I am using lilypond version 2.10.29. I'm trying to integrate music
into a paper I have for a class. When I input the following into my
tex file:
c' d' e' f' g'2 g'2
(I got this from the tutorial)
I invoke lilypond book with the foll
If anyone is interested, I've put the source files online for the songbook
I've recently created (I haven't gotten around to fixing the reference
to lilypond's web site yet!)
To access, go to:
Username: lilypond
Password: awesome
2007/8/23, Jack Cooper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> If you wish to take a look at my songbook, go to
> www.jack-cooper.com/songbook and enter "guest" and "guest"
> as the userid and password. The songbook file is called
> lop_songbook.pdf.
Great. But lilypond.com is a mixing tanks company, please c
Valentin Villenave <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi Jack,
I took the liberty to download and look at your songbook, and just
wanted to share a few questions that occured to me while reading it:
Hi, Valentin. Thanks for your feedback- I would mind responsing
to your questions point by point.
2007/8/23, Jack Cooper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> If you wish to take a look at my songbook, go to
> www.jack-cooper.com/songbook and enter "guest" and "guest"
> as the userid and password. The songbook file is called
> lop_songbook.pdf.
Hi Jack,
I took the liberty to download and look at your song
Roy Zimmerman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Hi --
I intend to produce songbooks of my songs in piano/vocal format with occasional
lines of guitar tablature. Is Lilypond capable of doing that?
Thank you,
Hi, Roy. I just finished completing a songbook of my recent CD using
lilypond. I inclu
Jammidi is an online music composition tool:
It uses JFugue for music notation and exporting to MIDI.
Now it also uses Lilypond for dynamic generation of music score fragments.
You can check it as follows:
1. Add a song
2. Add a JFugue music string
3. Zoom in to the
Why would you want to make it a markup command?
The only reason would be to introduce some parameters to the
command so you could change the layout. What parameters
do you want?
Valentin Villenave wrote:
\markup {\postscript
#"0.2 setlinewidth -0.5 -3 moveto -1 -3 lineto 0 10 rl
2007/8/23, Mats Bengtsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Why would you want to make it a markup command?
> The only reason would be to introduce some parameters to the
> command so you could change the layout. What parameters
> do you want?
I wanted to make sure that the barré sign is always aligned with
> barr=
> \markup {\postscript
> #"0.2 setlinewidth -0.5 -3 moveto -1 -3 lineto 0 10 rlineto stroke"
> }
By the way, I tried to put it in a define-markup-command, but couldn't
manage to make it work. Could you show me how to do it so I can add it
to the LSR, Mats? -- or anybody else with better
Marek wrote:
> I try to combine standard notation with gregorian notation like this:
> section1 standard
> section2 gregorian
> section3 standard...
For mensural notation you can do this.
\layout {
raggedright = ##t
raggedbottom = ##t
indent = 0.0\mm
men = {
Now I have what I wanted to have :)
Many thanks both of you!
lilypond-user mailing list
Mats Bengtsson wrote:
Just replace
{ \relative c''
\relative c'' {
or by
\new Voice { \relative c''
lilypond-user mailing list
Just replace
{ \relative c''
\relative c'' {
Peter Terpstra wrote:
Valentin Villenave in
\markup {\postscript
#"0.2 setlinewidth -0.5 -3 moveto -1 -3 lineto 0 10 rlineto stroke"
Ah, thanks for your labour
Valentin Villenave in
> %%%snippet%%%
> barr=
> \markup {\postscript
> #"0.2 setlinewidth -0.5 -3 moveto -1 -3 lineto 0 10 rlineto stroke"
> }
> {
> f_\barr
> }
> %%%
Ah, thanks for your labour, now i need to find out how this postscipt
command works, to adep
A cleaner solution is to redefine the default settings, just as is done
within the
gregorian-init.ly file. Before the score where you want your default layout
back, insert
indent = 15\mm % In case you use the default A4 paper size.
ragged-last = ##f
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