Re: PhrasingSlur-Slur conflict

2006-12-02 Thread Tomas Valusek
Hello, the same applies to normal slurs too - see my example: \version "2.8.1" \relative c { \clef bass \key c \major \time 4/4 c8( d' a d c, d' a d) c,( des' as des c, des' as des) c,( c' g c c, c' g c) c,( bes' f bes c, bes' f bes) } Tomas Valusek Graham Percival napsal(a): Sean Reed wrote

Re: Tutorial

2006-12-02 Thread Graham Percival
Mats Bengtsson wrote: Right! This first example of the tutorial is somewhat idealized to hide unnecessary complications. I hope you haven't got stuck there but rather kept reading and experimenting with the program. Graham, maybe we should modify this first example so the user output is exactly

Re: Multiple sections in ChoirStaff

2006-12-02 Thread Graham Percival
Geoff Horton wrote: Sorry, it seems that you (or somebody else) will need to recreate the examples. If you create an example for SATB, please also write something for the general case (ie going in a not-specifically-vocal-music location). Can you (or someone) suggest a use for this in a non-vo

Re: a2 paper

2006-12-02 Thread Graham Percival
Orm Finnendahl wrote: it seems, lilypond can't deal with a paper size of a2. It reports an error if trying teh following: #(set-default-paper-size "a2") That is correct, lilypond does not support a2. If you would like to add this, see scm/paper.scm . Patches appreciated. Cheers, - Gr

Re: 2.10 questions

2006-12-02 Thread Graham Percival
Monk Panteleimon wrote: The finger-crossing bezier thing happens with some files but not others. The ones it happens with aren't particularly short, so I need to know what it's responding to in order to reproduce it in a short file. Can I assume it has to do with the more specific error that c

Re: Multiple sections in ChoirStaff

2006-12-02 Thread Geoff Horton
Sorry, it seems that you (or somebody else) will need to recreate the examples. If you create an example for SATB, please also write something for the general case (ie going in a not-specifically-vocal-music location). Can you (or someone) suggest a use for this in a non-vocal situation? I'd ra

Re: Bezier interserction error (2.10 questions)

2006-12-02 Thread Monk Panteleimon
Sorry. I didn't get my example right: The bit of notes that go with the lyrics and the lyrics themselves are* inside << >> as they should be: %in a voice that later winds up being \voiceOne in a ChoirStaff: tenor = { a4 b c d e f g << { g g  e1~ e e e e e e e e e }   

Re: PhrasingSlur-Slur conflict

2006-12-02 Thread Graham Percival
Sean Reed wrote: % huge PhrasingSlur by adding a small Slur on the first two notes { \relative c' { c'16\(( f,) f f f f f( f f f f) f f f f c'\) | f8 f f f f f f f | } } Thanks, this is great! Note that you can reduce the system size by doing \layout {ragged-right=##t}

Re: 2.10 questions

2006-12-02 Thread Monk Panteleimon
Thanks for the reply! The finger-crossing bezier thing happens with some files but not others. The ones it happens with aren't particularly short, so I need to know what it's responding to in order  to reproduce it in a short file. Can I assume it has to do with the more specific error that com

Re: Multiple sections in ChoirStaff

2006-12-02 Thread Graham Percival
Mats Bengtsson wrote: Graham, I clearly remember putting together a modified version (actually two versions) of the SATB example, using alignAboveContext and sending it to you during the summer. However, now I cannot find any traces of it, neither in the mailing list archives, nor in my outbox. D

Re: Midi problem

2006-12-02 Thread Graham Percival
Lasse Rempe wrote: convert-ly doesn't seem to work in the current version of lilypond, and the manual doesn't give the correct syntax either, last time I checked (at least in the relevant section on midi files, where the tempo command was previously explained). This was fixed last night. - Gra

Re: FretBoards in 2.10 - missing in manual?

