On 4/18/06 10:31 PM, "Jefferson dos Santos Felix" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> \version "2.8.1"
> \score
> {
> <<
> {a8 d' f' a'} \\ {r8 c' d' r}
> }
Try this it seems to work here.
\version "2.8.1"
{a8 d' f' a'} \\ {d8\rest c' d' r}
Section 6.1.6 makes it clear tha
Another example, to illustrate the problem (I think it's a bug)
\override Score.RestCollision #'minimum-distance = #0.75
{g8 a b c' d' e' f' g' a' b' c'' d'' e'' f'' g'' a''} \\
{r8 r r r r r r r r r
r r r r r
r }
Jefferson2006/4/19, Jefferson dos Santo
I try to remove the rest collision of the example below, but no success:
\version "2.8.1"
{a8 d' f' a'} \\ {r8 c' d' r}
I try to use this:
\override Score.RestCollision #'minimum-distance = #1.75
but the collision persists.
How can I solve it?
-- Jefferson dos San
I recommend to install the (non-Cygwin) Windows package of LilyPond
version 2.8 instead.
Quoting Richard Stanton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
I just installed lilypond (v. 2.6.4) under Windows (cygwin) using the cygwin
setup program. Although I can run the program and generate PS and PDF file
Or press CTRL-w. Then, at least if you use some method to run LilyPond
that doesn't
open the new PDF file automatically, you can press
ALT-f 1
which opens the last visited file.
Quoting Ben <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
Closing the document inside acrobat, and leaving Acrobat running? It's not
If you look at the full list of articulations in the manual, you will
learn that it's the portato symbol.
Quoting Jennifer Clark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
Christian Hitz wrote:
Am 18.04.2006 um 17:17 schrieb Jennifer Clark:
When I use the legato accent like this;
The legato
I spotted a few details:
- The line \context Lyrics = sopranoOne \lyricsto sopranoOne \new
Lyrics \sopOneWords
first creates a Lyrics context named "sopranoOne" but then it
immediately creates an anonymous Lyrics context which hosts
the actual words, so the one named "sopranoOne" is never u
Christian Hitz wrote:
Am 18.04.2006 um 17:17 schrieb Jennifer Clark:
When I use the legato accent like this;
The legato sigh is written like this
Doh! Thanks Christian, that's sorted now. Although I am still wondering
what the other symbol means :-)
No, it is not hard in any way, it's just annoying, especially when you forget to do it..On 4/18/06, Ben <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> wrote:Closing the document inside acrobat, and leaving Acrobat running? It's not that hard, on a windows box. Just click the small close icon. Nothing to it.
On 4/17/06
Closing the document inside acrobat, and leaving Acrobat running? It's not that hard, on a windows box. Just click the small close icon. Nothing to it. ~Ben
On 4/17/06, David Feuer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 4/17/06, Ben <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:>> Actually, I've found that if you just close th
Hi again,
I am trying to do the following for a soprano line that splits (div) 2x
and the second division has each part singing different lyrics with
different melisma.
I wonder if the following setup will work as I have yet to have success:
sopOneMusic \context Voice = "sopranoOne" { s1*14 one
Hi Naomi,
Here's what I do. (If anyone has any better ideas, please shout!) Bear in
mind I'm using lilypond-book to produce multiple small snippets of music for
a tutor book.
\version "2.6.0"
#(define mydrums '((bassdrum default #f -3)(sidestick xcircle #f 1)(sn
Hello again,
I want to suppress the bar "/" for the different parts of my chord
names. So I use the command:
\set chordNameSeparator = \markup { \hspace #0.45 }
and hence "d:7.9+" gives ("^" stands for exponent, as in LaTeX)
D^{7 #9}
rather than :
which is exactly what I want. But t
Am 18.04.2006 um 03:04 schrieb Paul Scott:
but f2\>\!
gotitbadnotes.ly:252:6: warning: can't find start of (de)crescendo
\! r2 [8][16][24][32][40]
Shouldn't this just give a hairpin in the space horizontally
allocated to the note?
It works if I put another note in betw
Am 18.04.2006 um 17:17 schrieb Jennifer Clark:
When I use the legato accent like this;
The legato sigh is written like this
lilypond-user mailing list
I searched in the documentation and in the archives of the list but I
didn't find how to suppress clef and key at beginning of each line,
except the first one of course.
Thanks in advance for any hint.
lilypond-user mailing list
Inkscape is the closest thing I know of, but I've had trouble with it on
Mac OS X with Lilypond PDFs.
On the other hand, Illustrator is quite cheap if you are affiliated with
an academic institution. I got a stand-alone copy for under $90 through
Yale. A friend of mine got the entire Adob
When I use the legato accent like this;
It ends up placing a staccato dot under the legato accent as well. I'm
using lilypond 2.8.1 for Windows; am I doing something wrong here?
lilypond-user mailing list
Hello Riccardo,
That is a common stumbling for lilypond users. In your case you have to
avoid the construct << \\ >> and explicitly create a voice context. See
"Explicitly Instantiating Voices" in the manual. Anyway, this should make
you score work:
nogood = \relative do'' {
<< \new Voice = nog
Is the following intended?
\clef bass 4~ 1
It produces, since the lowest note, relatively, a medium slur, two
short slurs, a long slur, and a medium slur again.
\clef treble a''16( bes''16 8~ 8 16) r8.
It produces a slur that is less than two millimeters wide, and less
than a millimete
Hi all,
can somebody explain my mistake in coding the following example?
If I code the music like "nogood" I cannot get any lyrics.
I can only get the lyrics if I code the music like "good".
There is surely something I am missing...
\version "2.8.0"
alanvw wrote:
any suggestions on how to transpose a trumpet part written with
various crook changes (E,Es,C) into A and Bes.
Other than:
\transpose a e { } % transpose E trumpet to A trumpet (down a
\transpose a e' { } % transpose E trumpet to A trumpet (up a
any suggestions on
how to transpose a trumpet part written with various crook changes (E,Es,C) into
A and Bes.
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Hi, Is there anything free doing the job of Illustrator?
On 17 Apr 2006, at 21:40, Kris Shaffer wrote:
I frequently use Illustrator as a post-Lilypond editor for musical
graphics for theory handouts or papers, and I just use the PDF files
which Lilypond outputs.
Andrea Val
RickH: thanks for your interest. You could probably just send an email
to Han-Wen, but a pdf is certainly acceptable.
Dave: thanks for your comments, but this really isn't the place to get
into a debate about the purity of OSS.
- Graham
On 17-Apr-06, at 11:12 PM, Dave K. wrote:
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