Is it possible to set a fixed font size for \markup that will NOT scale when
I change the value of set-global-staff-size?
For example the following still changes the title font size relative to
\header {
title = \markup { \override #'(font-size . 12) "My Song Title Foo
On 5/25/06, Kieren Richard MacMillan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hello, all!
I'm trying to fix the collision in the following example:
\version "2.9.5"
\once \override TrillSpanner #'shorten-pair = #'( 10 . 10 )
c1 \startTrillSpan b\stopTrillSpan\startTrillSpa
Mats Bengtsson wrote:
A pragmatic solution is to use some other header field that's positioned
you want the opus number to appear, for example you could try
arranger = "Op 36"
Two other pragmatic solutions:
composer = "Me and Myself, Op. 36"
composer = \markup
Michael Haynie wrote:
Thanks -- that works like a charm, once I realized that the particular
setting I needed can be hoisted to a global layout and still work.
Apparently, I just need to sit down with the 2.8 manual and relearn
lilypond -- so much has changed since I started (with 2.0) that it
Charles Cave wrote:
Thibaut Chevalier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote
One question : Do you know how to use convert-ly under windows ? Is this
a separate program I cannot find or it is a command to add with
lilypond(-windows).exe I did not find ? The doc is only dealing with
unix or Mac.
As you h
Hi Mats,
OK, change that into
\new VaticanaStaff <<
\new VaticanaVoice{ ... }
\new VaticanaVoice{ ... }
that _may be a better idea, but processing the following with 2.9.13
gives a segmentation fault...
\include ""
#(set-global-staff-size 36)
\score {
\new VaticanaStaf
OK, change that into
\new VaticanaStaff <<
\new VaticanaVoice{ ... }
\new VaticanaVoice{ ... }
Regarding the number of lines, just insert the
\override directive before the first note in one
of the voices.
Michał Dwużnik wrote:
2006/7/31, Mats Bengtsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
I would
\include ""
#(set-global-staff-size 36)
\score {
\relative c
\new VaticanaVoice = "cantus" {
\clef "medicaea-do3" \[c32 c32\] <>
<> <>
\new Lyrics \lyricsto "cantus"
Lo- rem ip- sum
Just found
2006/7/31, Mats Bengtsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
I would try something like
\new VaticanaVoice{ ... }
\new VaticanaVoice{ ... }
That gives two voices on two staffs, as expected I assume :)
The manuscript is one staff.
but I don't really have any experience with the support for gregorian
It seems that Han-Wen fixed this bug as soon as he saw your email.
I have back-ported the fix also to appear in the next 2.8.x version.
Henrik Frisk wrote:
The subject on this message was wrong. Sorry about that. Dunno what
If you experiment a bit, you will notice that the time signature change
has nothing to do with it. Rather, it's the preceding chord tremolo that
triggers the bug, as the following simplified example illustrates:
\version ""
\relative c' {
\repeat "tremolo" 16 { a32 c }
\acciaccatura { c16[
Hi -
I'm running under Windows XP SP 2.
I'm having trouble getting the beaming to work correctly on an
acciaccatura. I have a preceding measure with tremolos, then a time
change. In the log, I get the following message:
Interpreting music...
programming error: Stem already has beam
I tried to submit a bug regarding the documentation of chord symbols through the documentation bug
reporting system, but my message appears to be rejected due to the false claim that I'm
I would try something like
\new VaticanaVoice{ ... }
\new VaticanaVoice{ ... }
but I don't really have any experience with the support for gregorian
so you may have to experiment a bit.
Michał Dwużnik wrote:
Hi Mats,
thanks a lot for quick answer.
Do you have any idea on
Hi Mats,
thanks a lot for quick answer.
Do you have any idea on the polyphony ?
Trying to put <> in the VaticanaVoice yields one octave interval
instead of
unison...(hmm, is <> <> with proper positioning a better
guess ?) Gregorian noteheads are certainly not sticky :) (sorry for
non-lily way of
The default layout is more or less ad-hoc, since there is no single
layout that
everybody can agree on or that can handle all different situtions.
A pragmatic solution is to use some other header field that's positioned
you want the opus number to appear, for example you could try
Since the \tempo command is used both to typeset the tempo indication in
printed score and to set the tempo in the MIDI output, it would be hard to
make such a generalization. Actually, a few years ago, the \tempo command
only affected the MIDI output.
Your request is also closely related to
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