The easiest is probably to use the same trick as in the section
on Polymetric notation, in the manual. In other words, first
spend some time to make a \markup{...} command that
provides the symbol you want in the correct size, then
tell LilyPond to typeset the clef symbol just like any other
Hi all,
I've searched the archives and docs but haven't found what I'm looking for.
Essentially I want to create a custom clef by using a different character from a
different font.
>From what I've gathered so far, I would need to (1) change the font name for
clef. So:
\override Staff.Cle
> For some odd reason the symbol used in lilypond-mode.el is in
> camelcase. Try typing 'M-x LilyPond-mode'.
Actually, i never mentioned it here because i didn't want to seem like i
was harping on little things, but i really think this is a problem with
Op woensdag 19 december 2007, schreef Garrett Fitzgerald:
> Ok, I'll try that. Is there any other way to show an alternate ending
> directly? After all, it's not a true volta, since the verse comes
> before the repeat...
See "Manual repeat commands"
Thanks for reply. The lilypond manual (13.6) was not clear with this:
Emacs has a 'lilypond-mode', which provides keyword autocompletion,
LilyPond specific parenthesis matching and syntax coloring, handy compile
short-cuts and reading LilyPond manuals using Info. If 'lilypond-mo
Ok, I'll try that. Is there any other way to show an alternate ending
directly? After all, it's not a true volta, since the verse comes
before the repeat...
On Dec 19, 2007 11:57 AM, Mats Bengtsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> If I understand your question correctly, just add a \bar "|" command ju
Thank you!
On 12/19/07, Mats Bengtsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Sorry, I forgot to update the default settings for ottava brackets, when
> I changed the way of getting dashed lines in version 2.11.35. The problem
> has been fixed in the source code. Waiting for the next release, you can
> us
Sorry, I forgot to update the default settings for ottava brackets, when
I changed the way of getting dashed lines in version 2.11.35. The problem
has been fixed in the source code. Waiting for the next release, you can use
\override Score.OttavaBracket #'style = #'dashed-line
to get the dashed li
Anfang der weitergeleiteten E-Mail:
Von: Ole Schmidt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Datum: 19. Dezember 2007 18:59:32 MEZ
An: "Neil Thornock" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Betreff: Re: ottava bracket not dashed
in \version "2.10.15" and in \version "11.34-1"
the following code:
Hello all,
Why is the ottava bracket a solid line these days? I've set dash-period and
-fraction and all that, and I can't get anything but a solid line, in even
the simplest examples. I noticed it in 2.11.35 as well.
\relative {#(set-octavation 1) c' c c c #(set-octavation 0)}
Any he
If I understand your question correctly, just add a \bar "|" command just
before the bar line where you don't want the repeat mark.
Garrett Fitzgerald wrote:
Is there an easy way to do an alternate ending for a chorus that has
looks like a repeat, but doesn't have the repeat mark at the
Is there an easy way to do an alternate ending for a chorus that has
looks like a repeat, but doesn't have the repeat mark at the end of
the first ending? Or is this more involved? If it's involved, I'll
play with it more before asking again. Thanks.
On Dec 19, 2007 9:10 AM, Maurits Lamers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I updated the file to include the real binaries and it takes the
> filesize to about 1.8 MB.
I donwloaded it, and now get the following:
$ bin/lilypond
-bash: bin/lilypond: cannot execute binary file
$ file lilypond
2007/12/18, Mats Bengtsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> I always remove the old version first when upgrading,
> don't remember if it's strictly necessary but I think so.
Yes, on install it refuses to continue if it finds an older version installed.
Francisco Vila. Badajoz (Spain)
I downloaded the source and will have a go at getting it running!
Op 19 dec 2007, om 02:23 heeft Han-Wen Nienhuys het volgende geschreven:
2007/12/18, Maurits Lamers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
What remains is our Mac editor: LilyPad... Anyone knows where I could
find th
You're absolutely right, I did not pay attention to this.
You're also right about the small size. It is too smal to contain
anything real.
I updated the file to include the real binaries and it takes the
filesize to about 1.8 MB.
Thanks for your feedback!
Op 19 dec 2007, o
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