> Hello.
> Please look at the attached bug report.
> Thank you.
> -p not found
> latex not found
> + type -p latex.exe
> -p not found
> latex.exe not found
1. Are you sure you ran setup as administrator? (If you run NT, 2000,
or XP)
2. It looks as if you
Mats Bengtsson wrote:
> Thanks for reminding us about the specifics of Guitar
> music typeseting but don't forget that there are
> different typesetting habits for different instruments.
> In violin parts, for example, I don't think I've ever
> seen fingerings in the middle of a stave.
> This used to work
> but doesn't any more, to bring the number down:
> \stemUp c^""_""_3
I found an other way. Seems like '^'-signs give bottom-aligned bounding
box above the note and '_'-signs top-aligned bounding boxes below the
note. In these limits one can write two lines of 'finger'
> Hello.
> Please look at the attached bug report.
> Thank you.
> -- Tim Duncan
> ===
> + echo
> + mkdir -p Timothy W. Duncan
I would recommend to avoid file and directory names with
spaces in them. This is interpreted as a request to create