Re: AUTHORS material (re)started

2009-12-04 Thread james
Graham Percival> writes: > > On Fri, Dec 04, 2009 at 12:34:34AM +, Graham Percival wrote: > > Sorry, now I'm doubting this. I've realized that we have lots of > other links on the web page without spelling them out like this. > Updating them all would be a fair-sized job,

Re: AUTHORS material (re)started

2009-12-04 Thread james
>Graham Percival> writes: > > Thanks, added! A few requests for next time: > ... No problem - just replying so you know I saw both threads. James ___ lilypond-devel mailing list http:

PATCHES - Countdown for February 12th

2020-02-12 Thread James [32] *** Regards, James Links: -- [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] http://codereview.appspot.c

Re: Staging broken.

2020-02-18 Thread James
his way I figured at least that I'd test most of the patch because it would still have to build the reg tests and the docs). So sorry for that. Obviously I need some education here. James --- Regards James

Re: Cross-staff spanners?

2020-03-03 Thread James
eventually can find the code review here James

PATCHES - Countdown for March 3rd

2020-03-03 Thread James
] 5740 Add post to defer context actions to end of time step - Dan Eble [38] [39] *** Regards, James Links: -- [1] [2] https://sourcefor

Re: [PATCH v1] Issue 3778: Use bounding box as skylines for markup in svg backend

2020-04-27 Thread James
Kevin, Is this patch read for full testing or is it work-in-progress you just want someone to comment on it? James On 25/04/2020 08:42, Kevin Barry wrote: Patch is attached to this mail as a file if that is more convenient. Kevin

PATCHES - Countdown for April 28th

2020-04-28 Thread James
:// 5936 Build slur skyline out of segments rather than boxes. - Han-Wen Nienhuys Waiting: No patches in Waiting at this time. *** Regards, James

Re: [PATCH v1] Issue 3778: Use bounding box as skylines for markup in svg backend

2020-04-28 Thread James
Hello Kevin, On 27/04/2020 18:07, Kevin Barry wrote: Hi James, Thank you for responding. On Mon, Apr 27, 2020 at 11:09:50AM +0100, James wrote: Is this patch read for full testing or is it work-in-progress you just want someone to comment on it? It's not work in progress no - unless so

Ghostcript warning about LinLibertine0 during make doc

2020-05-12 Thread James
ought I would mention it. I haven't noticed anything obvious in the resulting PDF - but then again I haven't looked that hard. regards James

Re: GitLab review email

2020-05-12 Thread James
;d just scan the conversation look for anything that sounded contentious or needing a decision. We always have lilypond-auto list perhaps that could be useful for something? James

Re: labels on GitLab

2020-05-12 Thread James
was't blind Valentin, He did explain why he reverted it. Be fair. We've all got to get used to this 'new' instance, and there will be some bumps before it is all smooth. I am sure Jonas will, once we see how it all pans out, suggest and get some doc done. Regards James

Re: labels on GitLab

2020-05-13 Thread James
x27; or 'duplicate' labels. While I know this may generate a lot of email noise, it will make things clearer for me. Ditto for those closed issues with 'review' label. James

PATCHES - Countdown for May 13th

2020-05-13 Thread James
alentin Villenave !3 Add dynamic-interface to keepAliveInterfaces - Jean Abou Samra Waiting: No patches in Waiting at this time. *** Regards, James

Re: Obstacles for using GitLab CI

2020-05-14 Thread James
On 14/05/2020 07:58, Jonas Hahnfeld wrote: Thanks for all the feedback so far, I'll then work to propose something simple that can at least get us started. Afterwards we can work from there. So for now I can just manually carry on running patchy-merge on staging as needed? James

Re: Obstacles for using GitLab CI

2020-05-14 Thread James
can-force-delete-not-just-revert' approach? Rather than just automate everything and if something brakes we checkin a reversion which then makes the tree not 100% compilable? I've liked that approach we take so far and it always instills a level of confidence about master. James

Re: Commit ID doesn't match with what is claimed to be pushed.

2020-05-14 Thread James
with when he came to do his cherry picking and had to fix it. So yes put in that new commit. See: James

Re: Commit ID doesn't match with what is claimed to be pushed.

