In the on-line copy of the Reference Manual, find the section
on "Multi measure rests" (Use Manual -> Index). Then, click
on the link "The object for this object is MultiMeasureRest".
This will give you a list of all properties related to this
particular object type and somewhere in the list, you
On 11/6/2002 at 5:37 PM Mats Bengtsson wrote:
>This will give you a list of all properties related to this
>particular object type and somewhere in the list, you will
>find the property "expand-limit", which is exactly what you're
>looking for.
That's it! Thank you very much!
I'm been searching the documentation, trying to figure out why my 10 measure
rest (\property Score.skipBars = ##t R*10) was using a style I did not
want. I finally figured out that making it 11 measures gives me the style I
want, and anything over 10 gives me that style. Anything 10 and under gi
Hello. I'm new to Lilypond and am running version 1.4.10 on SUSE. I'm having difficulty with 2 things:
1. I want to redefine the tagline alignment - I want it centered. I tried using the 'self-alignment-X=(0) on the 'tagline = ' but that isn't correct. Where would I adjust this and what code w
Does anybody know how to widen or shorten the space between title
(...composer,instrument) and the fist staff?
I might want to know how to tune the spacing between staves as well.
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Many thanks Klaus.
My mistake was putting duff information in the e-mail ;)
I checked /etc/ and it contained /usr/local/lib.
However, running ldconfig cured the problem.
I'm not sure what the problem was in the end, but I will look into it a bit
Up and running! Wahay!
> >>\property Voice.Script \override #'padding = #2
> > How can I reset it?
> \property Voice.Script \revert #'padding
\once \property Voice.Script\override #'padding only does it once.
Han-Wen Nienhuys | [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
Andreas Loosen wrote:
\property Voice.Script \override #'padding = #2
This is easier to read, I think, since the upbow sign is above the slur.
Will the padding be global from this point onwards?
Yes, for scripts in that voice.
How can I reset it?
\property Voice.Script \revert #'padding
Thanks, Jan, thanks Mats,
> Would you please include a full snippet next time?
Sure, no problem.
> \property Voice.Script \override #'padding = #2
This is easier to read, I think, since the upbow sign is above the slur.
Will the padding be global from this point onwards?
How can I reset it?