Shortening ties

2006-08-16 Thread Michael J Millett
I have been attempting to get ties to stop short of the final notehead, but have been unsuccessful after several days of trying. So I now have to ask for help. I am attempting to get the ties of a chord to stop well short of the second note. Logic dictates, to me at least, that one of thes

Re: Problem with organ notes

2006-08-16 Thread Johannes Schöpfer
> I am just trying to write an organ staff with 5 voices and gettingcracy: > > 1. voice:trumpet on the first stave, > 2.-4 voice:church organ on the second stave and > 5. voice:church organ on third stave. you could try my score-generator for lilypond 2.8.x http://www.joha

RE: Strange page break

2006-08-16 Thread Trent J
Hi Robert, I've noticed the same bug in 2.9.13 page breaks are happening in odd places. I have a score of 4 instruments where on the second page there is only one system printed and a new page is started. It's clear that more systems could have fitted. I've forwarded this to bug-lilypond as

Finally I found out about "\myStaffSize 20"

2006-08-16 Thread Eyolf Ostrem
Seemingly a simple task: I want to change the global staff size of my score, AND I want some other fonts than the defaults. I've broken my head over this one, and I think I've got it now, but I also think it shouldn't have taken such an effort. If one wants EITHER to change the size OR the font

Rhythmic Staff not squashing out all the notes

2006-08-16 Thread Rick Hansen (aka RickH)
I'm trying to make a simple chord sheet with underlying rhythmic staff, (chord names with durations). But the rhythmic staff is not "squashing out" all the notes as the manual says it should. To avoid typing I would hope there is a way to get rhythmic staff to only recognize durations and ignore

strict-note-spacing BUG in v.2.9.14 ?

2006-08-16 Thread V!ictor [EMAIL PROTECTED]
hi all, I've been using Lilypond's proportional notation since the beginning and never had problems until I downloaded v.2.9.14 (windows XP). Now, Lilypond crashes almost always immediately after saying "Calculating line breaks..." in the compilation process. The simple snippet below crashes.

Strange page break

2006-08-16 Thread Robert Memering
Hi all, I can't find the reason why there's a pagebreak after the first system on page 2 of my score. According to "annotate-spacing" there is enough space for a second system (like on the other pages). Could someone please have a look at the source file below? I'm using 2.9.14 (Linux) Regards,

glissando between non-adjacent notes

2006-08-16 Thread V!ctor [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Hi all, I would like to know if any of you are interested in sharing with me the cost of sponsoring a glissando feature. (Han-Wen, how much would this cost?) The idea is to have a glissando start in one note and end in another *non adjacent* note. While looking for ways to do this with Lily, i f

Re: Markup with 3 lines

2006-08-16 Thread Roman Käppeler
Kieren MacMillan wrote: c8^\markup {\column { {\bold "Allegro" (\smaller \general-align #Y #DOWN \note #"4" #1 = \smaller \general-align #Y #DOWN 100) } "Solo Trumpet" {\italic "  Marcato"}}} The issue here is that \column interprets every element as an individual line. Therefo

Markup macro?

2006-08-16 Thread Stewart Holmes
Thanks for the help Nicolas & Kieren. I've got the following: fingerSwitch = #(define-music-function (parser location text) (string?) (make-music 'SequentialMusic 'elements (list (make-music 'EventChord 'elements (list (make-music 'TextScriptEvent 'text (markup #:line (#:

Re: Markup with 3 lines

2006-08-16 Thread Kieren MacMillan
Hi, Roman: c8^\markup {\column { {\bold "Allegro" (\smaller \general-align #Y #DOWN \note #"4" #1 = \smaller \general-align #Y #DOWN 100) } "Solo Trumpet" {\italic " Marcato"}}} The issue here is that \column interprets every element as an individual line. Therefore, you need to surround

Re: Markup with 3 lines

2006-08-16 Thread Roman Käppeler
Kieren MacMillan wrote: How can I realize this, so that this three lines are one below the other? \column { a b c } Hi, this was what I was trying, but didn't work properly in the following form: c8^\markup {\column { {\bold "Allegro" (\smaller \general-align #Y #DOWN \note #

Re: Markup with 3 lines

2006-08-16 Thread Kieren MacMillan
Hi, Roman: How can I realize this, so that this three lines are one below the other? \column { a b c } Best wishes, Kieren. ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Markup with 3 lines

2006-08-16 Thread Roman Käppeler
Hi, in the first bar of a peace I need to write Allegro (4 = 100)    Solo Trumpet     Marcato How can I realize this, so that this three lines are one below the other? ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Problem with organ notes

2006-08-16 Thread Roman Käppeler
Hi Johannes, thanks for your help! But I think this doesn't exactly fit to my problem. In the example below I get exactly the result needed and without compiling errors. But theres one disadvantage: the voices of these chords aren't separated into different files or sections within the

Re: Problem with organ notes

2006-08-16 Thread Johannes Schöpfer
> I am just trying to write an organ staff with 5 voices and gettingcracy: > > 1. voice:trumpet on the first stave, > 2.-4 voice:church organ on the second stave and > 5. voice:church organ on third stave. you could also try my score-generator for lilypond 2.8.x http://www.