Re: Failed to extract font

2006-12-06 Thread Mats Bengtsson
The problem you report is a known bug for lilypond-book in Windows. I recommend to use the pdflatex mode of lilypond-book: lilypond-book --pdf --output=out 1-test1.lytex cd out pdflatex 1-test1 As you probably know, pdflatex will directly produce a PDF file as output, not any .dvi file. /Mat

Re: help with multiple staves

2006-12-06 Thread Graham Percival
Derek Kaye wrote: how on earth do I make this so that the choir lines only show when needed! Please see the "Hiding staves" section in the documentation. Cheers, - Graham ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: tie attached on left side

2006-12-06 Thread Laura Conrad
> "Graham" == Graham Percival <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: Graham> Laura Conrad wrote: Graham> \override LaissezVibrerTie #'direction = #-1 >> >> I tried several places to put that, and none of them worked. The >> attached doesn't seem to have any effect at all. This is o

help with multiple staves

2006-12-06 Thread Derek Kaye
hi thereI am having a large about of trouble with one of my pieces. This is piece with organ and choir.There is about 2.5 pages worth of just organ before the choir come in, but I have no way of suppressing the choir lines for these pages, hence making what should be 2 pages actually 6 pages.The

Re: tie attached on left side

2006-12-06 Thread Graham Percival
Laura Conrad wrote: Graham> \override LaissezVibrerTie #'direction = #-1 I tried several places to put that, and none of them worked. The attached doesn't seem to have any effect at all. This is on 2.9.22. It's a bug which was unfortunately fixed after 2.9.22. - Graham ___

Re: tie attached on left side

2006-12-06 Thread Laura Conrad
> "Graham" == Graham Percival <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: Graham> Laura Conrad wrote: >> So then I looked at \laissezVibrer, which is indeed quite similar to >> what I want, but the default appearance is probably deliberately >> somewhat different from a normal tie. >>

Re: Number of pages output

2006-12-06 Thread Graham Percival
Andrew Black - lists wrote: Is it possible to print out the number of pages that Lilypond has output to a PDF. Or even better, can you add a check in the code that you are on the page you expect (a bit like barNumberCheck). So I could put \pageNumberCheck 2 at the end of part and if it ha

Re: tie attached on left side

2006-12-06 Thread Graham Percival
Laura Conrad wrote: So then I looked at \laissezVibrer, which is indeed quite similar to what I want, but the default appearance is probably deliberately somewhat different from a normal tie. Does someone know how to tweak the attached example so that the tie is up instead of down (important) an

Re: Extracting parts from a .ly file?

2006-12-06 Thread Eduardo Vieira
Citando Joseph Haig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: > > I think it must have been the lilypond mailserver seeing the 'at' sign > and assuming that it is an email address, because it is wrong in the > list archives. The line should read: > > my($fin,$fout,$label) = @ARGV; > > I have put spaces either side of

Failed to extract font

2006-12-06 Thread Charles Gran
Can someone help me with this: Writing fonts to 1-test1.psfonts...Failed to extract CenturySchL- Roma, Emmentale r-20 from lily-1889349313.eps I'm running under windows xp. D:\Docs2\1\final>lilypond-book --psfonts --output=out 1-test1.lytex (GNU LilyPond) 2.10.0 Reading 1-test1.l

misdetection of mftrace in 2.10.1

2006-12-06 Thread Klaus Zimmermann
Hi List, I downloaded the 2.10.1 tarball of lilypond but configure claims that I only have mftrace 1.1 installed, while 1.1.19 is needed. However I do have version 1.1.19 and only that version of mftrace installed. As far as I understand stepmake uses mftrace --version to learn about the installed

Re: Little scheme question

2006-12-06 Thread Nicolas Sceaux
Sebastien Gross <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > The question is how to factorise an expression like: > \tag #'tab {4} tag #'score {8 ~ } > to something like: > > \tabRhythme {} #'(4) #'(8 8) > > I thought to write a function like: > > tabRhythme = #(define-music-function (parser location music tab s

Church music

2006-12-06 Thread David Gippner
Hello to the list! I have to typeset a musicsheet for a service at 01/06/2007. Therefore, I need to set notes without stems, gregorian chant and text. I'm using lilypond 2.10.1 along with teTeX under Ubuntu Linux 6.10. My problems are as follows: - the episems don't show. Does anybody know some

Re: Extracting parts from a .ly file?

