If you send a short example of the code you currently have to the mailing
list, it's much easier to provide a relevant answer to your question.
The general principles are introduced in the section on "Multiple staves"
in the Tutorial.
Quoting Jon Cox <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
Hello, I am a
Hello, I am a rank amateur at Lilypond, but love the way it engraves the
music. I use noteworthy composer as my "writing" software. I am capable of
bringing each staff independently into lilypond code. How can I tell lilypond
that this part is the treble clef of the system and this part is th
Thank you for the fix, Martial, it works perfectly.
lilypond-user mailing list
Helge Kruse gmx.net> writes:
> So I fear I
> have to stick with notepad.
> Best regards, Helge
Don't stick with notepad! Even though it's not a graphical input, you should
use Lily4Jedit (or some similar editor that has Lilypond compatibility mode).
write a second score without layout block
\version "2.10.10"
guitarline = {
a,4\5 c'\2 a\3 e'\1
\score {
\new TabStaff = "gtr" { \guitarline }
\layout {
\context { \RemoveEmptyStaffContext }