2020-05-14 Thread James
blems with when he came to do his cherry picking and had to fix it. So yes put in that new commit. See: James

PATCHES - Countdown for May 15th

2020-05-15 Thread James
ond/lilypond/-/merge_requests/22 !4 Ensure having valid references to the position in the source file while... - Martin Neubauer New: No patches in New at this time. Waiting: No patches in Waiting at this time. *** Regards, James

Re: PATCHES - Countdown for May 15th

2020-05-15 Thread James
On 15/05/2020 14:16, Jonas Hahnfeld wrote: Am Freitag, den 15.05.2020, 13:44 +0100 schrieb James: Hello, Here is the current patch countdown list. The next countdown will be on May 17th. A list of all merge requests can be found here:

Re: PATCHES - Countdown for May 15th

2020-05-15 Thread 'James'
one that is rebased ready for pushing. What do you think? James

Re: PATCHES - Countdown for May 15th

2020-05-16 Thread 'James'
I'll let you and the developers figure that out, I can work with whatever I need to do. If it means I occasionally retest a patch twice, then so be it. No big deal. James

Re: Markup vertical alignment

2020-05-20 Thread James
around /null and spacing and there was a similar discussion about renaming it with regard to related 'null-ish' tricks s1*0 and <> I'll keep hunting to see if I can find it (in case it saves some time re-hashing old ground). James

PATCHES - Countdown for May 21st

2020-05-21 Thread James
nave !60 WIP: Resolve "Use templates for lots of conversions to SCM and back" - David Kastrup Waiting: No patches in Waiting at this time. *** Regards, James

Re: [RFC] Enabling GitLab CI

2020-05-21 Thread James
t some might want to care about. That doesn't mean I need to do it, but neither does it mean we need 'continuous' countdown (whatever that means). Thanks. James

PATCHES - Countdown for May 25th

2020-05-24 Thread James
4 !83 doc build cleanups - Han-Wen Nienhuys !71 Fix input/regression/ - Han-Wen Nienhuys Waiting: No patches in Waiting at this time. *** Regards, James

PATCHES - Countdown for June 2nd

2020-06-02 Thread James
in Waiting at this time. *** Regards, James

PATCHES - Countdown for June 16th

2020-06-16 Thread James
CI test one file without GS API - Jonas Hahnfeld *** Regards, James

PATCHES - Countdown for June 18th

2020-06-18 Thread James
// Waiting: No patches in Waiting at this time. *** Regards, James

Re: LilyPond | Pipeline #156017999 has failed for dev/hanwen/doc-build | 47b263b1 in !84

2020-06-18 Thread James
s are worth it for users - at least from the feedback we had when Hosoda-san came up with this. Maybe, if it is so slow (and I guess that is a relative term), he can improve it? James

Re: [RFC] Use GitLab Milestones

2020-06-23 Thread James
ight after the migration to GitLab, but now I finally had the chance to look into this with more detail. In particular we now seem to have a common naming for the labels in question (great work by James!) which makes scripting much more feasible. I've already started to write scripts to create

Re: [RFC] Use GitLab Milestones

2020-06-24 Thread James
tribute to the LP project so developers could get on with fixing issues. Regards James

PATCHES - Countdown for June 26th

2020-06-26 Thread James
. Waiting: No patches in Waiting at this time. *** Regards, James

Re: failing CI builds

2020-06-27 Thread James
oduleNotFoundError: No module named 'lilylib' .. for some snippets. But the script completes. Then I make clean test-clean and doc-clean and start a new make, make check and make doc (with the patch applied). It all completes without any problems. James Jonas

PATCHES - Countdown for June 28th

2020-06-28 Thread James
:// Waiting: !200 Add snippet translations - Han-Wen Nienhuys *** Regards, James

PATCHES - Countdown for June 30th

2020-06-30 Thread James
Move parallel processing to lilypond-book - Han-Wen Nienhuys !200 Add snippet translations - Han-Wen Nienhuys *** Regards, James

PATCHES - Countdown for July 8th

2020-07-08 Thread James
huys !200 Add snippet translations - Han-Wen Nienhuys *** Regards, James

PATCHES - Countdown for July 10th

2020-07-10 Thread James
/204 !202 Fix xrefs in learning manual - Han-Wen Nienhuys !200 Add snippet translations - Han-Wen Nienhuys *** Regards, James

PATCHES - Countdown for July 14th

2020-07-14 Thread James
e_requests/204 !202 Fix xrefs in learning manual - Han-Wen Nienhuys !200 Add snippet translations - Han-Wen Nienhuys *** Regards, James

