Re: CG: fixed wrong link to Contact

2012-10-25 Thread James
Federico, On 24 October 2012 15:51, Federico Bruni wrote: > 2012/10/24 James : >> This passes a make doc - I checked just in case - I see no reason why >> you cannot just push this one char change directly to staging. > > I can't because I'm not on my laptop (until

Re: What happened to staging?

2012-10-30 Thread James
ng is in the same state as master, >> that is, the patches are no longer visible. >> >> What happenend to staging? > > I reset it upon James' request since he had pushed bad material. Since > his material was just at the top of staging, I found nothing wrong

Musicology Lectures

2012-11-04 Thread James
interesting lecture on the history of food publications. Regards James ___ lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: Moderation on lilypond-auto?

2012-11-12 Thread James
9% of the day there are no new commits and I don't know how to only send when something fails or is pushed. So i stopped sending anything, but it runs as normal. If I get any problems or notice any errors I pipeup on the list directly. So for staging - no news is good news. James __

Re: Moderation on lilypond-auto?

2012-11-12 Thread James
Hello, On 12 November 2012 18:12, David Kastrup wrote: > James writes: > >> Any reason you feel you need to do that - run patchy staging that is - >> I am permanently running every 2 hours. > > Huh, I thought I remembered that we had about two runs per day. Yes that wa

Re: Moderation on lilypond-auto?

2012-11-12 Thread James
Hello, On 12 November 2012 18:26, Phil Holmes wrote: > - Original Message - From: "James" > To: "David Kastrup" > Cc: > Sent: Monday, November 12, 2012 6:07 PM > Subject: Re: Moderation on lilypond-auto? > > >> Hello, >&g

Re: Doc: new syntax for \tweak, \override (2936) (issue 6852052)

2012-11-14 Thread James
Trevor, On 14 November 2012 16:44, wrote: > Reviewers: , > > Message: > @James > I'm afraid this patch-set will give you conflicts > in changing-defaults with your patch-set 6742057, > but as you "_expect_ to have lots of edits and go > through a few iterati

Re: new texinfo version

2012-11-24 Thread James
install them. Instead, you have to run an additional make command after the normal make install: make TEXMF=/your/texmf install-tex texinfo.tex is installed in ${TEXMF}/tex/texinfo/texinfo.tex, etc. --snip-- I am using LilyDev but is my 'texmf' the 'tex' dir in the to

Re: Fix for issue 2967 [was Re: Your Patches]

2012-11-26 Thread James
ook at (i.e. >>>> there are learning.bigtexi.log files in all the languages - most are 0 >>>> bytes). >>>> >>>> But it does stop make doc. >>> >>> Thanks James. I think this is because Documentation/nl/learning does >>> not co

Re: Python hacker emergency on git-cl

2012-12-02 Thread James
anged command line arguments... > >> Any Python hackers willing or able to take this on? > > Absolutely no python needed... > Obviously patchy cannot test this patch. So we're going to need to test this and verify this some other way. James __

Re: Python hacker emergency on git-cl

2012-12-02 Thread James
David, On 2 December 2012 08:55, David Kastrup wrote: > James writes: > ... > Well, I have been using it already, and it is clearly an improvement > over the previous situation, so it should be committed to git-cl, and > people should be encouraged to update their version of gi

Re: PATCH: Countdown to 20121220

2012-12-18 Thread James
Hello, On 19 Dec 2012, at 03:28, Colin Campbell wrote: > > Documentation: > Issue 3033: Doc: Usage - clarifying the documentation of advanced > command-line options - R 6938071 > Issue 3004: Web documentation needs updates - R 6949062 > Issue 3028: lyqi link from LP web site not va

Latest commit breaks master

2012-12-19 Thread James
x27;t something else? James ___ lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: Latest commit breaks master

2012-12-19 Thread James
Hello On 19 December 2012 08:11, James wrote: > Hello, > > author Jean-Charles Malahieude > Mon, 17 Dec 2012 18:23:13 + (19:23 +0100) > committer Jean-Charles Malahieude > Mon, 17 Dec 2012 18:23:13 + (19:23 +0100) > commit 12c6693055728e69dce5c4e5a4a

