How to extract parts

2008-06-09 Thread Rael Bertarelli Gimenes Toffolo
Hi everyone... How we can extract parts from a orchestral score like the scores from mutopia project (I'm trying the Beethoven Romanze op. 50). I have checked all documentation in the lilypond site... in the mailing-list and I can't believe that it's so hard to do that in lilypond? Someone could h

LilyKDE 0.6.0 released

2008-06-09 Thread Wilbert Berendsen
Hi all, LilyKDE 0.6.0 has been released, you can get it here: Homepage: New features since 0.6.0 beta: * The PDF preview window can be detached. * An option has been added to save the document (if modified)

Re: incorrect beams in 16th quintuplet

2008-06-09 Thread Matthew Rowles
2008/6/9 Joe Neeman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: > This is a bug that has been fixed in git. Please try 2.11.49 when it is > released. > I just download the git version and it (the minimal example) works for me! Now I just need to go and check some of my scores and see if it works in the wild... -- Ma

Re: DOC: noticed a typo

2008-06-09 Thread Graham Percival
Thanks for the report, but this is for the 2.10.12 docs. We have rewritten a huge amount of docs for 2.12, so typos in 2.10 are not a major concern. As for the 2.12 docs, we have not yet rewritten this section, but we will bear this in mind when we do. Carl: it's in Rhythms. Cheers, - Graham O

Re: double notes in stemless notation?

2008-06-09 Thread Ivo Bouwmans
Hallo Mats, Mats Bengtsson schreef / wrote / skribis: If you show how you combine these two lines of music in the same stave, it's easier to provide a relevant answer. The relevant part of the code can be found below. However, in the meantime I figured out how to do double noteheads: using '

Re: how to set different line-widths for different movements within same score?

2008-06-09 Thread Kieren MacMillan
Hi Peter, Now I just need to figure out how to straightforwardly adjust staff sizes between the different movements. See 4.2.1 in the docs (v2.11). As for "straightforwardly"... Does anyone know why it is that "layout- set-staff-size does not change the distance between the staff lines"??

DOC: noticed a typo

2008-06-09 Thread Germain G. Ivanoff-Trinadtzaty
I noticed a typo in the LSR doc pages ; 6.4.5 Bar lines : One can read in the middle of the page : In scores with many staves, a \bar command in one staff is automatically applied to all staves. The resul

Re: The LilyPond Report: a new weekly opinion column about Lily's world

2008-06-09 Thread Valentin Villenave
Greetings everybody, A new issue is out: This week we'll see what is going on on the development mailing list; we will also talk about Free Culture, silly contests, paper sizes and cross-compiling, and have a look at the upcoming next stable

Re: Place to write piano dynamics

2008-06-09 Thread Mats Bengtsson
Valentin Villenave wrote: BTW: I read, lilypond originally was written in C++, but during the developing process the authors hdecided schema is more suitable for this task. No. LilyPond was originally written in some other language (I don't know... Python? TeX?) No, the main part

Re: incorrect beams in 16th quintuplet

2008-06-09 Thread Stefan Thomas
Dear Luis, I had the same problem! But there is a solution (not my idea) available. I changed Your snippet o the following: %%% BEGIN %% \version "2.11.42" quintolbeam = { \once \set beatLength = #(ly:make-moment 1 20) } \relative c' { \times 4/5 { f8 f16 f16 f16 } r4 \times 4/5 { f16 f

Re: Place to write piano dynamics

2008-06-09 Thread Valentin Villenave
2008/6/9 Michael Pozhidaev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: > So, if I put dynamics in the melody variable, they will be placed near > right hand stave and there is no way to move them to the center? Actually, there is a way to use your "right hand" variable in the Dynamics context: since the Dynamics contex

Re: different rehearsal mark settings in score and part

2008-06-09 Thread Valentin Villenave
2008/6/9 hhpmusic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: > I don't know how the remove empty staff function works. I added rehearsal > marks only above piccolo and violin I parts, but I don't know whether the > marks will let the parts appear during their silence. If no, the rehearsal > marks will disappear from

Re: Place to write piano dynamics

2008-06-09 Thread Valentin Villenave
2008/6/9 Michael Pozhidaev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: > Hello, everybody! Greetings, and welcome on the list! > There is one thing I cannot understand . In many examples > notes are not written in "\new Staff" block directly, > but placed in something like > upper = \relative c'' { >