PATCHES - Countdown for July 16th

2020-07-16 Thread James
/204 !202 Fix xrefs in learning manual - Han-Wen Nienhuys !200 Add snippet translations - Han-Wen Nienhuys *** Regards, James

PATCHES - Countdown for July 20th

2020-07-20 Thread James
d/lilypond/-/merge_requests/200 *** Regards, James

PATCHES - Countdown for July 22nd

2020-07-22 Thread James
/lilypond/-/merge_requests/200 *** Regards, James

PATCHES - Countdown for July 24th

2020-07-23 Thread James
quests/202 !200 Add snippet translations - Han-Wen Nienhuys !191 Use URW fonts instead of TeX Gyre as the default - Daniel Benjamin Miller *** Regards, James

Re: GSoC 2020: Shape-note notehead encoding

2020-07-24 Thread James
what the FLA stereotype is, as no one I know actually _comes_ from Florida. Hmm ... maybe *that's* the stereotype?!. :D James

PATCHES - Countdown for July 28th

2020-07-27 Thread James
huys !191 Use URW fonts instead of TeX Gyre as the default - Daniel Benjamin Miller *** Regards, James

Make doc and ghostscript warnings - cannot find TexGyre/Emmentaler

2020-07-28 Thread James
This software is supplied under the GNU AGPLv3 and comes with NO WARRANTY: see the file COPYING for details. Processing pages 1 through 7. Page 1 Can't find (or can't open) font file /usr/share/ghostscript/9.50/Resource/Font/Emmentaler-20. Loading Emmentaler-20 font from /home/james/lilypon

PATCHES - Countdown for July 30th

2020-07-30 Thread James
m/lilypond/lilypond/-/merge_requests/204 !202 Fix xrefs in learning manual - Han-Wen Nienhuys !200 Add snippet translations - Han-Wen Nienhuys *** Regards, James

Re: `make all` too verbose after merge #84

2020-08-04 Thread James
it in the morning; however, inspite of having a really large scrolling buffer of 1 lines, this was not sufficient to scroll up to the more interesting information. Please fix this. Did you not get this before !84? I am pretty sure I have been seeing these page counts for a while. James

Re: `make all` too verbose after merge #84

2020-08-05 Thread James
Hello On 05/08/2020 11:01, Federico Bruni wrote: On Wed, 5 Aug, 2020 at 07:53, James wrote: I am pretty sure I have been seeing these page counts for a while. Me too. I think it happens when you have extractpdfmark installed. yes that is correct - I remember now. You can uninstall it if

Re: `make all` too verbose after merge #84

2020-08-05 Thread James
pdftex installed! extractpdfmark not tex (I assume that comment was a typo?) anyway with it installed you will get those messages, without you won't (or at least I did not). and it has been a thing for me for a lot longer than 3 weeks. James

PATCHES - Countdown for August 6th

2020-08-06 Thread James
ts/204 !202 Fix xrefs in learning manual - Han-Wen Nienhuys *** Regards, James

Re: collision \breathe with accidentals

2020-08-07 Thread James
is another manifestation of that age-old dotted rest problem that plagued the reg tests for years that was fixed end of last year (but I forget by who - Thomas?) where the dot would move sometimes and sometimes not affecting random reg tests? James

PATCHES - Countdown for August 12th

2020-08-11 Thread James
ond/-/merge_requests/204 *** Regards, James

PATCHES - Countdown for August 18th

2020-08-18 Thread James
Waiting: !204 Move parallel processing to lilypond-book - Han-Wen Nienhuys *** Regards, James

PATCHES - Countdown for August 20th

2020-08-20 Thread James
ys *** Regards, James

PATCHES - Countdown for August 24th

2020-08-24 Thread James
parallel processing to lilypond-book - Han-Wen Nienhuys *** Regards, James

PATCHES - Countdown for August 26th

2020-08-26 Thread James *** Regards, James

PATCHES - Countdown for September 3rd

2020-09-03 Thread James
Waiting: !344 WIP: fully qualify doc includes. - Han-Wen Nienhuys !204 Move parallel processing to lilypond-book - Han-Wen Nienhuys *** Regards, James

Re: Use of ly:expect-warning in regtests

2020-10-02 Thread James
Hello On 02/10/2020 14:34, Michael Käppler wrote: Maybe James can tell us, why running the regtests with 'warning-as-error #t was never realized. I cannot. I was never part of those decisions. Sorry. James

