I have written out a simple instructional guitar usage of America's
"Sister Golden Hair". There are several mistakes problems with the file.
#1 This was done in a very linear fashion, I tried to use variables for
the chords and include them from another file, but couldn't make that
# The ly
I do the following steps:
1. writing a simple latex-file including lilypond source
2. compile it with lilypond-book --> ok
3. "latex lilypondbooktest001.tex" in my outputDIR --> ok
4 . dvips -h lilypondbooktest001.psfonts lilypondbooktest001.dvi
and get the following error:
This is dvips(k) 5.92b
The emmentaler-20 font contains the music symbols, so
you certainly don't want to replace that one in the music
scores. Do you use the --psfonts flag to lilypond-book and
the corresponding -h flag to dvips, as instructed in the
section on "Invoking lilypond-book" in the LilyPond manual?
As pointed
Hi Mats and list
thanks for your response.
I tried some googling to find out how to install fonts in the mapping
table of dvips, and find some different sources and tried some things
but nothing helps me. If you have a manual which describes that step by
step, please give me a pointer to that
You are right that with the current lilypond-book, you cannot
set a font style in LaTeX and make that automatically affect
also the music scores. However, you can easily work around
that using find-replace. An alternative if you have several
scores and want to change the fonts in all of these with
This is a wonderful guitar piece, I was just practising this piece from
F.Tarrega before I switched on the computer and detected your mail!
The reason, why your noteheads didn't merge is, that they are not only
differntly-headed, but also differently dotted!
Adding the following line fi
I'm having trouble with merge-differently-headed;
parts \top & \bottom merge fine, but parts \top & \pedal refuse to
merge, printing the noteheads side-by side. I think it may have something to do
with the polyphony, but I couldn't find an example of this sort in the