2006-12-06 Thread Eduardo Vieira
Joe wrote: > It is not pretty and it doesn't to a great deal of syntax checking but > below is a perl script I've just thrown together which extract the > parts as you require. It should pick out things like 'soprano' while > ignoring things like '\soprano'. You should save it in a file called >

Re: svg backend

2006-12-06 Thread Julian Peterson
Yup, looks like it's fixed in 2.10. I was hoping to finish this project before upgrading. Oh well. Thanks for your help. JP Vincent wrote: the latest 2.9 series fixed that, although the fonts in Century Schoolbook L were not introduced correctly in the svg file (see

Re: MIDI help

2006-12-06 Thread Mats Bengtsson
To understand the answers you have received, I recommend you to read the section on "How LilyPond files work" in the Tutorial, if you haven't already done that. /Mats Frank Herzberg wrote: A newbie, I downloaded v. yesterday and was delighted about my first notation, the beginning of

tie attached on left side

2006-12-06 Thread Laura Conrad
I have a piece where one part has a tied note going into the repeat section, and also a tie from the end of the first ending to the beginning of the repeat. I've found two lilypond commands that are *almost* what I want. \repeatTie sounds promising, but does the opposite of what I want. It atta

Re: MIDI help

2006-12-06 Thread Johan Vromans
"Frank Herzberg" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > I've got the correct pdf and a ps output but never a MIDI file. What's wrong? > I > added the \midi {} command at the end in many different ways but nothing > worked. This works: \score { ...your original input... \midi { } \

Re: MIDI help

2006-12-06 Thread Martial
> added the \midi {} command at the end in many different ways but nothing > worked. \score { \new PianoStaff << \new Staff { \clef treble r16 c' d' e' f' d' e' c' g'8 c'' b'\prall c'' d''16 g' a' b' c'' a' b' g' d''8 g'' f''\prall g''} \new Staff { \clef bass r2 r16 c d e f d e c g8 g,

MIDI help

2006-12-06 Thread Frank Herzberg
A newbie, I downloaded v. yesterday and was delighted about my first notation, the beginning of Bach's invention I: \version "2.10.0" \new PianoStaff << \new Staff { \clef treble r16 c' d' e' f' d' e' c' g'8 c'' b'\prall c'' d''16 g' a' b' c'' a' b' g' d''8 g'' f''\prall g''} \new Staff {

Re: Wikis [was: Re: Tutorial]

2006-12-06 Thread Bertalan Fodor
It's easy to start a new wiki, a new documentation, a new whatever, but it's much harder to develop it on a long timescale. As for me, I find wiki-based doc are a LOT easier for everyone to contribute, improve, propose, translate, and -most off all- gain easy and immediate access to every info

Re: Wikis [was: Re: Tutorial]

2006-12-06 Thread Graham Percival
Valentin Villenave wrote: 2006/12/5, John Mandereau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: It's easy to start a new wiki, a new documentation, a new whatever, but it's much harder to develop it on a long timescale. As for me, I find wiki-based doc are a LOT easier for everyone to contribute, improve, propose,

Re: Wikis [was: Re: Tutorial]

2006-12-06 Thread Valentin Villenave
Sounds indeed more relevant. Thank you Han-Wen. 2006/12/6, Han-Wen Nienhuys <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: Valentin Villenave escreveu: > understand why it hasn't been a success. But maybe it would be worth > trying to to put the footer links again. Can this be done easily, or > does it means spending ho

Little scheme question

2006-12-06 Thread Sebastien Gross
Hi all I do use lilypond for a while and I have a recurent problem when splitting notes to feat to a beat. Let's see a simple example: [1]: relative c { c4. 4 c8 4 } This produce a nice output but: [2]: \relative c { c4 ~ c8 8 ~ c8 4 } I think this is more readble on a staff. Anyway I also d

Re: Wikis [was: Re: Tutorial]

2006-12-06 Thread Han-Wen Nienhuys
Valentin Villenave escreveu: > understand why it hasn't been a success. But maybe it would be worth > trying to to put the footer links again. Can this be done easily, or > does it means spending hours page-per-page ? I would like to reverse the policy this time. I'll put in a wiki link if there i

Re: Wikis [was: Re: Tutorial]

2006-12-06 Thread Valentin Villenave
2006/12/5, John Mandereau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: There is already an unofficial wiki on OK my bad. Though I thought I had indeed already seen there was a wiki somewhere, I wasn't able to find where it was (the fact is, I only tried with

Re: svg backend

2006-12-06 Thread Vincent
the latest 2.9 series fixed that, although the fonts in Century Schoolbook L were not introduced correctly in the svg file (see and I had to hand edit I haven't tested 2.10 nor 2.11 yet, but that's probably fixed too. Greeting

Re: archives

2006-12-06 Thread Andrew Black - lists
Is there an archive anywhere to search for answers to certain questions, so as not to repeat the same questions all the time? may also help ___ lilypond-user mailing list http:/

Re: hiding time signatures

2006-12-06 Thread Mats Bengtsson
I don't really see what time signatures have to do with trills. However, you can easily hide a time signature or whatever other object, see the section on "Common tweaks". For the specific case of time signatures, you can use \override Staff.TimeSignature #'transparent = ##t /Mats emily wrote