Re: Default Rehearsal Marks with Text

2008-01-25 Thread Kieren MacMillan
Hi Douglas, Another minor issue I'm not going to worry about for now is how to get the g:aug7 chord to display as "G+7" instead of "G7/#5"is it easy or do I have to dive into the chord naming code Both! ;-) Hope this helps. Kieren. __ \version "2.11.37" \include "eng

Default Rehearsal Marks with Text

2008-01-25 Thread Douglas Wilson
Normally if I want a rehearsal mark with text next to it, I can markup the first note in the measure, and it's close enough, but here I have chords above the staff, and marking up chords doesn't work (e.g. bes1:9^\markup etc.), and if I mark up the note below, it puts the text between the staff and

Re: Tons de psaume

2008-01-25 Thread Kurt Kroon
On 1/25/08 8:46 AM, "Sr Catherine" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Bonjour, > Je souhaite, avec Lilypond, écrire des tons de psaume, pour le chant de > l'office. Comme ceci (voyez l'exemple au fond de la page) : emplates#A

RE: RemoveEmptyStaffContext and Nr of Pages

2008-01-25 Thread Trevor Daniels
Hi Toine I tried your example in 2.11.34 and it -does- reduce to a single page with RemoveEmptyStaffContext enabled in that release. This may be related to the reintroduction of minimum-Y-extent in 2.1.35 (see comment to bug 496). If so, the workaround mentioned there says: This can be fixed by

Tons de psaume

2008-01-25 Thread Sr Catherine
Bonjour, Je souhaite, avec Lilypond, écrire des tons de psaume, pour le chant de l'office. Pour cela, j'ai besoin d'une portée, avec une clé de sol, de ne pas avoir de temps à la clé, de mettre des "longa", des rondes, des noires, calées avec des barres de mesure. Je n'ai pas réussi à le faire ave

RemoveEmptyStaffContext and Nr of Pages

2008-01-25 Thread Toine Schreurs
The following example results in 2 pages of output. But if I enable the RemoveEmptyStaffContext, the number of pages should obviously reduce to 1, but remains 2. Is there a method to reduce the number of pages? %= start \version "2.11.37" \paper { ragged-last-bottom = ##t

RE: positions of barnumbers

2008-01-25 Thread Trevor Daniels
Hi Stef As Risto said we cannot easily see the problem as all the backslashes are missing from your example. However, the algorithm for placing outside-staff objects changed in 2.11. Outside-staff objects that are created within the Staff context are placed in accordance with the value of their

Re: Re: musicglyph for pedal down

2008-01-25 Thread stef . thomas
Dear Mats, I found the symbol I neede in the Feta-Tont-list. Thanks! Stefan - original Nachricht Betreff: Re: musicglyph for pedal down Gesendet: Do 24 Jan 2008 22:54:56 CET Von: "Mats Bengtsson"<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > Quoting [EMAIL PROTECTED]: > > > Dear Lilypondusers, > > my questi

Re: Re: positions of barnumbers

2008-01-25 Thread stef . thomas
Dear Risto, sorry, again the example, I tried it out with my LP-before and it worked. version "2.11.34" global= { override TimeSig.TimeSignature #'style = #'( ) tempo 4 = 69 time 3/8 s4. time 4/4 s1 time 2/4 s2 time 4/4 s1 time 2/4 s2 time 1/8 s8 time 4/4 s1*2 } pianoArechts = relative

Re: VoltaBracket end line missing - Was: invisible barlines

2008-01-25 Thread Francisco Vila
2008/1/22, Risto Vääräniemi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: > OT: > I created the images using Corel Photo-Paint. I think I know now what > was wrong with the attached PNGs. There were still some masks present > in the files and xv, ImageMagick, Internet Exploder etc. could not > understand them. The mask is