There some facts in a musician live:
Lavigñac "Solfeo de los Solfeos"
Scöemberg "Armony Estructural Functions"
Piston's "Orchestration"
Piston's "Contrapunto"
Berlioz "Estudio de los Instrumentos"
All of them indispensable tools for learning, composing and making music.
Since now there is another
On WinXP I have not experienced this. (However, only tried one file from
the 2.8 series - it is smaller now)
lilypond-user mailing list
I just noticed that the stable 2.10 has been released, so I updated to
that. I was previously on 2.9.7 or something like that. I notice that
the PDF:s generated with 2.10 are about 25% larger that previously.
Not that it really matters, but I'm curious to what the cause might
And, no, it has