On Mon, 03 Apr 2006 21:13:12 +0200
Mats Bengtsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The basic ideas are described in the section on Polymetric Notation
> in the manual. The trick is to typeset the time signature using
> text markup commands, where it is easy to insert also note symbols.
Ah, I hadn't l
Mats Bengtsson-4 wrote:
> This problem was solved in the 2.8.0-5 package for Windows, but
> according to
> http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-lilypond/2006-03/msg00332.html
> you are not the only one to experience that the problems have returned
> in version 2.8.1.
So, does that mean
The following syntax is well documented and works...
\new Voice
\with {
\consists "Ambitus_engraver"
} { myNotesGoHere }
BUT if you were using a named voice how would you specify the \with scope
without getting a compile error?
\new Voice="Soprano"
\with {
This should be simple but I cant find an answer after exhaustive tries.
How can I attach a bit of markup text immediately to the left of the first
chord in a ChordNames context staff?
I'm putting two ChordNames staffs in my score (in addition to the regular
notes staff). The top C
I'm stuggling with this too. I use 9x12 for Finale and GuitarPro all the
time and they both create PDF files that reflect standard 9x12 sheet music
paper just fine. Also 12x18 with a fold in the middle (but I'd be happy
with just standard sheet music single pages 9x12 for now).
Standard sheet m
I would ike to print my chord names under the volta alternate ending brackets
not above them. So I am setting the voltaOnThisStaff attribute to TRUE in
the ChordNames context and to FALSE in the Staff context. This should cause
the volta bracket to be hidden on the Staff and move instead up to t
Han-Wen Nienhuys <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on Tue, 4 Apr 2006
at 01:03:32 +0200 in <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > Is there some correct way for me to extend (write-preamble)
> > without editing framework-ps.scm? Is there some sort of
> > hook I can use in GUILE to modify the existing functi
Nicolas was very clear if one is using emacs but what
about jedit it seems odd that if one cancels out a line
with % that it would affect how the text coding worked.
So is it the same? Also I can't find the correct
numbers that have been referred to in past questions for
the rest of
utf-8 wha
I've a new user of LilyPond (1 week) and the first thing I did was try to
print to 9x12 (which is often called "Concert" by Finale and other music
publishing software. In fact it's the "defacto standard" size for sheet
music in the USA, so I was shocked that LilyPond did not support it out of
Hello!I am new to Lilypond.At the moment, I do all of my work — I am a music teacher and arranger — in Sibelius 4.I used to look on the Lilpond homepage form time to time, because I somehow like the project.
The engraving gets better and better, thus the "tweaks" (optical spacing etc.)Today I found
Ties are traditionally drawn so that they curve out away from the stems, i.e. if
the stems go up, the tie curves downward between the note heads. This is the
basic rule followed unless something gets in the way of the tie, e.g. in divisi
writing the stems-up voice's ties curve up and the stems-down
Joe Neeman webone.com.au> writes:
> Just use \override Score.RehearsalMark #'direction = #DOWN
That's awesome. Thanks, Joe. I suspected there was a simple solution. Probably
this would be a good addition to manual pages 8.1.3 and 8.2.3.
John Hawkinson wrote:
I guess my question for lilypond-users is:
Is there some correct way for me to extend (write-preamble)
without editing framework-ps.scm? Is there some sort of
hook I can use in GUILE to modify the existing function
definition to add my extra
On Tue, 4 Apr 2006 07:32, Dave LaDelfa wrote:
> 1. Sometimes (typically in parts) text needs to attach to the rightmost
> barline and be underneath the staff, i.e. the second example on doc page
> 8.1.3 -- I'd like to have something like "D.S. as Fine" (say, "Minuetto da
> capo") go under the staff
Spent a bunch of time trying to figure out how to do this, and failed. I'm going
to propose it as a feature request, unless someone goes "it already does that--
here's how."
