David Fedoruk wrote:
On 6/15/07, Graham Percival <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
David Fedoruk wrote:
> \version "2.10.25"
> upper = \relative c'' {
>\clef treble
>\key e \major
>\time 3/4
> \key e \minor r8 b''8 \grace a16 g8 fs e d | % Bar 21
On 6/15/07, Graham Percival <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
David Fedoruk wrote:
> \version "2.10.25"
> upper = \relative c'' {
>\clef treble
>\key e \major
>\time 3/4
> \key e \minor r8 b''8 \grace a16 g8 fs e d | % Bar 21
> {a'4-| a8 a gs fs
David Fedoruk wrote:
\version "2.10.25"
upper = \relative c'' {
\clef treble
\key e \major
\time 3/4
\key e \minor r8 b''8 \grace a16 g8 fs e d | % Bar 21
{a'4-| a8 a gs fs b d |
Why do you have an extra { in there?
\grace b16 c2
I am attempting to transcribe a Scarlatti Sonata which I will cross
check with the facsimile edition -- when I get to see it. However, in
bringing in a second voice to the right hand I get this error:
dyld: Symbol not found:
Referenced from:
On Saturday 16 June 2007 09:25, Masahiro Niizuma wrote:
> Thank you for you replying.
Please keep discussions on the mailing list so that others can join in.
> So how can I flat "b"?
The German name for what I (as an Australian) would call "B flat" is "B." If
you are using deutsch.ly and you
IIRC there were a few bugfixes about this. Please upgrade to 2.10.
- Graham
Jay Hamilton wrote:
I checked the manual and thought that I was doing it correctly.
in example 1-
the 8th rests are colliding with the notes for the lower part. The
manual states that I can use a note (f\rest
I checked the manual and thought that I was doing it correctly.
in example 1-
the 8th rests are colliding with the notes for the lower part. The
manual states that I can use a note (f\rest)
However example 2 below is more than totally bizzare as it raises all
sorts of notes but not the rests
I will be out of the office starting 06/15/2007 and will not return until
I will have e-mail access and will respond when I am able.
lilypond-user mailing list
Hi vanessa, this is a common mistake
Lilypond is not really a 'program'
it is more like a programming language. you write instructions in
lilypond code in a text editor.
there is a tutorial here
On 15 Jun 2007, at 09:
Hi there,
I have a problem to run Lilypond:
After Lylipond has been correctly installed, i get to the welcoming "Lylipad
At point n°4 it says: "To print or to view the result, click on the newly
produced file called " WELCOME_TO_LILYPOND.pdf "
1. The pdf. file on my desktop isn't
This attempt at a parenthesized appoggiatura produces tiny tiny parentheses,
enclosing the notehead only; and the accidental is outside, instead of
inside, the parentheses.
\version "2.11.25"
\new Score
\new Staff \relative c' {
\appoggiatura <\parenthesize cis>8 d
Helge Kruse gmx.net> writes:
> I would like to include some graphics in the score like celtic ornaments at
> the page borders. What are best practices in an MS Windows environment?
Occasionally, I use \epsfile to insert ornamental graphics between \score{}
blocks. To convert any graphics file t
I've just installed Lilypond in Windows and Ubuntu
In Ubuntu I've created a file.ly
I've started Lilypond, who said me the errors and I corrected them
But now it says only:
lilypond --pdf /media/sda1/musica/sheet_music/castello/pippo.ly
GNU LilyPond 2.10.20
Processing `/media/sda1/music
TiagoM gmail.com> writes:
> How can one align a \markup with the center of the notehead instead of it's
> left edge?
Use \halign:
\version "2.10.20"
c''^\markup{\halign #0 "Centered"}
> Is there any easy solution to make an arrow (up or down) out of an arpeggio?
> Somenthing like \arpeggioUp or \arpeggioDown but instead of getting a zigzag
> line, get a straight arrowed line.
I'd be interested in this too. From property-init.ly you can see that
the stencil for the arpeggion
There are two ways of adding figured bass:
\new Staff \mybassnotes \new Figured Bass \myfigures
which gives figures below the staff, arranged ina horizontal line
\new Staff = bassStaff \mybassnotes \context Staff = bassStaff \myfigures
which puts the figures in vertical
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