On 9-Jun-06, at 9:18 AM, Rick Hogg wrote:
Thanks for all the answers. Since 2.9.x is in
development, is it worth upgrading now, or should I
wait for the next stable release?
I would not recommend 2.9 for production use; if I were you I'd wait.
- Graham
lilypond-user mailing list
Hi friends.
I have an orchestral score with 17 staves (15 instruments plus singing
and lyrics) in 4 groups. Of course, given the number of staves, only
one system fits on each page.
I want to avoid having "short" pages. They show up when the height of
the 17 staves
Thank you, that helped immedeately!
Mats Bengtsson schrieb:
First of all, I would recommend you to upgrade to the latest stable
version, 2.8. There are installation packages available for download
at www.lilypond.org for almost all operating systems.
I just tried your example wi
Hello, John:
1. The stem on the first artificial harmonic is on the wrong side
(I'm sure there's an easy fix for this that I'm overlooking,
but either way, this shouldn't be the default behavior).
That *isn't* the "default" behaviour -- I have no idea why Lilypond
is doing that! =\
Hi all,
I've just started using Lilypond and I'm having some trouble with
artificial harmonics. There are two problems with the following code
1. The stem on the first artificial harmonic is on the wrong side
(I'm sure there's an easy fix for this that I'm overlooking, but
Hi friends.
I have an orchestral score with 17 staves (15 instruments plus singing
and lyrics) in 4 groups. Of course, given the number of staves, only
one system fits on each page.
I want to avoid having "short" pages. They show up when the height of
the 17 staves happens to be small (e.
Thanks for all the answers. Since 2.9.x is in
development, is it worth upgrading now, or should I
wait for the next stable release?
--- Daniel Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Kieren MacMillan wrote:
> > In v2.9, there is! ;-)
> >
> > In the NEWS section of the documentation
First of all, I would recommend you to upgrade to the latest stable
version, 2.8. There are installation packages available for download
at www.lilypond.org for almost all operating systems.
I just tried your example with version 2.8 and it seems to work fine.
Possibly, it might help to explicit
does somebody have any idea, why I get only drum set as a midi
instrument for the following score:
\version "2.6.3"
\include "deutsch.ly"
alt = {\relative c''
\time 4/4
\set Staff.midiInstrument = "choir aahs"
%\key g \minor
\clef "treble"
a2 c e1 d4 c h a
tenor = {
\time 4/4
On Fri, Jun 09, 2006 at 09:59:37AM -0400, Palmer, Ralph wrote:
> Greetings -
> I'm a novice at LilyPond. I'm running LilyPond on Windows XP
> Professional, V. 2002, SP2.
> I cannot figure out how to set a particular pair of bar lines. In the
> following file, the default line breaks o
This has just recently been added to the documentation and has probably not
made it into the manual for version 2.8 yet. See
Palmer, Ralph wrote:
Greetings -
I'm a novice at LilyPond. I'm running LilyPon
Greetings -
I'm a novice at LilyPond. I'm running LilyPond on Windows XP
Professional, V. 2002, SP2.
I cannot figure out how to set a particular pair of bar lines. In the
following file, the default line breaks occur where I would like them -
after each 4 measures. At the end of Part B (w
For the first line, I use #'ambitus, this work perfectly for me.
But, there is some drawbacks in this method. This breaks code
that uses mark to show information (FINE, D.C.) at the end of lines.
It seems that I can not use a mark (\mark) at the end of the line,
and another
one at the beginning
This is perfect, thank you very much !
On 9 juin 06, at 15:08, Kieren MacMillan wrote:
\version "2.8.4"
indent = 1\in
left-margin = 2\in
line-width = 4.5\in
makeMarkLikeInst =
\once \override Score.RehearsalMark #'break-align-sy
Hi, Christophe:
I think the attached workaround works for all but the first line -- I
leave that to you! =)
[Hint: make the InstrumentName font the same as the RehearsalMark
\version "2.8.4"
On 9 juin 06, at 14:21, Kieren MacMillan wrote:
Hi, Christophe:
You said you need to adjust the offset values depending on
This seems to work fine for me:
this is a problem of accidental key not of accidental in music.
\version "2.8.4"
indent = 1\in
Thank you kieren.
the solution given by Kieren is working, but you need to
compute yourself the extra-offset each time (it depends of the number
of accidentals, and
other notations of the beginning of the line), so it is not perfect.
So if there is something simpler, i take it !
Does anyone know of the existence of a Lilypond Glossary
file for BBedit? It would be nice to have coloured syntax in
OSX, and maybe even syntax checking that way.
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