Re: Latest commit breaks master

2012-12-19 Thread James
Hello, On 19 December 2012 18:10, Jean-Charles Malahieude wrote: > Le 19/12/2012 12:14, David Kastrup disait : >> >> The following message is a courtesy copy of an article >> that has been posted to gmane.comp.gnu.lilypond.devel as well. >> >> >> James w

Re: please review: font OFL relicensing

2012-12-19 Thread James
; > James ___ lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: Latest commit breaks master

2012-12-19 Thread James
Hello, On 19 December 2012 20:21, David Kastrup wrote: > James writes: > >> You don't need to explain Jean-Charles, I was just making very >> uneducated observations/guesses. >> >> Anyway, regardless of this we had all agreed to not push anything >> dir

Re: Latest commit breaks master

2012-12-19 Thread James
ense thing through the wringer. James ___ lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: Latest commit breaks master

2012-12-19 Thread James
On 19 December 2012 22:58, James wrote: > Hello, > > On 19 December 2012 22:54, David Kastrup wrote: > > >> Thanks. By the way, is the 2-hourly run on right now? After fixing the >> docs and getting a successful make doc run (big time hole), I pushed to >> s

Re: midi2ly failure

2012-12-20 Thread James
pment in the future, it would be good for you to get familiar with our slightly idiosyncratic-but-it-works process as outlined above. I'd rather get something up for review for you than not. However I am not technically competent enough to review this, I

Patchy Merge not happening

2012-12-21 Thread James
won't be back until around midnight BST to check (another 8 or 9 hours from now). James ___ lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: Patchy email

2012-12-21 Thread James
____ That'll be why then. I haven't enabled patchy on my side to send the email when it fails, although I still cannot access my server remotely. James ___ lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: Patchy email

2012-12-21 Thread James
David, On 21 December 2012 16:22, Phil Holmes wrote: > - Original Message - From: "Phil Holmes" > To: "James" ; > Cc: > Sent: Friday, December 21, 2012 4:05 PM > > Subject: Re: Patchy email > > >> - Original Message - From: &qu

Re: Doc: CG Clarifying about Examples with overrides (issue 7013043)

2012-12-26 Thread James
ion is referring to if the scope of the quotation does not > allow deducing it. That's the 'antecedent' thingy I referred to. > Also, when only sentence parts are quoted and the > result would be ungrammatical, editorial insertions used for

Re: Doc: CG Clarifying about Examples with overrides (issue 7013043)

2012-12-26 Thread James
13043/ Is there any case where a snippet would not have the docs tag? James ___ lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: Issue 3061 (issue 7033045)

2013-01-03 Thread James
rather than changing anything about the tremolo > articulation itself. > > -zefram James ___ lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: How should tupletSpannerDuration actually work?

2013-01-12 Thread James
t; useful: >> >> >> > I think that looks OK? It can't put correct triplet brackets over the > crochets because the triplets are 1.5 crochets long. What do you think is > wrong? > > Does Mrs G in her book cover single note tuplet signifiers? I might expect fo

Re: grace notes break preceding ties in MIDI

2013-01-13 Thread James
follows a chord) to be > shortened, but it fails to check whether the Audio_note is part of a > tie. > > I have published my fix here and will submit to Rietveld soon: > > > Don't forget to open a tracker issue (use git-cl - which will open a tracker and Rietveld at the same time) as this is what is used for automated Patch testing. James ___ lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: [translations] Re: How to extract PDF of translated documentation?

