Positioning rests in drum scores

2005-01-20 Thread Sebastiano Vigna
Apparently, rests cannot be positioned using notes in drum scores. This does not compile: \version "2.4.3" \score { \new DrumStaff << \context DrumVoice = "1" { s1 } \drummode { << { sn4\rest sn sn sn } >> } >> } Is there any suggested workaround? I'm e

Re: chord symbol parentheses

2005-01-20 Thread Charles Gran
Use a space for a "chord Field Separator" and give up the idea of /bass notes. The alternative is to put the chords in as text, which is what I have always done. With \sharp and \flat it's all text. I'm only now getting to this. I can't find find reference to "chord Field Separator" in the manu

Re: Error running lilypond...

2005-01-20 Thread =?ISO-8859-1?Q?Alberto_Sim=F5es?=
Mats Bengtsson wrote: Are you sure that it is working? Try to remove the .dvi, .ps and .pdf files and run it again (I would suspect that the files you see come from some earlier call to lilypond). A directory just with .ly, and it works. THanks ambs /Mats Alberto Simões wrote: Hi, I'm getting th

little tweaks

2005-01-20 Thread =?UTF-8?B?QW5kcnplaiBLb3BlxIc=?=
I need to put a note with changed note head on a higher pitch without ledger lines. I want to obtain "the highest possibile pitch" note, which is usually a note with arrow-shaped note head. This is my (partial) solution to this problem: \version "2.4.2" %... \once \override LedgerLineSpa

Re: Extra bar at the end.

2005-01-20 Thread Mats Bengtsson
Did you check the duration of the final notes? The final note of \bass is a dotted half note, whereas that of the other parts is just a half note. /Mats Gordon Gilbert wrote: Hi! What am I missing here? Using 2.2.2, the PDF output has an extra bar at the very end of the bass clef (but not in t

Re: Suppressings time signatures

2005-01-20 Thread Mats Bengtsson
As several people have said before, I recommend you to read the chapter on Changing Defaults carefully. I know it seems very difficult when you start to try these things, but it seems that you are one of these users who will save much time both for yourself and us on the mailing list if you learn t

=?ISO-8859-1?Q?R=E9f=2E_=3A_Re=3A_R=E9f=2E_=3A_Re=3A_beginer_with?= =?ISO-8859-1?Q?_lilypond_book?=

2005-01-20 Thread Jean-marc LEGRAND
actually, all is wright : after the last ? message, I've pressed enter untill there were nor more message. Then I made what is written on lilypond manual and I have now my pdf. Just one thing : on lily manual is written : $ latex lilybook lots of stuff deleted $ xdvi lilybook.tex

Re: =?ISO-8859-1?Q?R=E9f=2E_=3A_Re=3A_beginer_with_lil?= =?ISO-8859-1?Q?ypond_book?=

2005-01-20 Thread Mats Bengtsson
For the record, you can easily cut and paste from the Cygwin window, see the instructions for Win NT at http://cygwin.com/faq/faq_3.html#SEC52 The solution for you is to rerun setup.exe and install the packages tetex-base and tetex-extra, which gives you a more complete TeX environment. By default,

Re: Error running lilypond...

2005-01-20 Thread Mats Bengtsson
Are you sure that it is working? Try to remove the .dvi, .ps and .pdf files and run it again (I would suspect that the files you see come from some earlier call to lilypond). /Mats Alberto Simões wrote: Hi, I'm getting this: Error invoking `latex \\nonstopmode \\input diabeli.op149.1.tex > /dev

Re: beginer with lilypond book

2005-01-20 Thread Mats Bengtsson
lilypond-book itself doesn't give you any PDF. Did you perform all the steps described at http://lilypond.org/doc/v2.2/Documentation/user/out-www/lilypond/Integrating-text-and-music.html#Integrating%20text%20and%20music ? Otherwise, rerun lilypond-book with the additional flag -V and send the print

Re: Suppressing Time signatures

2005-01-20 Thread Mats Bengtsson
The syntax didn't change for versions within the 2.2.x series. In addition to the answer below, if you want the setting to apply already to the time signature of the first line, you should insert it before the first note of the score. /Mats Karol Langner wrote: Hi again Put it in the \notes sec

Re: Suppressing Time signatures

2005-01-20 Thread Karol Langner
Hi again Put it in the \notes section. But the syntax like I wrote will differ between versions. I see now that with 2.2.6 it will be '\override Score.TimeSignature #'transparent = ##t'. But I also see you're using 2.2.2 - I think for that version it would be something like '\property Score.T

beginer with lilypond book

2005-01-20 Thread Jean-marc LEGRAND
Hi list ! I'm just beginning with lilypond book, on XP with lily2.2. I've writen this .tex : \documentclass[a4paper,11pt]{article} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage[english,frenchb]{babel} \author{Me} \title{COUNTERPOINT} \begin{document} \maketitle \tableofcontents \section{début} \'A é

Suppressing Time signatures

2005-01-20 Thread Gordon Gilbert
Hi! I've tried the various things Karol Langner suggested, and I've tried them in several places. Where in the file below should I put: \set Score.TimeSignature #'transparent = ##t Or otherwise, how can I get rid of the time signature in that output? Blessings, Gordon Gilbert +==