"Gregg Mazel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> cannot execute: No such file or directory
> ???
> Any ideas what may be happening here? I am using RHEL WS 4
How did you install LilyPond?
Jan Nieuwenhuizen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | GNU LilyPond - The music typesetter
I'm working on the final touches to a score. It's fairly large. There
are 28 staves. There is one place where the score expands vertically
due to the "vertical density" of notes. I've been experimenting with
different font sizes to be sure that the score does not stretch off the
bottom of the p
/usr/local/bin/lilypond: line 4:
/usr/local//lilypond/usr/bin/lilypond: No
suchfile or directory
/usr/local/bin/lilypond: line 4: exec:
cannot execute: No such file or directory
Any ideas what may be happening here? I am using RHEL WS 4
Hello list, hello Matt,
You wrote:
> I am trying to figure out how to tell lilypond to always
> put fingerings below bowings in my music. I found
> this in the manual:
> Commonly tweaked properties
> The vertical ordering of scripts is controlled
> with the script-priority property. The lo
I am trying to figure out how to tell lilypond to always
put fingerings below bowings in my music. I found
this in the manual:
Commonly tweaked properties
The vertical ordering of scripts is controlled
with the script-priority property. The lower
this number, the closer it will be put to the n
I will be out of the office starting 04/20/2007 and will not return until
lilypond-user mailing list
2007/4/20, Davide Sali <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
Merci beaucoup à l'avance, pour votre aide, et surtout pour Lilypond...
Davide Sali
[Just in case, I'm suggesting to redirect this topic to the French
list ; however, any contribution is still welcome here...]
Bonjour Davide,
vous serez sans dout
> Thanks so much! That's almost perfect. I don't know how to raise
> the text up above the first few notes.
> What could I add to raise it up above the ledger line notes in the
> first measure?
Version 2.11 automatically positions the text correctly to avoid
However, you can increase
> Absolute beginner with music notation, I often have to enter unmetered music
> in
> Lilypond. My problem is that a long phrase (Bénis_le_Seigneur_ô_mon_âme, for
> example) is often sung over the same note, breve or other in notation. Now,
> Lilypond centers the text bloc under the note; so, I h