I guess, what you downloaded was the "installer" from
http://lilypond.org/web/install/. This isn't anything you can open with
an editor, instead it's a program that you have to run, which in turn
installs the LilyPond program.
The instructions at the Download page actually tell you what to do, b
I've tried twice to download Lilypond: first to my desk top, then to be opened
by gedit. In both cases I got a message that my Ubuntu could not open the file.
I'm a real beginner at Linux. Can you help me?
lilypond-user mailing list
When I tried to compile lilypond (all dependencies should be solved)
it came up with the following error message:
chmod 755 out/lilypond-invoke-editor
/usr/bin/perl /Users/Thommy/Documents/Downloads/lilypond-2.10.25/
buildscripts/out/help2man out/lilypond-invoke-editor > out/lilypond-