I want add arbritrary chord names above a piano staff When I do for example
g:m/d in a ChordNames context, this chokes lilypond. I want to add that manually
in the ChordNames context. Is there a way to do this?
lilypond-user mailing list
I just wanted to say THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!
I have been looking for a tool like this for a while.
It does (and really exceeds) everything I need!
lilypond-user mailing list
Anybody still use the docs in info format?
If yes, do you want to see links to the music glossary? To see what I'm
talking about, look in the Tutorial, 2.1.2 Simple notation.
The easiest way to enter notes is by using `\relative' mode. In this
mode, the *note ()interval::music-glossary
Hello Lillypad. I think your system would be great for me. First, I need to
know the size of the software. Thank You.
lilypond-user mailing list