2013-01-14 Thread James
ix a typo and don't update anything, _don't_ change the > committish in the document. > > Once a lot of checkins to translation have occurred, and someone decides it needs to be pushed to staging, does someone do a doc build first or what else happens? Is th

Re: For MIDI \unfoldRepeats, explicit \repeat volta in all voices is awkward

2013-01-16 Thread James
al work, is: > > workTempo = { > \tempo "Adagio" 2 = 68 > \time 2/2 > \repeat volta 2 { \repeat unfold 2 s1 } > \bar "|." > } > work = << > \new Dynamics \workTempo > \new ChoirStaff << ... >> > \new PianoStaff

Re: Question re pushing to staging

2013-01-19 Thread James
make, make test and make doc again (just to be sure) and then pushes to master. James ___ lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: Wording concerning figured bass in NR

2013-01-21 Thread James
hould I delete it? > > That section needs an overhaul. I didn't (still don't know) Ancient notation well enough to do much more than layout/section changes. But that would be a start. I'd go for a patch and assign it

Re: Wording concerning figured bass in NR

2013-01-21 Thread James
Hello, On 21 January 2013 15:50, Phil Holmes wrote: > - Original Message - From: James > To: Phil Holmes > Cc: Devel > Sent: Monday, January 21, 2013 3:43 PM > Subject: Re: Wording concerning figured bass in NR > > Phil, > >> >> On 21 Ja

Re: confessional (was Re: Configuring git-cl)

2013-01-26 Thread James
; staging, so at least the two are in sync, but I fear this *may* > confuse any automated test infrastructure which is normally > responsible for advancing master (I don't know how it's implemented so > can't be sure). > It didn't appear to break anything. It jus

Re: confessional (was Re: Configuring git-cl)

2013-01-26 Thread James
Hello, On 26 January 2013 15:47, David Kastrup wrote: > James writes: > > > I guess it might have been worse if you'd pushed to master and not > > staging as well when you realised your mistake, > > Worse? No. Diagnostics for a problematic situation? Yes. >

Re: CG: incomplete docs for procedure for issue resolution after pushing to staging

2013-01-29 Thread James
27;, and > violating the DRY rule increases the maintenance burden and also risks > information becoming out of date in one of the two places. Should > impatient git users even be allowed to push to staging? > > As long as someone who is not familiar with GIT or doesn'

Re: Patch meister position still vacant!!!

2013-02-11 Thread James
or Thursday since the Patch meister on that > day is less careful". > > Please consider pitching in here if you can see yourself able to do this > duty. > > I can do this. Although I thought that someone had already volu

Fwd: PATCH: Countdown for 20130215 - 12:00 GMT

2013-02-13 Thread James
Here is a list of the patches and their current status - next update 20130215. I thought I'd put all the patches that are now ready for review/in the countdown and ready to push in the same email. I am still working out my own personal workflow here (how I format, check, update etc), so bear with

Re: Patch meister position still vacant!!!

2013-02-14 Thread James
hello, On 14 February 2013 11:33, David Kastrup wrote: > Graham Percival writes: > > > On Tue, Feb 12, 2013 at 09:26:45AM +0100, David Kastrup wrote: > >> James writes: > >> > >> > Anyway, assuming that no one else offers, I'll take a

PATCH: Countdown to 20130219 - 19:00 GMT

2013-02-16 Thread James
*Countdown – 20130216 – 12:00 GMT* * * * * * * * * * * 3165 Enhancement David Kastrup push Patch: MultiMeasureTextEvent c

PATCH Countdown: 20130222 - 19:00 GMT

2013-02-19 Thread James
have gone to countdown technically but as they have had many changes/updates in the last 24 hours I feel they need to wait for the next countdown. Can someone push Aleksandr Andreev for him as he doesn't have push rights (at least looking at his last few commits - they have been pushed by oth

Re: who is doing patch-review -> patch-countdown

2013-02-19 Thread James
calm things down, but then you;d complain that you had to wait so long for a patch to get tested i expect. Come on. james ___ lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: who is doing patch-review -> patch-countdown

2013-02-19 Thread James
Hello, On 19 February 2013 22:25, David Kastrup wrote: > James writes: > > > And if David wants to use his dictator-powers that is his perogative. > > I don't have dictator powers for anything except nominally the stable > branch, just a +3 crown of overbearingn

PATCH: Countdown to Feb 25th 2013 - 19:00 GMT

2013-02-22 Thread James
abel%3APatch-review&sort=patch&colspec=ID%20Type%20Status%20Stars%20Owner%20Patch%20Needs%20Summary%20Modified> Enhancement Mike Solomon Needs_work Patch: Fixes annotate spacing James ___ lilypond-devel mailing list

Cannot Merge Staging

2013-02-24 Thread James
David, I am unable to merge staging with master as staging fails make. Same error as I reported in patch test for 3202. Commit has made it into staging;a=commit;h=1fc366d3002d654038489af1e6e0ee2ad6efa2bf Regards James

Re: can error messages output the measure number being processed?

