We now have the formula on homebrew core.
I invite macOS users (mojave or higher) with Intel or M1 processors to test
it with:
brew install lilypond
Em sáb., 2 de out. de 2021 às 23:46, Jefferson Felix
> Ok, I understand, but strict homebrew core rules require me to submit a
> test th
Ok, I understand, but strict homebrew core rules require me to submit a
test that fails with guile 2 and passes with guile 1.8. In this case, we
will use guile 2 until a more serious issue is reported.
Em sáb., 2 de out. de 2021 17:04, Jonas Hahnfeld
> Am Donnerstag, dem 30.09
Am Donnerstag, dem 30.09.2021 um 18:34 -0300 schrieb Jefferson Felix:
> Dear developers,
> We have been working the last few days on homemade formulas for TeXLive (
> https://github.com/Homebrew/homebrew-core/pull/83738) and Lilypond (
> https://github.com/Homebrew/homebrew-core/pull / 85024) .
Ok! I think we will merge lilypond in homebrew@core in the next week.
I was thinking about waiting for the opinion from this community about
guile 2, but in case there aren't any more manifestations, we will be
publishing lilypond with guile 2 in homebrew in that way.
The most complex job to make t
On Sep 30, 2021, at 17:34, Jefferson Felix wrote:
> Therefore, I would like your opinion if we can continue with Guile 2, even
> if this homebrew distribution is not an official distribution, or if you
> could demonstrate, with examples, known issues in compiling sheet music
> with Guile 2.
Dear developers,
We have been working the last few days on homemade formulas for TeXLive (
https://github.com/Homebrew/homebrew-core/pull/83738) and Lilypond (
https://github.com/Homebrew/homebrew-core/pull / 85024) . The Lilypond
formula relies on the TeXLive formula to build, which is practicall