Trouble with lilypond-book

2004-07-28 Thread Lyle Raymond
I'm confused... I'm working on a theory book for guitarists. In the book, fretboard diagrams are created by first importing a {picture} file, titled "open_fretboard.tex," then superimposing another picture containing x's, o's and whatnot on top of it. Thus, the structure of a fretboard diagr

Re: Band parts - a newbie's view

2004-07-28 Thread David Rogers
On Jul 28, 2004, at 9:09 AM, Ralph Little wrote: Cut-common is often found in band parts and effectively doubles the pace, at least that is my interpretation. It all depends on the tempo markings, of course. It's quite possible to have a slow 2/2. The real difference is in the accents and the "fee


2004-07-28 Thread manboguudelu
突然のメールで申し訳ないと思っています。貴方が既婚者でも彼女がいてもかまいません!秘密は厳守します。 29歳バツイチです。3年前い主人を亡くし、仕事に明け暮れる毎日をおくっていました。 最初は話を聞いて頂くだけでもかまいません、ゆくゆくは心の許せる関係になっていければと思いメールをしました。貴方の周りには一切迷惑はかけるつもりもありません。よろしければお相手をして頂けませんでしょうか?もちろん貴方の時間を少しさいていただく分の希望額を用意します。それだけの時間も資金もあります…ただ私には欲求だけが満たされていません…。 私の心の穴を埋めて頂けませんか?1つだけ私の願いを叶えてください。いいお

Re: Band parts - a newbie's view

2004-07-28 Thread Christoph Ludwig
Hi, On Wed, Jul 28, 2004 at 05:09:49PM +0100, Ralph Little wrote: > Unless I'm mistaken, cut-common and common-time are actually different > things. > Cut-common is the same as 2/2 not 4/4, whereas common-time and 4/4 are > the same thing. I have also seen examples where common-time meant 4/2. I

Re: Band parts - a newbie's view

2004-07-28 Thread Ralph Little
Hi, Unless I'm mistaken, cut-common and common-time are actually different things. Cut-common is the same as 2/2 not 4/4, whereas common-time and 4/4 are the same thing. Cut-common is usually represented with a C with a slash through. Cut-common is often found in band parts and effectively doubles

Baroque tab

2004-07-28 Thread Jean-marc LEGRAND
Hi list ! I'm wondering how to create tabs for the Theorbe (7 stirngs for the small staff, and 7 for the grandstaff). I've read something p74 but it only concerns the guitezr. How can I adapt the number of lines and the notation style (letters instead of figures) ? Regards __

Re: Band parts - a newbie's view

2004-07-28 Thread lilypond
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: > [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: > > Two other annoyances (and in my mind they're UI blunders ...). > > Practically every piece of music I've played that has letter rehearsal > > marks DOES use the letter I. It's fine to have a default that doesn't, > > you have a point ther

Re: Band parts - a newbie's view

2004-07-28 Thread Werner LEMBERG
> > The other is, if I ask for a time signature of 3/4, that's what I > > get. Or 9/8. Or 6/8. Or 5/4 or almost anything. But if I ask for > > 2/2 or 4/4, then that's what I DON'T get. Bad bad bad! If I want > > common or cut-common, then I should be able to ask for that > > directly. And in my ex

Re: clef after bar

2004-07-28 Thread Erik Sandberg
On Tuesday 27 July 2004 22.28, Thorkil Wolvendans wrote: > Hi everyone! > > At a certain point in a composition, I try to make a new clef appear after > the barline instead of before, without a positive result. > Is it possible in Lily to achieve this? I searched the docs, but couldn't > find an an

Réf. : Raising markups

2004-07-28 Thread Jean-marc LEGRAND
Hi ! I've found this to put the mark wherever I want : \once \property Voice.TextScript \override #'extra-offset = #'(x . y) a2.^\markup {\italic {e}}. I adjust x and y after a few tries. Have some fun !

Band parts - a newbie's view

2004-07-28 Thread Han-Wen Nienhuys
[EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: > Two other annoyances (and in my mind they're UI blunders ...). > Practically every piece of music I've played that has letter rehearsal > marks DOES use the letter I. It's fine to have a default that doesn't, you have a point there. The first part I checked this in