2013-02-24 Thread James
* get you anything more useful? * * James ___ lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: Regtest 2.17.13

2013-02-25 Thread James
or cell diffs, that I zip and upload the test-results for others to look at. Do you know when the before and after would have been between the two as I could re-run a test patchy perhaps by reverting master and staging on my local server and then just explicitly testing the patch that might ha

PATCHES: Countdown to Sat 2nd March 07:00 GMT

2013-02-27 Thread James
*Countdown – March 2nd 2013 – 07:00 GMT* * * * * * * * * * * 3201 Enhancement David Kastrup Push Patch: Don't initi

Re: 2.17.13 fails to build with texinfo 5.0 installed (texinfo 4.13 works)

2013-02-28 Thread James
ror: > > > > > # > See this thread James ___ lilypond-devel mailing list

Cannot Merge Staging this mornining

2013-03-02 Thread James
Fails on Make. Only one commit in staging;a=commit;h=2ae751cb5169165c23e3b1a9a2da2182ef8c78ba --- Avoids measuring distances between empty and non-empty skylines staging authorMike Solomon Fri, 1 Mar 2013 21:42:44 + (22:42 +0100) commit

PATCH: Countdown for 5th March 2013 - 19:00 GMT

2013-03-02 Thread James
merge-staging will tick away as usual (2 hour cycle) but at the moment staging is 'broken' so you may have to wait until the broken checkin is reverted/fixed etc. and wait for the next cycle. I won't be around to check either way. Have a good Saturday everyone. James ___ lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: build: missing explicit dependency?

2013-03-03 Thread James
contain this I am not sure what Linux Dist you are using but did you follow the NR or are you getting the parts in a different way. Correct me if I have misunderstood though. James ___ lilypond-devel

Re: build: missing explicit dependency?

2013-03-03 Thread James
Hello (sorry to reply to myself) On 3 March 2013 13:51, James wrote: > Hello, > > > On 2 March 2013 16:54, Francisco Vila wrote: > >> Hello. When trying to build lilypond, I had to install the >> texlive-metapost package which the did not ask for. Is t

PATCHES: Countdown to March 8th - 19:00 GMT

2013-03-05 Thread James
ountdown&sort=patch&colspec=ID%20Type%20Status%20Stars%20Owner%20Patch%20Summary%20Modified> Enhancement David Kastrup Countdown Patch: Decouple \defaultchild from \accepts list in contexts 3134<

PATCHES: Countdown to 11 March 2013 - 19:00 GMT

2013-03-08 Thread James
eats 2785<> Ugly Mike Solomon Needs Work Hairpin minimum-length has not effect at end of line James ___ lilypond-devel mailing list

Staging broken - fails make doc

2013-03-09 Thread James
I'll take a look and see if I can see what it is. James ___ lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: Staging broken - fails make doc

2013-03-09 Thread James
Hello On 9 March 2013 21:44, James wrote: > I'll take a look and see if I can see what it is. > > James > It's in the French Translations --snip-- l.10 commande @cod @code{\tuplet}. < HERE! ? ./c2/lily-10413738.texidocfr:10: Emergency

Re: Suggested patch to make midiMaximumVolume take effect without initial dynamic

2013-03-10 Thread James
ain (so that you 'own' the Rietveld issue) instead of me (and will get notified of any updates without having to keep track of it manually). Regards James ___ lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: Suggested patch to make midiMaximumVolume take effect without initial dynamic

