RE: Problem with rest collision

2006-04-18 Thread Walter Hofmeister
On 4/18/06 10:31 PM, "Jefferson dos Santos Felix" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > \version "2.8.1" > \score > { > << > {a8 d' f' a'} \\ {r8 c' d' r} >>> > } Try this it seems to work here. \version "2.8.1" \score { << {a8 d' f' a'} \\ {d8\rest c' d' r} >> } Section 6.1.6 makes it clear tha

Re: Problem with rest collision

2006-04-18 Thread Jefferson dos Santos Felix
Another example, to illustrate the problem (I think it's a bug) \score {  <<   \override Score.RestCollision #'minimum-distance = #0.75   {g8 a b c' d' e' f' g' a' b' c'' d'' e'' f'' g'' a''} \\   {r8 r r r  r  r  r  r  r  r  r   r   r   r   r   r  }  >> } Jefferson2006/4/19, Jefferson dos Santo

Problem with rest collision

2006-04-18 Thread Jefferson dos Santos Felix
I try to remove the rest collision of the example below, but no success: \version "2.8.1" \score {  <<   {a8 d' f' a'} \\ {r8 c' d' r}  >> } I try to use this:  \override Score.RestCollision #'minimum-distance = #1.75 but the collision persists. How can I solve it? Thanks, -- Jefferson dos San

Re: Text comes out blank using lilypond under cygwin

2006-04-18 Thread Mats Bengtsson
I recommend to install the (non-Cygwin) Windows package of LilyPond version 2.8 instead. /Mats Quoting Richard Stanton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: I just installed lilypond (v. 2.6.4) under Windows (cygwin) using the cygwin setup program. Although I can run the program and generate PS and PDF file

Re: kill off acrobat reader before generating .pdf?

2006-04-18 Thread Mats Bengtsson
Or press CTRL-w. Then, at least if you use some method to run LilyPond that doesn't open the new PDF file automatically, you can press ALT-f 1 which opens the last visited file. /Mats Quoting Ben <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: Closing the document inside acrobat, and leaving Acrobat running? It's not

Re: Strange legato accent behaviour

2006-04-18 Thread Mats Bengtsson
If you look at the full list of articulations in the manual, you will learn that it's the portato symbol. /Mats Quoting Jennifer Clark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: Christian Hitz wrote: Am 18.04.2006 um 17:17 schrieb Jennifer Clark: When I use the legato accent like this; d'4-_ The legato

Re: soprano line with splitting voices and different lyrics

2006-04-18 Thread Mats Bengtsson
I spotted a few details: - The line \context Lyrics = sopranoOne \lyricsto sopranoOne \new Lyrics \sopOneWords first creates a Lyrics context named "sopranoOne" but then it immediately creates an anonymous Lyrics context which hosts the actual words, so the one named "sopranoOne" is never u

Re: Strange legato accent behaviour

2006-04-18 Thread Jennifer Clark
Christian Hitz wrote: Am 18.04.2006 um 17:17 schrieb Jennifer Clark: When I use the legato accent like this; d'4-_ The legato sigh is written like this d'4-- Doh! Thanks Christian, that's sorted now. Although I am still wondering what the other symbol means :-) Jennifer

Re: kill off acrobat reader before generating .pdf?

2006-04-18 Thread Simon Dahlbacka
No, it is not hard in any way, it's just annoying, especially when you forget to do it..On 4/18/06, Ben <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:Closing the document inside acrobat, and leaving Acrobat running? It's not that hard, on a windows box. Just click the small close icon. Nothing to it.  ~Ben On 4/17/06

Re: kill off acrobat reader before generating .pdf?

2006-04-18 Thread Ben
Closing the document inside acrobat, and leaving Acrobat running? It's not that hard, on a windows box. Just click the small close icon. Nothing to it. ~Ben On 4/17/06, David Feuer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: On 4/17/06, Ben <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:>> Actually, I've found that if you just close th

soprano line with splitting voices and different lyrics

2006-04-18 Thread Sterling Sympatico
Hi again, I am trying to do the following for a soprano line that splits (div) 2x and the second division has each part singing different lyrics with different melisma. I wonder if the following setup will work as I have yet to have success: sopOneMusic \context Voice = "sopranoOne" { s1*14 one

