocker
Carl, My confusion comes from not having a firm grasp on how LilyPond handles chords. I'm only now exploring that functionality and I need to read the manuals. I'm working on a project right now that involves using chord symbols and expect to be at it for a couple days. If I find discrepanc

confused newbie, choirstaff with single line of lyrics desired

2008-12-16 Thread Danalute
This is my first attempt at setting a piece, yes, a bit ambitious. Below the titles have a solo voice with three verses under staff (should be two rows). Below that, one row as 4vv choirstaff for the refrain, text between two staves, upper SA, lower TB. Shorthanding the input - \relative c'' {

Re: Discrepancy in documentation,

2008-12-16 Thread Carl D. Sorensen
On 12/16/08 7:57 AM, "David Stocker" wrote: > This clarifies things quite a bit. I'm no longer quite as confused about > syntax as I was a few minutes ago. What are your remaining confusions? I rewrote chords for the GDP, and would like to have it confusion free. I just added a section to t

Re: Discrepancy in documentation,

2008-12-16 Thread David Stocker
This clarifies things quite a bit. I'm no longer quite as confused about syntax as I was a few minutes ago. Carl D. Sorensen wrote: On 12/16/08 6:55 AM, "Simon Bailey" wrote: hi, On Dec 15, 2008, at 8:48 PM, Trevor Daniels wrote: I've fixed the original error identified by David,

Re: Discrepancy in documentation,

2008-12-16 Thread David Stocker
I think I'm having trouble understanding the syntax and what effect it has on the intervals LilyPond produces. When I see "m5" for example, my mind tells me "minor 5th" which is unlikely of course. In Western music, 5ths are either perfect, augmented or diminished. With that being said, I'll a

New LilyPondTool version available for testing

2008-12-16 Thread Bertalan Fodor (LilyPondTool)
Hi, for more advanced LilyPondTool users I released a new version. Installation instructions: - Install Project Viewer plugin from Plugin Manager (it's a new dependency) - Replace LilyPondTool.jar with the following file: and

Re: Discrepancy in documentation,

2008-12-16 Thread Carl D. Sorensen
On 12/16/08 6:55 AM, "Simon Bailey" wrote: > hi, > > On Dec 15, 2008, at 8:48 PM, Trevor Daniels wrote: >> I've fixed the original error identified by David, added the >> default Dominant thirteenth, and replaced some TODOs with what >> I hope are correct chord descriptions. On this latter p

Re: Discrepancy in documentation,

2008-12-16 Thread Simon Bailey
hi, On Dec 15, 2008, at 8:48 PM, Trevor Daniels wrote: I've fixed the original error identified by David, added the default Dominant thirteenth, and replaced some TODOs with what I hope are correct chord descriptions. On this latter point could you please check I've done this correctly, as my k

Re: Notation Reference typo

2008-12-16 Thread Graham Percival
On Tue, Dec 16, 2008 at 02:29:30PM +0100, Eyolf ?strem wrote: > Ugly, ugly. This is one of my main gripes with LP, this damned freedom of > choice which creeps in everywhere and makes everything more complicated, > not easier, because it blurs one's conception of the syntax. Well, then: 1) volunte


2008-12-16 Thread Ralph Palmer
Hi, All - I'm trying to put together tune sets, and I can't get the titling right. What I would like is something like: Set Title Tune 1 Title MeterComposer Notes No

Re: diff music

2008-12-16 Thread Nick Bailey
On Tuesday 16 December 2008 05:07:33 Mark Polesky wrote: > CJ Bell wrote: > > \diff \partA \partB > > What an awesome idea! Can anyone figure this one out? > That would be such a useful tool. > > - Mark > > > > > > ___ > lilypond-user mailing list > lilyp

Re: Notation Reference typo

2008-12-16 Thread Eyolf Ă˜strem
On 16.12.2008 (05:14), Graham Percival wrote: > > Yes, lilypond can read strings just fine without the #, but as a > matter of doc policy, we're supposed to use the # everywhere for > scheme arguments. Ugly, ugly. This is one of my main gripes with LP, this damned freedom of choice which creeps i

Re: Notation Reference typo

2008-12-16 Thread Graham Percival
On Tue, Dec 16, 2008 at 11:34:03AM +0100, Simon Bailey wrote: > andrew, > > On Dec 16, 2008, at 6:47 AM, Andrew Tucker wrote: >> >> which I believe needs to be changed to: (add a '#') >> >> \set Staff.midiInstrument = #"glockenspiel" > > > \set Staff.midiInstrument = "flute" works for me without t

Re: Notation Reference typo

2008-12-16 Thread James E. Bailey
actually, it's a bit more basic than that. If you look in the program reference, you'll see that midiInstrument takes a string, and strings are always just enclosed in quotes. (See the Scheme tutorial.) Am 16.12.2008 um 11:34 schrieb Simon Bailey: andrew, On Dec 16, 2008, at 6:47 AM, Andrew

Re: Notation Reference typo

2008-12-16 Thread James E. Bailey
Wow, I could have said that better. The value that midiInstrument takes is a string. The Scheme tutorial says that strings are always just enclosed in quotes. Am 16.12.2008 um 11:34 schrieb Simon Bailey: andrew, On Dec 16, 2008, at 6:47 AM, Andrew Tucker wrote: In the 2.11 NR, section 3.5.

Re: diff music

2008-12-16 Thread Simon Bailey
hi, On Dec 16, 2008, at 6:07 AM, Mark Polesky wrote: CJ Bell wrote: \diff \partA \partB What an awesome idea! Can anyone figure this one out? That would be such a useful tool. you could probably use partcombine, as soon as it splits into two voices, you see the differences. explicitly d

Re: Notation Reference typo

2008-12-16 Thread Simon Bailey
andrew, On Dec 16, 2008, at 6:47 AM, Andrew Tucker wrote: In the 2.11 NR, section 3.5.1 "Creating Midi Files", under "Instrument Names" there's an example: \set Staff.midiInstrument = "glockenspiel" which I believe needs to be changed to: (add a '#') \set Staff.midiInstrument = #"glockens