Graham Percival <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Nicolas Sceaux wrote:
>> Here is a documentation for the two-pass spacing technique.
>> Would an English speaking person review it before I commit it?
> Thanks! I made two changes (below); please commit.
Thanks (I'll commit this week end)
> One
Nicolas Sceaux wrote:
Here is a documentation for the two-pass spacing technique.
Would an English speaking person review it before I commit it?
Thanks! I made two changes (below); please commit.
One question, though: what's the difference between two-pass spacing and
Here is a documentation for the two-pass spacing technique.
Would an English speaking person review it before I commit it?
Index: page.itely
RCS file: /cvsroot/lilypond/lilypond/Documentation/user/page.itely,v