2013-03-10 Thread James
Hello, On 10 March 2013 21:58, Anders Pilegaard wrote: > On Sun, Mar 10, 2013 at 3:12 PM, James wrote: > >> >> You'll likely get (more) reviews and comments if you use our normal >> process, see: >> >> >>

Re: Freezing for 2.18

2013-03-11 Thread James
he week (it suits me) however I understand that a lot of developers don't have the same amount of time during the week as the weekend. I know that Colin previously did fixed days, which I could try if it would help and do no countdowns on Friday. I personally have no real preference and just find it easier on a 3-day-regardless of the day cycle. James ___ lilypond-devel mailing list

PATCHES: Countdown for March 14 - 19:00 GMT

2013-03-11 Thread James
3234<> Enhancement James Lowe review Make midiMaximumVolume take effect without initial dynamic 1698<http:/

PATCHES: Countdown for March 17th - 12:00 GMT

2013-03-13 Thread James
oint-and-click information for #xxx and $xxx 3234<> Enhancement c/o James Lowe countdown Make midiMaximumVolume take effect with

PATCHES - countdown for 20th March - 19:00 GMT

2013-03-17 Thread James
k information for #xxx and $xxx 3234<> Enhancement c/o James Lowe Push Make midiMaximumVolume take effect without

Re: Allows slurs to break at barlines. (issue 7424049)

2013-03-20 Thread James
we're trying to solve the wrong problem: we're trying to make > the name short at the expense of descriptiveness. Brevity is good, but a > top-level LilyPond function name has to describe what it does reasonably > accurately. > \pointAndClickOff :) James __

Re: Allows slurs to break at barlines. (issue 7424049)

2013-03-20 Thread James
two 'r's or two 'p's or both? ... are you sure? James ___ lilypond-devel mailing list

PATCHES: Countdown foe 23 March - 12:00 GMT

2013-03-20 Thread James
x Push configure should check if texlive-metapost is installed 3204<> Crash c/o James Lowe Push arti

PATCHES: Countdown - for March 26th 19:00GMT

2013-03-23 Thread James
&q=label%3APatch-review&sort=patch&colspec=ID%20Type%20Status%20Stars%20Owner%20Patch%20Needs%20Summary%20Modified> Ugly Mike Solomon review Fingering not aligning vertically between 2.16.2 and 2.17.14 Regression *Patches moved to 'Needs_work' this countdown*

Re: PATCHES: Countdown - for March 26th 19:00GMT

2013-03-23 Thread James
David, If you can send me a git formatted patch off of current master - I'll be happy to push it for you. james On 23 March 2013 12:53, David Nalesnik wrote: > > > On Sat, Mar 23, 2013 at 6:59 AM, James wrote: > >> Hello, >> >> *Coun

PATCHES: Countdown for 28th March - 19:00 GMT

2013-03-26 Thread James
lt;> Enhancement Janek Warchol Needs-work Patch: don't abort aligning when grob's parent is a PaperColumn Have fun James ___ lilypond-devel mailing list

PATCHES: Countdown for April 2nd - 19:00 GMT

2013-03-28 Thread James
Hello, Unless anyone wants to step up to the plate over easter, the next countdown will be April 2nd. I see a couple of patches that are new that I'll test before the end of the night otherwise, have a Happy Easter everyone. James *Countdown – April 2nd 2013 – 19:0

PATCHES: Countdown for April 5th - 19:00 GMT

2013-04-02 Thread James
etail?id=3256&q=label%3APatch-review&sort=patch&colspec=ID%20Type%20Status%20Stars%20Owner%20Patch%20Needs%20Summary%20Modified> Enhancement Mike Solomon Needs Work Patch: Eliminates side poisition calculations for system-start-text grobs. 3276<

Patch countdown postponed until April 6th (AM GMT)

2013-04-05 Thread James
Sorry for the inconvenience and short notice. James ___ lilypond-devel mailing list

PATCHES - Countdown for April 6th 2013

2013-04-06 Thread James
tars%20Owner%20Patch%20Needs%20Summary%20Modified> Documentation David Kastrup review NR 3.4.1: \layout block wrongly placed in a \book block causes error *Patches moved to 'Needs_work' this countdown* 3295<> Ugly Janek Warchol needs_work Change appearance of clef octavation James ___ lilypond-devel mailing list

