Le 19/12/2022 à 01:59, Eduardo Ochs a écrit :
Can anyone give me some examples of how to use the REPL to inspect
some interesting variables and data structures? I am hoping to get
something like a 5-line demo that I can use as a starting point...
This is a late reply, but try this:
\version "2
Dear lilypond developers, Dear Mr. Hassan El Fatihi,
I am the developer that made the last major contributions to
ly/arabic.ly and I am using lilypond very frequently and can say that I
am a big fan of it. Sadly, I've recently found out that arabic.ly
apparently is not the favourable way for writi
On 12/28/2022 10:17 AM, Amir Czwink wrote:
new contributions with (I'm sorry but thats the truth)
bad quality over proven ones, that have been existing since 2008 at
least, have been included into lilypond without questioning its
Producing sheet music for music traditions outside of Lil
>> new contributions with (I'm sorry but thats the truth) bad quality
>> over proven ones, that have been existing since 2008 at least, have
>> been included into lilypond without questioning its purpose
> (1) Take the specialist's proposal at face value, beyond obvious and
> immediate problems
On 12/28/2022 4:09 PM, Werner LEMBERG wrote:
asking you or others
Who else do we have?
Hans Åberg?
Adam Good?
Graham Breed?
I lose track of their alignments with Turkish vs Persian vs Arabic music.
Karlin High
Missouri, USA
Le 25/12/2022 à 21:01, Paolo Prete a écrit :
Thanks as always for your help, and also for the snippet you provided.
You're right it's not usual to do that override twice for the same
grob, and I'll update you with a concrete test-case in which the
mentioned issue happens, so to see if we have
Here is the current countdown report.
The next countdown will begin on December 30th, and extend into the new
A list of all merge requests can be found here:
!1778 Scheme-ify (and improve) Measure_gro
I have just opened issues for the missing features of
the Cairo backend that I am aware of.