2006-12-02 Thread Graham Percival
Bodvar Bjorgvinsson wrote: In the "News" > "Changes" section on the LilyPond website, the third bullet tells about a new feature, FretBoards. I can find no mention of it in the PDF manual. Where can I get some more information about it? There's an example in the "regression tests for developer

Re: 2.10 questions

2006-12-02 Thread Graham Percival
Monk Panteleimon wrote: 1. It looks like hairpinToBarline is set "true" by default. The "changes" doc makes it sound like you have to turn it on to get it to work: Yes, true. It's a bit late to fix it now, but thanks anyway! :) I assume that it was intended to be set ##t by default, and the

Re: SATB vocal score example

2006-12-02 Thread Graham Percival
Geoff Horton wrote: \global is not a keyword; it's defined at the top of the example, like this: ... In this case, omitting it makes no difference because those are the default settings for LilyPond anyhow (blank key signature, 4/4 time). Try changing the definition to ... (Graham, should the

Re: lilypondtool problems

2006-12-02 Thread Bertalan Fodor
Something has changed in jEdit's defaults, but I've already noticed it. You should have no problems like this in the next version of LilyPondTool (2.10.1, coming next week). However, if you find something not working, you can report it at the project page, where I can track problems. (And by th

lilypondtool problems

2006-12-02 Thread Christopher A. LaFond
I just installed jEdit and Lilypondtool, and I'm having trouble with a lot of the functions. I often get the following message followed by a long list of specifics: java.lang.ClassCastException: Cannot cast java.util.ArrayList to java.awt.List I can't use about half of the functions of the t

Re: Midi problem

2006-12-02 Thread Lasse Rempe
Erik Sandberg> writes: > > On Tuesday 21 November 2006 23:37, Lasse Rempe wrote: > > First of all --- thanks for the help on the hairpintobarline question; my > > reply on that message doesn't seem to have gone through. I thought I had > > installed the most current LilyPond version, b

a2 paper

2006-12-02 Thread Orm Finnendahl
Hi, it seems, lilypond can't deal with a paper size of a2. It reports an error if trying teh following: #(set-default-paper-size "a2") \paper { #(set-paper-size "a2") left-margin = 2 \cm right-margin = 1 \cm indent = 0 \cm } If the paper size is set to "a3" lilypond outputs

Re: DynamicLineSpanner padding

2006-12-02 Thread Orm Finnendahl
Hi, as a follow-up: The same seems to apply for TextSpanners in general. In the following example, the baselines of the s.t. and s.p. aren't aligned either: \override TextSpanner #'edge-text = #'("s.t." . " s.p.") f2~ \startTextSpan f2 \stopTextSpan | It looks pretty bad and the only fix in t

DynamicLineSpanner padding

2006-12-02 Thread Orm Finnendahl
Hi, I observed a nasty behaviour trying to set the #'padding property of the DynamicLineSpanner: The \p and \pp are not baseline-aligned with the \ff or \mf. Has this been reported before? To me this looks like something which should rather get corrected in lilypond itself than cluttering the scr

Re: brackets around noteheads

2006-12-02 Thread Orm Finnendahl
sorry, I forgot to mention: The following construct *doesn't* provide a solution as the parnethesis is far too small and only parenthesizes the notehead. \set fontSize = #-4 \once \override Stem #'transparent = ##t <\parenthesize fih>4 \set fontSize = #1 The parenthesis should go around the acc

Re: Tutorial

2006-12-02 Thread Manuel
I wrote an instruction for the bottom margin like this: \version "2.10.0" \paper{ bottom-margin = 3\cm } and it seems to work, only the actual bottom margin is bigger than the 3 cm specified. Concerning the titles for the pieces, I don't get it. I tried different ways, like this one:

brackets around noteheads

2006-12-02 Thread Orm Finnendahl
Hi, I would like to write noteheads with brackets around them (preferably square brackets) without using Markup commands, as most of them have to be on ledger lines and it is very awkward to get those drawn. It would be very nice to enter the notes in question using a new voice context in order to

Re: Wikibook in French

2006-12-02 Thread Christophe Dang Ngoc Chan
Le 1 déc. 06 à 11:22, Valentin Villenave a écrit : Maybe this would be a good idea to make one as well for main english Lilypond documentation or tutorial, Well, I don't see LilyPond on Wikibooks:Arts_bookshelf#Music so this may be an idea. If I find some hours,

Re: lilypond and editors

2006-12-02 Thread Bertalan Fodor
Before choosing an editor to work with, do not forget to look at the Flash demos of LilyPondTool, especially: and Then you can choose any other editors, but keep in mind what you lose :-) Bert