PATCHES - Countdown for October 13th

2020-10-13 Thread James
- Han-Wen Nienhuys *** Regards, James

Re: Thread about development on -user

2020-10-19 Thread James
developers if they are not subscribed to the user list. If this is really a discussion about development and should be on this list, I'd recommend it was 'moved' over to the correct email list, if only to discourage this becoming the norm. James

PATCHES - Countdown for October 29th

2020-10-29 Thread James
/-/merge_requests/344 !204 Move parallel processing to lilypond-book - Han-Wen Nienhuys *** Regards, James

Laptop 'broken' - make check no possible at this time

2020-11-11 Thread James
ry sorry for the inconvenience. James

Re: Laptop 'broken' - make check no possible at this time

2020-11-18 Thread James
Hello, On 11/11/2020 17:38, Jonas Hahnfeld wrote: Hi James, all, Am Mittwoch, den 11.11.2020, 10:48 + schrieb James: Hello, Last night my laptop's CPU fan stopped working (in quite spectacular and noisy fashion!). Looks like I am back in action - the replacement part arrived toda

PATCHES - Countdown for November 24th

2020-11-24 Thread James
metric files in advance - Werner Lemberg New: No patches in New at this time. Waiting: !511 compile.itexi: Update requirements - Werner Lemberg *** Regards, James

Re: Advancing to Patch::review

2020-12-03 Thread James
of setting patches from 'new' to 'review', because the frequency of somebody 'passing by' can vary to a great extent and sometimes shared responsibility is noone's responsibility :) Yes the classic 'Bystander Effect' problem. James, what is your opi

Re: Advancing to Patch::review

2020-12-03 Thread James
might be useful to someone ('perfect enemy of good' and all that). James

Re: Advancing to Patch::review

2020-12-03 Thread James
rted, not yet completed or have failed make doc are filtered out when I run the useful 'countdown' script Jonas did for us (me) that I use to generate the countdown email and also to see which patches I needed to test. James

Re: Advancing to Patch::review

2020-12-03 Thread James
rted, not yet completed or have failed make doc are filtered out when I run the useful 'countdown' script Jonas did for us (me) that I use to generate the countdown email and also to see which patches I needed to test. James

PATCHES - Countdown for December 4th

2020-12-04 Thread James
ement FingerGlideSpanner - Thomas Morley Waiting: No patches in Waiting at this time. *** Regards, James

PATCHES - Countdown for December 10th

2020-12-11 Thread James
from std-vector.hh - Jonas Hahnfeld New: No patches in New at this time. Waiting: No patches in Waiting at this time. *** Regards, James

PATCHES - Countdown for December 22nd

2020-12-22 Thread James
:// Review: No patches in Review at this time. New: No patches in New at this time. Waiting: No patches in Waiting at this time. *** Regards, James

PATCHES - A Christmas Countdown for December 24th

2020-12-24 Thread James
Hahnfeld Waiting: No patches in Waiting at this time. *** Regards and Happy Christmas everyone! James

PATCHES - Countdown for December 26th

2020-12-26 Thread James
New: !559 HOWTO.index: Updated. - Werner Lemberg Waiting: No patches in Waiting at this time. *** Regards, James

PATCHES - Countdown for December 28th

2020-12-28 Thread James
Lemberg New: No patches in New at this time. Waiting: No patches in Waiting at this time. *** Regards, James

PATCHES - Countdown for December 30th

2020-12-30 Thread James
: No patches in New at this time. Waiting: No patches in Waiting at this time. *** Regards, James

PATCHES - Countdown for January 1st.

2021-01-01 Thread James
.*** Regards, James

Re: state of the ’Pond for earnest tadpoles

2021-01-02 Thread James
single CPU on an 'old' i5 Intel system a full make doc for me took less than 50 mins. That last time it took longer than an hour was when I had an old (8+ years ago) iMac running make doc in a linux VM. James

Re: state of the ’Pond for earnest tadpoles

2021-01-02 Thread James
Hello On 02/01/2021 14:07, Trevor wrote: James wrote 02/01/2021 13:41:06 On 02/01/2021 12:20, Thomas Morley wrote: A full `make doc` takes hours for me, even if invoked with `make doc -j5 CPU_COUNT=5` Thus I hardly do so, but use the CG-documented methods: Hours? Really? Perhaps 'an