Re: Drum Kit Writing

2006-04-18 Thread Tim Sawyer
Hi Naomi, Here's what I do. (If anyone has any better ideas, please shout!) Bear in mind I'm using lilypond-book to produce multiple small snippets of music for a tutor book. \begin[staffsize=20]{lilypond} \version "2.6.0" #(define mydrums '((bassdrum default #f -3)(sidestick xcircle #f 1)(sn

chordNameSeparator and inversion

2006-04-18 Thread Denis Bitouzé
Hello again, I want to suppress the bar "/" for the different parts of my chord names. So I use the command: \set chordNameSeparator = \markup { \hspace #0.45 } and hence "d:7.9+" gives ("^" stands for exponent, as in LaTeX) D^{7 #9} rather than : D^{7/#9} which is exactly what I want. But t

Re: hairpin length for one note

2006-04-18 Thread Christian Hitz
Am 18.04.2006 um 03:04 schrieb Paul Scott: but f2\>\! gives: warning: can't find start of (de)crescendo f2\> \! r2 [8][16][24][32][40] Shouldn't this just give a hairpin in the space horizontally allocated to the note? It works if I put another note in betw

Re: Strange legato accent behaviour

2006-04-18 Thread Christian Hitz
Am 18.04.2006 um 17:17 schrieb Jennifer Clark: When I use the legato accent like this; d'4-_ The legato sigh is written like this d'4-- Christian ___ lilypond-user mailing list

No clef and key each line

2006-04-18 Thread Denis Bitouzé
Hello, I searched in the documentation and in the archives of the list but I didn't find how to suppress clef and key at beginning of each line, except the first one of course. Thanks in advance for any hint. -- Denis ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: What to use to edit output after the fact?

2006-04-18 Thread Kris Shaffer
Inkscape is the closest thing I know of, but I've had trouble with it on Mac OS X with Lilypond PDFs. On the other hand, Illustrator is quite cheap if you are affiliated with an academic institution. I got a stand-alone copy for under $90 through Yale. A friend of mine got the entire Adob

Strange legato accent behaviour

2006-04-18 Thread Jennifer Clark
When I use the legato accent like this; d'4-_ It ends up placing a staccato dot under the legato accent as well. I'm using lilypond 2.8.1 for Windows; am I doing something wrong here? Thanks! Jennifer ___ lilypond-user mailing list lilypond-user@

Re: Cannot get the lyrics in polyphony

2006-04-18 Thread Eduardo Vieira
Hello Riccardo, That is a common stumbling for lilypond users. In your case you have to avoid the construct << \\ >> and explicitly create a voice context. See "Explicitly Instantiating Voices" in the manual. Anyway, this should make you score work: nogood = \relative do'' { << \new Voice = nog

Slurs in 2.8

2006-04-18 Thread Artur Rataj
Hello! Is the following intended? \clef bass 4~ 1 It produces, since the lowest note, relatively, a medium slur, two short slurs, a long slur, and a medium slur again. \clef treble a''16( bes''16 8~ 8 16) r8. It produces a slur that is less than two millimeters wide, and less than a millimete

Cannot get the lyrics in polyphony

2006-04-18 Thread Riccardo Orfei
Hi all, can somebody explain my mistake in coding the following example? If I code the music like "nogood" I cannot get any lyrics. I can only get the lyrics if I code the music like "good". Why? There is surely something I am missing... Ciao, Ric === \version "2.8.0"

Re: \transpose problem

2006-04-18 Thread Paul Scott
alanvw wrote: any suggestions on how to transpose a trumpet part written with various crook changes (E,Es,C) into A and Bes. Other than: \transpose a e { } % transpose E trumpet to A trumpet (down a fifth) or \transpose a e' { } % transpose E trumpet to A trumpet (up a fourth) etc. If

\transpose problem

2006-04-18 Thread alanvw
any suggestions on how to transpose a trumpet part written with various crook changes (E,Es,C) into A and Bes. Alan -- Internal Virus Database is out-of-date. Checked by AVG Free Edition. Version: 7.1.385 / Virus Database: 268.4.1/307 - Release Date: 10/04/2006

Re: What to use to edit output after the fact?

2006-04-18 Thread andrea valle
Hi, Is there anything free doing the job of Illustrator? thanks best -a- On 17 Apr 2006, at 21:40, Kris Shaffer wrote: I frequently use Illustrator as a post-Lilypond editor for musical graphics for theory handouts or papers, and I just use the PDF files which Lilypond outputs. Andrea Val

Re: Getting cost estimate for sponsored enhancement

2006-04-18 Thread Graham Percival
RickH: thanks for your interest. You could probably just send an email to Han-Wen, but a pdf is certainly acceptable. Dave: thanks for your comments, but this really isn't the place to get into a debate about the purity of OSS. Cheers, - Graham On 17-Apr-06, at 11:12 PM, Dave K. wrote: T