PATCHES - Countdown for April 11th - 19:00 GMT

2013-04-08 Thread James> Enhancement Keith O'Hara Waiting space consecutive tempo marks 3293<

PATCHES: Countdown for April 14th - 19:00 GMT

2013-04-11 Thread James
tch-review&sort=patch&colspec=ID%20Type%20Status%20Stars%20Owner%20Patch%20Needs%20Summary%20Modified> Ugly Janek Warchol Needs Work Change appearance of clef octavation 3289<

Re: Wanting to be involved in lilypond project again

2013-04-12 Thread James
ee: and Texinfo 5.0 won't work (and I don't think anyone ever tried 4.14) with the current build env. There is no tracker I can see for this though

PATCHES: Countdown for April 17th - 19:00 GMT

2013-04-14 Thread James
*Countdown – April 17th 2013 – 19:00 GMT* * * * * * * * * 3301 Documentation Trevor Daniels Push Remove remaining use

PATCHES: Countdown for April 20th 2013 - 19:00 GMT

2013-04-17 Thread James
; Ugly Mike Solomon review Vertical skylines problems Regression *Patches moved to 'Needs_work' this countdown* 3308<> Enhancement Janek Warchol Needs Work Patch: Add changes entry for Mike's work on skylines. James ___ lilypond-devel mailing list

PATCHES - Countdown for April 23 - 19:00 GMt

2013-04-20 Thread James
%20Summary%20Modified> Enhancement Mike Solomon Needs Work Patch: Removes the translate_axis call from axis-group-interface outside-staff positioning. 2795<

Re: Point and Click does not work on Windows

2013-04-21 Thread James> > > so if you can run such a "system" call you should get this information back > > > Windows 7 SP1 or other. C:\Users\jlowe\Desktop>regQuery.bat Environment variable my not defined ? Am I supposed to run this bat fi

Re: Point and Click does not work on Windows

2013-04-21 Thread James
Hello, On 21 April 2013 11:56, Eluze wrote: > James wrote > > > > Am I supposed to run this bat file pre-edited or with an argument or > > something? > > hi James > > 2nd > > regQuery.bat > or > regQuery.bat "D:\data\…\

Re: Point and Click does not work on Windows

2013-04-21 Thread James
Hello, On 21 April 2013 13:18, Eluze wrote: > James wrote > > Hello, > > > > > > On 21 April 2013 11:56, Eluze < > > > eluzew@ > > > > wrote: > > > >> James wrote > >> > > >> > Am I supposed t

Re: Patchy email

2013-04-23 Thread James
ed my version of Ubuntu and probably getting hit by a bad library. > If someone else could check... > > Hmm.. Seems I turned off my patchy scripts for some maintenance and forgot to re-enable them. Sorry. They are back on now. Wait for 25 minutes to see if it merges. Else I'll let you know James ___ lilypond-devel mailing list

PATCHES: Countdown for April 25th - 19:00 GMT

2013-04-23 Thread James
Hello, I'll be able to squeeze in one more countdown in 2 instead of 3 days which I'll do. This might not be enough for everyone to review, so I'll hope those devs involved will make allowances for that. There's a mix of doc and complex (seemingly) patches that are going to be easy/difficult to

PATCHES: Countdown for April 28th

2013-04-25 Thread James
ch%20Summary%20Modified> Enhancement Mike Solomon Needs work Patch: Avoids direction checking for cross-staff side-support-elements 2658<> Defect David Kastrup Needs work wrong stem rendering (inconsistent thickness) Thanks James ___ lilypond-devel mailing list

PATCHES - Countdown for May 10 - 06:00 GMT

2013-05-07 Thread James
=ID%20Type%20Status%20Stars%20Owner%20Patch%20Needs%20Summary%20Modified> Defect David Kastrup review wrong stem rendering (inconsistent thickness) *Patches moved 'Needs work' this countdown* * * * * 3320<> Ugly Mike Solomon countdown Dynamic spanner vertical spacing Regression James ___ lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: Issue 3223 in lilypond: Document known issue with Ottava bracketin one voice

