Re: who uses lilypond

2004-12-04 Thread Ed Baskerville
I'm fairly new to LilyPond, and brand-new to this list. I'm a recent college graduate, programmer and cellist living in San Francisco, looking to somehow make myself financially solvent through some combination of Mac programming, freelance technical writing, and cello playing. So far: a few si

Re: who uses lilypond

2004-12-04 Thread Rob V
I've been using lilypond to create song books for church. We have many Slovak hymns that we sing. Up until now, the congregation only had words without the notes. It's been difficult for new people and young people who don't speak Slovak to learn the songs, keeping our heritage alive. Now tha

stanzas, refren advise

2004-12-04 Thread Rob V
Matevz, The reason you have the extra white space between the staffs is because lilypond is creating a space to hold the blank lyrics, that's why \removeEmptyStaves doesn't remove them (they aren't empty, just blank). I also have the same problem when I create songs with a refrain. I've decid

guitar strings

2004-12-04 Thread majik
Hello, I am writing up a composition for my degree in Music using lilypond. It is a composition for guitar, and what i wish to do is put a circle around a number to show which string the note is being played on. My lilypond version is 2.4.2 and I am running SuSe 9.1 OS. I have tried the fo

lilypond on windows

2004-12-04 Thread David Bruce
Hi I've successfully installed the windows version of lilypond and have generated a pdf from the file provided. However, when I go to the command prompt and try   lilypond --help   it says 'lilypond' is not recognised as an internal or external command operable program or batch f

Re: who uses Lily ?

2004-12-04 Thread Richard Schoeller
I use it to prepare the music for a klezmer jam group. The music that we play is often only found as a leadsheet in C (usually in a fakebook). Orchestrations, when they are available, are often in conductor score form only. So, I am doing transcriptions, transpositions, breaking into parts and ar


2004-12-04 Thread Will Oram
A few questions about the new \espressivo: * Does this script affect MIDI or PS/PDF output, or both? * Can someone make a picture of this command in action? I'm too scared to install 2.5 this early in development. :) If this command does what I think it does, I am ecstacic. The mess I had to go


2004-12-04 Thread Roland Goretzki
Hi at all, using lilypond-snapshot 2.4.2 I get the following warning: Interpreting music... warning: FIXME: key change merge warning: FIXME: key change merge The output looks very well, and I don't know, if this is important or not. Can somebody help me, please? Best Regards Roland

Re: help with \remove

2004-12-04 Thread D Josiah Boothby
thank you mats for the .tex file, i'll have to try that. unfortunatly, i've had problems with \remove Bar_number_engraver before, but I don't know enough about what makes these things work to try filing it as a bug. am i doing something wrong, or should i try filing this as a bug? josiah Christi

Re: help with \remove

2004-12-04 Thread Christian Hitz
Or you could use the example from the manual music-sheet.html and delete the Tab-Staff Christian Am 04.12.2004 um 12:19 schrieb Mats Bengtsson: It's probably easier to use the LaTeX file notepaper.tex that I have on http://ww

Re: who uses lilypond

2004-12-04 Thread Thorkil Wolvendans
I use Lily mainly for typesetting my own compositions & making examples in essays (using lilypond-book) for my conservatoire (I'm a student). ___ lilypond-user mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: help with \remove

2004-12-04 Thread Mats Bengtsson
It's probably easier to use the LaTeX file notepaper.tex that I have on Otherwise, you could try to set the property #'transparent=##t for the objects you want to remove. /Mats D Josiah Boothby wrote: trying to make manuscript paper, but I can't get the r

Re: Trouble getting started on w2k

2004-12-04 Thread Mats Bengtsson
It seems that you read the Tutorial for LilyPond version 2.4 (which is the latest stable version), but you have installed version 2.2. If you read the Tutorial for your version, it will work much better! Just follow the link to the Documentation of version 2.2.6 at /Mats Joel