Is it possible to make an object (e.g., a text markup) not take up any
vertical space?
I've been using Mats' tip for inserting extra vertical space, to good
effect, e.g. (customized):
pushup = #(define-music-function (parser location padding) (number?)
Eduardo Vieira <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I don't know why this e-mail didn't make it to the Lilypond list, but,
anyhow, have you ever checked the program FOMUS
( If you think of
algorithimic composition and working with Lisp and Scheme, that might
How much would this cost to sponsor? I've tried to describe it as best I
could below, and provided a sample of what the proposed source code might
look like and a description of what the output would be, please let me know
if there is any confusion about what I'm describing:
\override StringFinger #'digit-names = #' #("p" "i" "m" "a" "e")
This should be the default IMHO.
> Is there any way to change the P and I for a lowercase p and i?
> digit-names (unknown): #(P I m a x)
> Names for string finger digits.
> # (p i m a x)
> Daniel Tonda C
If you put that override in the \layout block on whatever context(s) you want
it applied to, then it will and you wont have to see it amongst your music
Palmer, Ralph wrote:
> Thanks, Trevor.
> Will \override (as opposed to \once \override) give all subsequent
> TextSpanner entries
The good syntaxe :
La bonne syntaxe est :
\version "2.9"
\score {
\relative c {
\clef bass
c^\markup { \epsfile #0 #5 #"tirer.eps" }
Description: Adobe PDF document
lilypond-user mailing list
I'm so sorry : the right log file is :
# -*-compilation-*-
impossible de changer le répertoire de travail pour : C:/Program
Traitement de « C:/Program Files/LilyPond/partitions/essais/ »
Analyse syntaxique...
C:/Program Files/LilyPond/partitions/essai
Thanks, Trevor.
Will \override (as opposed to \once \override) give all subsequent
TextSpanner entries the same staff-padding? or the same edge-text
setting, for that matter?
-Original Message-
From: Trevor Daniels [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, October 17, 2006 11:06 A
Hi list.
I've been through the list, tests and doc, but I can't find an answer.
Using 2.9 on XP
I'm trying to insert an eps file into a music for the viol.
Here's my
\version "2.9"
\include "tirer.eps"
\score {
\clef bass
\relative c {
c^\markup { \epsfile #0 #5 #"tirer.ep
Hi Ralph
This should do what you want:
\override TextSpanner #'staff-padding = #9
Change the '9' to give the height you want
> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of
> Palmer, Ralph
> Sent: 17 October 2006 12:40
> To: lilypon
Good day Lilypond-user!!
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I'm running Lilypond on WinXP SP2.
In the following snippet, I'd like to move "rit" upward. In the score
the snippet comes from, the "rit" almost collides with a c''' notehead.
I've tried \pad-markup, but Lilypond choked - tried to compile forever.
I suspect I'm formating the s
Greetings -
I'm running Lilypond on WinXP Pro SP2.
In the following snippet, I'm getting a staccato mark that I don't want,
and that seems extraneous. Is this a bug? Is there a way to keep the
tenuto, without keeping the staccato mark?
\version ""
Is there any way to change the P and I for a lowercase p and i?digit-names (unknown):
#(P I m a x)
Names for string finger digits. # (p i m a x)Daniel Tonda C2006/10/16, Han-Wen Nienhuys <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>:Daniel Tonda schreef:> Hi:>> I just read that lilypond includes support for ri
I'm currently typesetting a piece from Ravel in which the following model
repeats several times.
\include ""
\new PianoStaff {
\context Staff = "RH" {
\clef treble
\key c \minor
\relative c' {
%\override PianoStaff.TupletNumber #'transparent = ##t
\set tie
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