2013-05-08 Thread James
Hello, On 08/05/13 16:08, Trevor Daniels wrote: Phil, you wrote Wednesday, May 08, 2013 2:43 PM As Graham said, I could do "it" if I knew what "it" is. It might be worth raising this as an issue on the Google code tracker? I'm not sure what problem James is enco

Staging broken

2013-05-08 Thread James
p/build-lilypond-autobuild/out/share/lilypond/current/scm/define-grobs.scm:29:3: In expression (quasiquote (# # # ...)): /tmp/build-lilypond-autobuild/out/share/lilypond/current/scm/define-grobs.scm:29:3: Unbound variable: inherit-x-parent-visibility

The Little Schemer - 4th Edition - paperback - anyone want a copy

2013-05-08 Thread James
heir Snail Mail address will get it. -- Regards, James ___ lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: The Little Schemer - 4th Edition - paperback - anyone want a copy

2013-05-08 Thread James
Thanks to all who replied. I have a 'winner' - well done that person. I'll send it tomorrow James Original Message Subject: The Little Schemer - 4th Edition - paperback - anyone want a copy Date: Wed, 08 May 2013 19:35:27 +0100 From: James To: Dev Hel

PATCHES - countdown for May 13th - 06:00 GMT

2013-05-10 Thread James
Defect David Kastrup countdown wrong stem rendering (inconsistent thickness) 1669<> Ugly keith O'Ha

PATCHES - Countdown to May 16th - 06:00GMT

2013-05-13 Thread James
ror on unknown paper size Regression 3362<> Enhancement David Kastrup Review Patch: Let Stencil::add_stencil and

PATCHES: Countdown for May 19th - 06:00 GMT

2013-05-16 Thread James
pond/issues/detail?id=3330&q=label%3APatch-review&sort=patch&colspec=ID%20Type%20Status%20Stars%20Owner%20Patch%20Needs%20Summary%20Modified> Defect David Kastrup review bracketify-stencil moves grob's refpoint *Patches moved to 'Needs Work' this countdown* James ___ lilypond-devel mailing list

PATCHES: Countdown - May 22 - 06:00 GMT

2013-05-19 Thread James
gt; Documentation David Kastrup countdown Patch: Give additional info about Xpdf versions crashing under Ubuntu 3360<

PATCH MERGING - notification of 'downtime'

2013-05-21 Thread James
sure yet if I will be able to continue to run Patchy while this work is being done, but the estimated _maximum_ downtime' is from Wednesday AM until end of Friday when I get back from work - roughly 7-8pm GMT. I do apologize for the short notice and inconvenien

PATCHES: Countdown for May 25 - 06:00GMT

2013-05-21 Thread James
us%20Stars%20Owner%20Patch%20Summary%20Modified> 3255<> Defect Keith O'Hara countdown \with-dimensions do

Google Code changes

2013-05-23 Thread James I guess this affects us right? James ___ lilypond-devel mailing list

PATCHES: Countdown for May 28th - 06:00 GMT

2013-05-25 Thread James
ons doesn't affect the overall size of a TextScript Regression 3330<> Def

Re: Problem with Ubuntu Raring Ringtail?

2013-05-26 Thread James
"make doc" is dead for me right now. Not good. I don't have RR as a build env, but it is my core OS (well it's actually Xubuntu so I am not sure if that matters). --snip-- james@optiplex990:~/Desktop$ cat /etc/issue Ubuntu 13.04 \n \l --snip-- I downloaded the latest de

Re: Problem with Ubuntu Raring Ringtail?

2013-05-26 Thread James
On 26/05/13 20:01, David Kastrup wrote: James writes: David, On 26/05/13 17:39, David Kastrup wrote: Hi, I get a segfault within Ghostscript on a current Ubuntu system when I do lilypond -dpreview input/regression/ Appended. Anybody else who sees this problem? Or is it only my

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