Re: state of the ’Pond for earnest tadpoles

2021-01-02 Thread James
On 02/01/2021 15:38, Kieren MacMillan wrote: I’m using an 11-year old iMac, running LilyDev in a Linux VM. =) Oh .. OK. Yeah. Don't make doc. %^) James

PATCHES - Countdown for January 3rd

2021-01-03 Thread James
quests/580 !574 Add ly:smob-counts, a histogram of live smob types - Han-Wen Nienhuys New: No patches in New at this time. Waiting: No patches in Waiting at this time. *** Regards, James

Re: state of the ’Pond for earnest tadpoles

2021-01-03 Thread James
Hello On 02/01/2021 16:58, Thomas Morley wrote: Am Sa., 2. Jan. 2021 um 14:41 Uhr schrieb James : On 02/01/2021 12:20, Thomas Morley wrote: A full `make doc` takes hours for me, even if invoked with `make doc -j5 CPU_COUNT=5` Thus I hardly do so, but use the CG-documented methods: Hours

PATCHES - Countdown for January 5th

2021-01-05 Thread James
:// *** Regards, James

PATCHES - Countdown for January 7th

2021-01-07 Thread James
patches in Review at this time. New: No patches in New at this time. Waiting: !592 Speed up -ddebug-gc-assert-parsed-dead - Han-Wen Nienhuys *** Regards, James

PATCHES - Countdown for January 9th

2021-01-09 Thread James
. Waiting: !592 Speed up -ddebug-gc-assert-parsed-dead - Han-Wen Nienhuys *** Regards, James

PATCHES - Countdown for January 11th

2021-01-10 Thread James
!592 Make -ddebug-gc-assert-parsed-dead more robust. - Han-Wen Nienhuys New: No patches in New at this time. Waiting: No patches in Waiting at this time. *** Regards, James

PATCHES - Countdown for January 13th

2021-01-12 Thread James
. Waiting: No patches in Waiting at this time. *** Regards, James

Pop up from Gitlab about Job artifacts expiring

2021-01-15 Thread James
before. So in case this means something to someone or it matters, I thought I'd mention it. James

PATCHES - Countdown for January 15th

2021-01-15 Thread James
not change with visibility - Dan Eble Review: No patches in Review at this time. New: No patches in New at this time. Waiting: No patches in Waiting at this time. *** Regards, James

Re: Pop up from Gitlab about Job artifacts expiring

2021-01-15 Thread James
eated without them. Find out more details and why this benefits all @gitlab <> users via our blog <>. --snip-- On 15/01/2021 09:07, James wrote: Hello, I suddenly started

PATCHES - Countdown for January 17th

2021-01-17 Thread James
parse input - Werner Lemberg New: No patches in New at this time. Waiting: No patches in Waiting at this time. *** Regards, James

PATCHES - Countdown for January 19th

2021-01-19 Thread James
in Waiting at this time. *** Regards, James

PATCHES - Countdown for January 21st

2021-01-21 Thread James
No patches in New at this time. Waiting: No patches in Waiting at this time. *** Regards, James

PATCHES - Countdown for January 23rd

2021-01-23 Thread James
directions - David Stephen Grant Review: No patches in Review at this time. New: No patches in New at this time. Waiting: No patches in Waiting at this time. *** Regards, James

PATCHES - Countdown for January 25th

2021-01-25 Thread James
in New at this time. Waiting: No patches in Waiting at this time. *** Regards, James

PATCHES - Countdown for January 27th.

2021-01-27 Thread James
endpoints to be aligned to NoteColumn directions - David Stephen Grant Review: No patches in Review at this time. New: No patches in New at this time. Waiting: No patches in Waiting at this time. *** Regards, James

PATCHES - Countdown for January 29th.

2021-01-29 Thread James
. New: No patches in New at this time. Waiting: No patches in Waiting at this time. *** Regards, James

PATCHES - Countdown for January 31st

2021-01-31 Thread James
ehead attachment points separately - Owen Lamb New: No patches in New at this time. Waiting: No patches in Waiting at this time. *** Regards, James

Re: who needs script `update-patch-version`?

2021-02-01 Thread James
isted in our style guide. When everyone is a doc editor, no one is a doc editor right? James

PATCHES - Countdown for February 2nd

2021-02-02 Thread James
**** Regards, James

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