Re: lilypond.pdf size?

2009-03-03 Thread Valentin Villenave
2009/3/3 John Mandereau : > I'm not sure the hoster of this new web platform would have reasonably > enough bandwith for > massive downloading of 13 MB lilypond.pdf; however, I guess it is OK to use > Hm, I'm not sure what amount of bandwidth we are talking about. They do

Re: lilypond.pdf size?

2009-03-03 Thread Graham Percival
On Tue, Mar 03, 2009 at 02:45:11AM -0300, Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote: > Specifically, I am thinking of: > > - splitting the document, or is only the NR, which is already split up. I'm surprised it's so big, though. Anybody want to investigate why? (does it include the IR or something w

Re: lilypond.pdf size?

2009-03-03 Thread Francisco Vila
2009/3/3 Graham Percival : > The TODO list for the website redesign already includes removing > the pdf links from the main doc page and making it a tarball > instead. How would this decrease the bandwidth requirements? It'll rather increase it, because for a given person there are many unwanted p

Re: Enabling item-interface

2009-03-03 Thread Carl D. Sorensen
On 3/2/09 10:20 PM, "Patrick McCarty" wrote: > Hi Carl, > > I'm not really sure what to suggest, but I can point out a couple of > things. > > On Mon, Mar 02, 2009 at 09:05:29PM -0700, Carl D. Sorensen wrote: >> >> I've added the item-interface to the fretboard grob: >> >>(FretBoard >>

Re: Enabling item-interface

2009-03-03 Thread Carl D. Sorensen
On 3/2/09 11:37 PM, "Joe Neeman" wrote: > On Mon, 2009-03-02 at 21:05 -0700, Carl D. Sorensen wrote: >> I'm working to enable the chordChanges property for a FretBoards object. >> >> I've changed the fretboard-engraver to keep track of the last fretboard, >> using the chord-name-engraver as a

Re: lilypond.pdf size?

2009-03-03 Thread Han-Wen Nienhuys
On Tue, Mar 3, 2009 at 6:23 AM, Valentin Villenave wrote: > 2009/3/3 John Mandereau : >> I'm not sure the hoster of this new web platform would have reasonably >> enough bandwith for >> massive downloading of 13 MB lilypond.pdf; however, I guess it is OK to use >> > > Hm,

[PATCH] Add chordChanges property to FretBoard grobs

2009-03-03 Thread Carl D. Sorensen
Please review the patch I have just placed on Rietveld: The patch adds chordChanges capability to FretBoard grobs to match the functionality of ChordName grobs. Thanks, Carl ___ lilypond-devel mailing list lily

2.13.0 source archive

2009-03-03 Thread Chris Snyder
When I browse the download site, the source for 2.13.0 is at rather than Perhaps someone did a "cp lilypond-2.13.0.tar.gz [...]/sources/v2.13 before creating the v2.13

Add chordChanges capability to FretBoard grobs

2009-03-03 Thread joeneeman
lgtm ___ lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: Proposal for resolving Half/Quarter note ambiguity on pure tablature staves (with partial code mod)

2009-03-03 Thread demery
Historical lute tablature notation had a number of issues to deal with when it came to indication of rhythm. Remember that this was the late renaissance, at a time when the notation was being simplified (see Thomas Morley, _A Plain and Easy Introductiuon to Practical Music_. A Composer then had a

Re: Add chordChanges capability to FretBoard grobs

2009-03-03 Thread n . puttock File input/new/ (right): Line 8: \version "2.13.0" "2.13.1" File input/regression/ (right): http://c

Re: lilypond.pdf size?

2009-03-03 Thread Ivo Bouwmans
Hallo all, Han-Wen Nienhuys schreef / wrote / skribis: Also, for some reason lots of people download the darwin/x86 version from Is there some sort of file tracker (versiontracker?) that is using as canonical site? That might be because

Re: lilypond.pdf size?

2009-03-03 Thread Francisco Vila
2009/3/3 Han-Wen Nienhuys : >  (user/pw stats/stats) > > Total B/W for is 250 Gb/month currently. we're on a shared host > with a 1 Tb limit.  The PDFs are 20 Gb of that. > > Also, for some reason lots of people download the darwin/x86 version > from lilypond

Re: Proposal for resolving Half/Quarter note ambiguity on pure tablature staves (with partial code mod)

2009-03-03 Thread Neil Puttock
2009/3/2 Ricdude : > Ian Hulin> writes: > >> > What I'd like to have output is something like: >> > >> >         __        _ >> >         |     |   |  _| >> > -+--|-|---|---| >> > -+--|-|---|---| >> > -+--|-|---|---| >> > --2--+--2-2---2.--2

Re: Proposal for resolving Half/Quarter note ambiguity on pure tablature staves (with partial code mod)

2009-03-03 Thread Ricdude
Neil Puttock> writes: > I'm not sure it's the right approach to include conditional code in > the backend which is dependent on the context; it would be simpler to > set the flag type using a callback for the Stem object. > > If you have a look at the News page for version 2.12, you'll