The docs say (8.1.3) "\mark is only typeset above the top stave of the score." I
can think of a couple instances where this
This bug was reported on bug-lilypond some weeks ago and according to
the ChangeLog file, it was fixed 2006-03-16, i.e. before version 2.8.
However, it seems that the fix didn't solve the problem.
Quoting Geoff Horton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
Try these simple examples on your system. If
I <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on Mon, 3 Apr 2006 at 13:54:27 -0400 in
> I wasn't very happy forcing /ManualFeed true, but without that, my
> printer produced a configuration error because it could not find the
> right paper size. Setting various keys in the /Policies dictionar
Thank you, Werner, for the informative reply regarding stem direction &
slurs. The "levitating slur" is the only phenomenon that ever makes me think
that LP's output looks unfinished or awkward, although I may be ill-informed
and prejudiced on this matter, since the wysiwyg output I'm accustomed
This problem was solved in the 2.8.0-5 package for Windows, but
according to
you are not the only one to experience that the problems have returned
in version 2.8.1.
Quoting Sotaro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
Lilypond 2.
The basic ideas are described in the section on Polymetric Notation
in the manual. The trick is to typeset the time signature using
text markup commands, where it is easy to insert also note symbols.
Quoting Jos Smeets <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
Hello all,
I am typesetting a score which has
Apparently, Jannik had two separate \score{...} blocks. As David
pointed out, one method is to typeset them as a single score with two
staves. Another is to use raggedright
possibly combined with the proportional engraver.
Quoting David Feuer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
On 4/3/06, Jannik J
Not that I know of. The only thing you can place to the left/right
of a note is fingering instructions and I don't know any trick to fool
LilyPond into typesetting anything else than numbers as fingerings.
Maybe someone feels like sponsoring Han-Wen to implement a more general
solution, you are
I'm new to Lilypond.
I spent a while trying to make LilyPond print to 9x12 inch paper
(a relatively standard size for manuscript staff paper), and I ran
into a bunch of snags and hiccups. Hopefully how I solved them is
helpful, and perhaps someone could advise me on a "better way."
Well, I think this is a bug, because \rest should have higher priority
than \voiceX, so I would make a report to bug-lilypond
Geoff Horton wrote:
A solution (or at least a workaround): Use \oneVoice before the rest
and then \voice[whatever] after it. I don't like it because it makes
I want to put a small script to the left of a note. This puts it below the note:
d2_\markup \small \italic "Org."
Is there any way short of using manual offsets to move it?
lilypond-user mailing list
A solution (or at least a workaround): Use \oneVoice before the rest
and then \voice[whatever] after it. I don't like it because it makes
the input file busier, but I suspect that a real fix would involve
fairly extensive recoding.
On 4/3/06, Jannik Jeppesen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all
> Can anyone tell me why these two different drumstaffs does not look the same
> in one file?
> I whant the notes to be under each other, but they are not... it seems that
> there are more space between the notes in 2. drumstaff?
> Wh
Hi all
Can anyone tell me why these two different
drumstaffs does not look the same in one file?
I whant the notes to be under each other, but they
are not... it seems that there are more space between the notes in 2.
Why is that, and how do I control the space between
4. notes, 8
Hello all,
I am typesetting a score which has a non-standard time signature in the
original. E.g. for 4/2 it has a half note symbol in the denominator
instead of the number 2. So, it is like using TimeSignature
"single-digit", but with the digit shifted up a bit and a not symbol
underneath it. Is
Lilypond 2.8.1 seems to be very slow on my system; WindowsXP SP2.
2.6.5 worked perfectly, but 2.8.1 takes several minutes before the prompt
box comes up.
I have tried
lilypond --verbose "myfile.ly"
discussed in other threads, and it seems to stop when it comes to "Building
font database"
> I imagine that old-school engravers had a very limited number of slur
> shapes to work with,
No. Slurs were always drawn by hand.
> so this case would make the levitating slur the only option, unless
> the note-stem is inverted, in which case the slur looks very
> natural. So what did the ol
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