Laura Conrad wrote:
> Trevor> I know essentially nothing about ancient music,
> Trevor> but as these examples were set by experts I assume
> Trevor> they know what should be done. I doubt that
> Trevor> ancient music was ever typeset using modern
> Trevor> lyric spacing hyphen
> "Trevor" == Trevor Daniels writes:
Trevor> Mark Polesky wrote Tuesday, July 14, 2009 7:38 AM
>> I think the "Salve, "Regína" example in NR 2.8 "Ancient Notation"
>> would be improved by using LyricHyphens. For example, instead of
>> "Sal- ve, Re- gí- na," use "Sal -- ve, Re
Mark Polesky wrote Tuesday, July 14, 2009 7:38 AM
I think the "Salve, "Regína" example in NR 2.8 "Ancient Notation"
would be improved by using LyricHyphens. For example, instead of
"Sal- ve, Re- gí- na," use "Sal -- ve, Re -- gí -- na,".
Unless there's some ancient hyphen typesetting conventio
I think the "Salve, "Regína" example in NR 2.8 "Ancient Notation"
would be improved by using LyricHyphens. For example, instead of
"Sal- ve, Re- gí- na," use "Sal -- ve, Re -- gí -- na,".
Unless there's some ancient hyphen typesetting convention that I
don't know about. The file involved is