The problem you report is a known bug for lilypond-book in Windows.
I recommend to use the pdflatex mode of lilypond-book:
lilypond-book --pdf --output=out 1-test1.lytex
cd out
pdflatex 1-test1
As you probably know, pdflatex will directly produce a PDF file as output,
not any .dvi file.
Derek Kaye wrote:
how on earth do I make this so that the choir lines only show when needed!
Please see the "Hiding staves" section in the documentation.
- Graham
lilypond-user mailing list
> "Graham" == Graham Percival <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Graham> Laura Conrad wrote:
Graham> \override LaissezVibrerTie #'direction = #-1
>> I tried several places to put that, and none of them worked. The
>> attached doesn't seem to have any effect at all. This is o
hi thereI am having a large about of trouble with one of my pieces. This is
piece with organ and choir.There is about 2.5 pages worth of just organ before
the choir come in, but I have no way of suppressing the choir lines for these
pages, hence making what should be 2 pages actually 6 pages.The
Laura Conrad wrote:
Graham> \override LaissezVibrerTie #'direction = #-1
I tried several places to put that, and none of them worked. The
attached doesn't seem to have any effect at all. This is on 2.9.22.
It's a bug which was unfortunately fixed after 2.9.22.
- Graham
> "Graham" == Graham Percival <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Graham> Laura Conrad wrote:
>> So then I looked at \laissezVibrer, which is indeed quite similar to
>> what I want, but the default appearance is probably deliberately
>> somewhat different from a normal tie.
Andrew Black - lists wrote:
Is it possible to print out the number of pages that Lilypond has output
to a PDF.
Or even better, can you add a check in the code that you are on the page
you expect (a bit like barNumberCheck). So I could put
\pageNumberCheck 2
at the end of part and if it ha
Laura Conrad wrote:
So then I looked at \laissezVibrer, which is indeed quite similar to
what I want, but the default appearance is probably deliberately
somewhat different from a normal tie.
Does someone know how to tweak the attached example so that the tie is
up instead of down (important) an
Citando Joseph Haig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> I think it must have been the lilypond mailserver seeing the 'at' sign
> and assuming that it is an email address, because it is wrong in the
> list archives. The line should read:
> my($fin,$fout,$label) = @ARGV;
> I have put spaces either side of
Can someone help me with this:
Writing fonts to 1-test1.psfonts...Failed to extract CenturySchL-
Roma, Emmentale
r-20 from lily-1889349313.eps
I'm running under windows xp.
D:\Docs2\1\final>lilypond-book --psfonts --output=out 1-test1.lytex (GNU LilyPond) 2.10.0
Reading 1-test1.l
Hi List,
I downloaded the 2.10.1 tarball of lilypond but configure claims that I
only have mftrace 1.1 installed, while 1.1.19 is needed.
However I do have version 1.1.19 and only that version of mftrace
As far as I understand stepmake uses mftrace --version to learn about
the installed
Sebastien Gross <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> The question is how to factorise an expression like:
> \tag #'tab {4} tag #'score {8 ~ }
> to something like:
> \tabRhythme {} #'(4) #'(8 8)
> I thought to write a function like:
> tabRhythme = #(define-music-function (parser location music tab s
Hello to the list!
I have to typeset a musicsheet for a service at 01/06/2007. Therefore, I
need to set notes without stems, gregorian chant and text. I'm using
lilypond 2.10.1 along with teTeX under Ubuntu Linux 6.10.
My problems are as follows:
- the episems don't show. Does anybody know some
Joe wrote:
> It is not pretty and it doesn't to a great deal of syntax checking but
> below is a perl script I've just thrown together which extract the
> parts as you require. It should pick out things like 'soprano' while
> ignoring things like '\soprano'. You should save it in a file called
Yup, looks like it's fixed in 2.10. I was hoping to finish this project
before upgrading. Oh well.
Thanks for your help.
Vincent wrote:
the latest 2.9 series fixed that, although the fonts in Century
Schoolbook L were not introduced correctly in the svg file (see
To understand the answers you have received, I recommend you to read
the section on "How LilyPond files work" in the Tutorial, if you haven't
already done that.
Frank Herzberg wrote:
A newbie, I downloaded v. yesterday and was delighted about my first
notation, the beginning of
I have a piece where one part has a tied note going into the repeat
section, and also a tie from the end of the first ending to the
beginning of the repeat.
I've found two lilypond commands that are *almost* what I want.
\repeatTie sounds promising, but does the opposite of what I want. It
"Frank Herzberg" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I've got the correct pdf and a ps output but never a MIDI file. What's wrong?
> I
> added the \midi {} command at the end in many different ways but nothing
> worked.
This works:
\score {
...your original input...
\midi { }
> added the \midi {} command at the end in many different ways but nothing
> worked.
\score {
\new PianoStaff <<
\new Staff { \clef treble r16 c' d' e' f' d' e' c' g'8 c'' b'\prall c'' d''16
a' b' c'' a' b' g' d''8 g'' f''\prall g''}
\new Staff { \clef bass r2 r16 c d e f d e c g8 g,
A newbie, I downloaded v. yesterday and was delighted about my first
notation, the beginning of Bach's invention I:
\version "2.10.0"
\new PianoStaff <<
\new Staff { \clef treble r16 c' d' e' f' d' e' c' g'8 c'' b'\prall c'' d''16 g'
a' b' c'' a' b' g' d''8 g'' f''\prall g''}
\new Staff {
It's easy to start a new wiki, a new documentation, a new whatever, but
it's much harder to develop it on a long timescale.
As for me, I find wiki-based doc are a LOT easier for everyone to
contribute, improve, propose, translate, and -most off all- gain easy
and immediate access to every info
Valentin Villenave wrote:
2006/12/5, John Mandereau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
It's easy to start a new wiki, a new documentation, a new whatever, but
it's much harder to develop it on a long timescale.
As for me, I find wiki-based doc are a LOT easier for everyone to
contribute, improve, propose,
Sounds indeed more relevant.
Thank you Han-Wen.
2006/12/6, Han-Wen Nienhuys <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
Valentin Villenave escreveu:
> understand why it hasn't been a success. But maybe it would be worth
> trying to to put the footer links again. Can this be done easily, or
> does it means spending ho
Hi all
I do use lilypond for a while and I have a recurent problem when
splitting notes to feat to a beat.
Let's see a simple example:
relative c { c4. 4 c8 4 }
This produce a nice output but:
\relative c { c4 ~ c8 8 ~ c8 4 }
I think this is more readble on a staff. Anyway I also d
Valentin Villenave escreveu:
> understand why it hasn't been a success. But maybe it would be worth
> trying to to put the footer links again. Can this be done easily, or
> does it means spending hours page-per-page ?
I would like to reverse the policy this time. I'll put in a wiki link
if there i
2006/12/5, John Mandereau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
There is already an unofficial wiki on
OK my bad.
Though I thought I had indeed already seen there was a wiki somewhere,
I wasn't able to find where it was (the fact is, I only tried with
the latest 2.9 series fixed that, although the fonts in Century
Schoolbook L were not introduced correctly in the svg file (see
and I had to hand edit
I haven't tested 2.10 nor 2.11 yet, but that's probably fixed too.
Is there an archive anywhere to search for answers to certain questions,
so as not to repeat the same questions all the time?
may also help
lilypond-user mailing list
I don't really see what time signatures have to do with trills.
However, you can easily hide a time signature or whatever other
object, see the section on "Common tweaks". For the specific case of
time signatures, you can use
\override Staff.TimeSignature #'transparent = ##t
emily wrote
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